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Depends. Children are at their strongest when both their parents are well above the child's initial level, rather than their actual gains. It also depends if you can fit her in your army and if you can give her weapons and if buying her a Master Seal won't be too expensive later on. Another good reason to wait is to let the parents get their level 5 skills, but if you want to buy skills online that's fine too.

I always use Sophie whenever I can and when I do I make her a Hero and A+ her with Velouria because they both give each other great stats on Guard Stance and because Sophie will get both the Mercenary and the Fighter that way. You kinda need more sword users in Conquest that aren't married to a Prf sword, Strong Riposte and Elbow Room both stack and with that A+ she'll get tons of neat skills: Elbow Room, Shelter, Strong Riposte, Sol, HP +5, Gamble, + whatever her parents give.

She's cute as hell too.

Edited by SalShich10N
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I feel like Mozu should be Silas' wife. Other than that I guess its okay...?

I've already done Mozu!Sophie a couple of times. I'm justbtrying to mix up the pairings.

Personally, I'd wait until between before chapter 15 and before chapter 18.

I planned on getting her done right after chapter 15.

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If she has aptitude (typically from Mozu), then yes. Aptitude doesn't really make a big difference when using an Offspring Seal, so it's often a better idea to recruit her early, even when "sacrificing" a slot for a 1st gen character. If not, then I usually wait until chapter 20-25 to recruit children units (I often use them to fill the spots you get lategame), unless I plan to replace a parent by his child.

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