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Conquest Hard Mode


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I wanted some feedback on the basic team I had planned. Any criticisms and critiques are welcome, as I want to build a team that I know will be good enough (at least one that a novice like myself can use) to get me through hard mode. This is on a basis of stats and effective growths, rather than optimal skills. I don't go crazy with reclassing unless it's convenient. Also, I'm thinking Magic boon for Corrin, but not sure on what an effective bane would be. But if a different boon is better, that works too. I'm biased and like the dragonstone.

Corrin - Nohr Prince - Nohr Noble - Swords, Tomes, Dragonstones
Azura - Songstress - Lances
Felicia - Maid - Daggers, Staves
Elise - Troubadour - Strategist - Tomes, Staves
Effie - Knight - Great Knight - Swords, Lances, Axes
Niles - Outlaw - Adventurer - Bows, Staves
Odin - Dark Mage - Dark Falcon - Lances, Tomes
Kaze - Ninja - Mechanist - Bows, Daggers
Camilla!Velouria - Wolfskin - Wolfssegner - Beaststones
Effie!Percy - Wyvern Rider - Wyvern Lord - Lances, Axes
Elise!Ophelia - Dark Mage - Sorcerer - Tomes
Charlotte!Soleil - Mercenary - Hero - Swords, Axes
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When in doubt, Luck Bane.

Everything looks pretty good. Surprisingly sparse on Horses (I don't really count Mechanist as a Horse), which I actually think is refreshing

A couple recommendations

- You'll definitely want to use Camilla enough to give Velouria either Savage Blow or Trample. Of the 2, I think Trample would work best, giving her a damage boost against most anything when combined with her innate Beastbane

- Have Percy dip into his Hero tree when you can. He really likes HP+5 and Sol. I had mine as a Berserker in my Conquest!Hard run (he replaced his dad) and it was glorious. He and Velouria were a good couple

- If you want to run both Odin and Ophelia, I'd say you might want to flip their classes. Alternatively, Witch is basically just an even more offensive Sorcerer, so that's open to Ophelia.

- Conquest's Mages hit hard enough so that Master Ninja!Kaze is probably his better promotion. Mechanist is great in certain Chapters, but in general, I'd say he get's more mileage out of Master Ninja (I like it's Skills way better too, Replicate be damned)

- If you're willing to add him/dump someone for him, Xander is pretty great. His crazy Defense and Siegfried can be pretty invaluable late game. Hero!Xander (via Buddy with Laslow or S Ranking Selena) is a personal favorite, as he makes crazy good use of Merc Skills and Sol.

Edited by Avalanche
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Corrin - If you REALLY like that Dragonstone, go with -Luck. Dragonstone gives +10 Avoid.

Elise - Have her dip into Maid to get Live to Serve, so you can use her as bait.

Odin - is happier as a Sorcerer, due to Nosfertanking being A Thing still (not as effective, but it still works). Ophelia should work as a Dark Flier in his stead.

Kaze - Mechanist gets to shine in, like, three chapters tops. Master Ninja gives better pair-up bonuses IMO, and Lethality/Shurikenfaire outweigh Golembane/Replicate. Or, you can boot him in favor of Keaton.

Velouria - Makes a really good Berserker. If you insist on having a Wolfssenger, use Keaton. Beastrune solves a lot of durability problems.

Soliel - If you booted Kaze, reclass her to Master Ninja, and pair her up with her mother. She'll hit harder than Kaze, and her personal skill is amazing.

Anyway, try to take advantage of reclassing. You don't need to overdo it, but it helps. Of your list, I'd kick Felicia and add Xander. Hidden weapons are nice, but a 1-2 range sword with defensive bonuses on top of Xander's bases is a godsend (if he manages to get Luna, it's even more hilarious).

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I wanted some feedback on the basic team I had planned. Any criticisms and critiques are welcome, as I want to build a team that I know will be good enough (at least one that a novice like myself can use) to get me through hard mode. This is on a basis of stats and effective growths, rather than optimal skills. I don't go crazy with reclassing unless it's convenient. Also, I'm thinking Magic boon for Corrin, but not sure on what an effective bane would be. But if a different boon is better, that works too. I'm biased and like the dragonstone.

Corrin - Nohr Prince - Nohr Noble - Swords, Tomes, Dragonstones
Azura - Songstress - Lances
Felicia - Maid - Daggers, Staves
Elise - Troubadour - Strategist - Tomes, Staves
Effie - Knight - Great Knight - Swords, Lances, Axes
Niles - Outlaw - Adventurer - Bows, Staves
Odin - Dark Mage - Dark Falcon - Lances, Tomes
Kaze - Ninja - Mechanist - Bows, Daggers
Camilla!Velouria - Wolfskin - Wolfssegner - Beaststones
Effie!Percy - Wyvern Rider - Wyvern Lord - Lances, Axes
Elise!Ophelia - Dark Mage - Sorcerer - Tomes
Charlotte!Soleil - Mercenary - Hero - Swords, Axes

For Corrin that's about as standard as you can get, which is fine, but if you have the funds or DLC items handy I'd start swapping into other classes for skills once you get Draconic Hex. Nohrian trust is amazingly abusable for stuff like PvP/My Castle, but it's harder to make it shine in the main campaign imo, and there are a ton of other skills worth picking up. Don't let all those dead levels go to waste!

Azura is Azura, not much else to go by here, she's honestly just best as a songstress imo.

One thing to note about felicia is that she and jakob both come with I believe 4 Eternal seals innately (which really threw me off at first, I thought maid was one of the level 40 base classes), which gives her a lot of room/time to get other class skills.

Elise is great early for her amazing passive, but later I would consider swapping her out for one of the kid healers, since they typically have better stats overall and MUCH better weapon proficiencies from the child seals. Nina/Forrest are both excellent Candidates.

Effie - fine, no comment.

Niles I would make a bow knight for sure, since it helps his flagging strength growth and gets you shurikenbreaker, which will be really helpful later on.

Odin I would keep a sorc. He's the best default tank mage in the game, and conveniently has easy access to nosferatu to make it click.

Kaze I would keep Master Ninja or Dread Fighter and moonlight into mechanist to snag replicate and then bail.

Velouria as others have said should get trample or savage blow, but trample is the better option, simply because velouria doesn't gain any benefit of %HP damage when she kills everything.

Percy - no comment

Ophelia - Sorc is fine, as is witch.

Soleil - Keep in mind Soleil naturally has access to merc/hero, so all you get with Charlotte mom is berserker. This isn't a bad class by any means but it does lose you some flexibility.

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