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Do you actually do sad things like that? Degrading people who are not ultra nice to you.

I lower people's ratings on the -10 to 10 Fail Scale (which I believe to be a fitting name) when I don't get along with them, and I lower it even more when I see that others feel the same way I do about said person. Also, I do something called INCREASE ratings when people say NICE things. I don't consider being hostile toward new users being NICE. Consider yourself lucky that you're still at -2 instead of -5 (Pretty Nasty) or -10 (Mortal Enemy).

Now I think this would be a good time to say LET'S DROP IT! This is the Introduction Forum, not the Argue With Shuuda Forum...

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I lower people's ratings on the -10 to 10 Fail Scale (which I believe to be a fitting name) when I don't get along with them, and I lower it even more when I see that others feel the same way I do about said person. Also, I do something called INCREASE ratings when people say NICE things. I don't consider being hostile toward new users being NICE. Consider yourself lucky that you're still at -2 instead of -5 (Pretty Nasty) or -10 (Mortal Enemy).

So... is there an actual reason for this? Do you have somekind of database in which all of this is recorded or it is just some silly, childish systems to make you sound cool in some way? And why should I consider myself lucky that some guy I will never meet hates me, it is not like it offends or hurts me in anyway, unless of course you have a way to punch people through the internet. And "Fail Scale" is not a fitting name, because I do not fail just because you dislike me, and people you like might fail epicly: your scale is based on how much you like people, not on their skills, intellect or such. In short, what I am saying is: your "scale" is a pointless piece of tripe.

After all, I can remember who I like and dislike without actually having to use such a system, and I assume that others, even those of lesser intelligence can do the same. (Not that I am insulting them for not being as smart or anything.)

Now I think this would be a good time to say LET'S DROP IT! This is the Introduction Forum, not the Argue With Shuuda Forum...

"Argue With Shuuda Forum" Now that is one thing that would be a nice addition to this place. I have no intentions of "dropping" anything, whether it be my dislike of script-fics, or my disgust with the lack of quality control from the moderators.

P.S: I wonder when I will be officially titled for being hated around here, "Shuuda, the Serenes Anti-Christ", "Shuuda, the Great Destroyer of Fiction", or "Shuuda, the Despicable" I like the sound of those.

Edited by Shuuda
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So... is there an actual reason for this? Do you have somekind of database in which all of this is recorded or it is just some silly, childish systems to make you sound cool in some way? And why should I consider myself lucky that some guy I will never meet hates me, it is not like it offends or hurts me in anyway, unless of course you have a way to punch people through the internet. And "Fail Scale" is not a fitting name, because I do not fail just because you dislike me, and people you like might fail epicly: your scale is based on how much you like people, not on their skills, intellect or such. In short, what I am saying is: your "scale" is a pointless piece of tripe.

After all, I can remember who I like and dislike without actually having to use such a system, and I assume that others, even those of lesser intelligence can do the same. (Not that I am insulting them for not being as smart or anything.)

"Argue With Shuuda Forum" Now that is one thing that would be a nice addition to this place. I have no intentions of "dropping" anything, whether it be my dislike of script-fics, or my disgust with the lack of quality control from the moderators.

P.S: I wonder when I will be officially titled for being hated around here, "Shuuda, the Serenes Anti-Christ", "Shuuda, the Great Destroyer of Fiction", or "Shuuda, the Despicable" I like the sound of those.

Will you Stop?

Edited by Suzaku
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Will you Stop?

Well, since I doubt I will get a dignified response from him, yes, I'll stop.

Welcome to the forum kiddo, have fun.

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Your calling someone who is 13 days younger then you a Kid?

The short answer is yes, that is exactly what I am doing, and I cannot provide any sarcastic reply to that... oh wait, did that count?

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And now for your free.......


Also, how about "Shuuda, Destroyer of Worlds"

Firstly, I love Big Gay Dances, they are always to remarkable in there movements and patterns. And secondly, "Destroy of Worlds" I do not like, for you see if I were to destroy the world, who would there be to reek my havoc on?

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You would terrorize all the puny humans and then destroy them all, and then go find other, more intelligent life to terrorize and kill, repeating the cycle for all eternity

Now that sounds like plan... but what would happen if I came across a race that was too intelligent. I would be proper screwed then. But, I suppose it is a risk I must take in the name of Chaos.

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Then you send spies to infiltrate said races social structure, gain their trust, and then plant a planet-cracking explosive somewhere on the planet

You good Sir, are a genius. Once I implement this plan of action, I will become unstoppable indeed. Now, back to your Big Gay Dance.

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