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Some more FE3 related questions.


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So, I'm about a little past the halfway point of Book 2, chapter 16 to be exact and I wanted to ask how my team is looking. These are all the units I plan on bringing with me to the endgame, bar maybe Sheema.


How is my current standings? I think I'm doing alright but the amount of HP some of my units have is a tad lacking for a lack of a better word.

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Gordin could use a bit more HP but nothing is significantly wrong.

I'm going to sell my unneeded lances and buy a ton of Angelic Robes to remedy this. Mainly the guys who recruit the four sisters at the end need it the most, since Minerva has pretty mediocre HP growth and Julian is really scrubby.

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Please, don't toss out Sheeda, just for the OTP's sake!

She's still a great unit otherwise. ;)

I do love her but honestly, the only reason I'm keeping her around is for support bonuses. The crit avoid is a great thing to have.

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I'm going to sell my unneeded lances and buy a ton of Angelic Robes to remedy this. Mainly the guys who recruit the four sisters at the end need it the most, since Minerva has pretty mediocre HP growth and Julian is really scrubby.

Good HP values for endgame are 19, 23, 33, and 37. 19 lets a unit not get 1 shot by Demon Dragons, 23 Lets them not get 1 shot by Earth dragons. 33 Lets them not get 1 shot by the last boss, 37 let's them take 2 hits from demon dragons. 45 could also allow you to avoid getting 2 shot by Earth dragons but it isn't that important and anything greater than 45 doesn't really do you any good. Even with Max HP and defense you still get 3 shot at endgame at best.

Edited by Valkama
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Good HP values for endgame are 19, 23, 33, and 37. 19 lets a unit not get 1 shot by Demon Dragons, 23 Lets them not get 1 shot by Earth dragons. 33 Lets them not get 1 shot by the last boss, 37 let's them take 2 hits from demon dragons. 45 could also allow you to avoid getting 2 shot by Earth dragons but it isn't that important and anything greater than 45 doesn't really do you any good. Even with Max HP and defense you still get 3 shot at endgame at best.

Well Marth has 35 HP at the moment and I'm gonna buy some angelic robes later on, so he'll be at like 42 when he fights Medeus. My plan is get Julian, Maria, Merric and Sirius in range to recruit everyone and end the turn. From there, recruit all four in one fell swoop, send Marth, attack, and then use the again staff, have the four retreat, then have Marth attack again and repeat this as many times as needed until Medeus falls, healing him if he gets hit. I'm going to take screenshots of my endgame team after I beat Final Chapter 1 and post it here.

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You wrote Sheema, instead of Sheeda, haha!

Anyway your team looks decent, I suppose you could've star shard abused more, but its not a big deal. Speaking of which, is Sheeda/Caeda promoted? I can't tell when she's dismounted?

Yes she promoted in that chapter. Sheema is going to be my Gradivus user since Draug is so scrubby it's not funny. The next three chapters are outdoors so I'll take shots of them soon.

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