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Who did you S-Support?


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M!Corrin: Azura on all routes. I find their relationship and supports to be very sweet, plus "canon."

Fem!Corrin: Kaze on Birthright, Silas on Conquest and Revelation. Kaze I S after Chapter 15 because I like the implication they fall in love after he saves her life, Silas because I think it's cute how he dedicated his life to seeing her again.

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Why are you sorry over that? BTW awesome Avatar, season 4 looks to be great.

Cause Ryoma's your brother and I kind of hate the fact they toss the fact of "going with your family" away just to marry him.

On the other hand, Ryoma is like... damn near perfect. I had to at least once.

Slipped my mind, but I do plan on doing a Corrin x Azura run. Especially now that I don't have to actually lose a kid. Thanks homebrew!

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Curious since you're another person to have unlocked nearly all the S-supports; who ended up being your favorites?

For Corrin, his/her retainers, Caeldori, Laslow, Selena, Oboro

I uniformly dislike the royal S-Supports and thought they betrayed the narrative for fan service, except for Azura. Ironic considering their family ties.

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Male Corrin seems to be quite a ladies' man or just a really dense harem protagonist since in several of his S-supports (I finished the entire support log), the female partner confesses to him first (or makes it clear that she likes him before the S-support).

[spoiler=Ladies who confess to him first or make it clear that they like him before S-support]













For me, I enjoyed the ones with Felicia, Oboro, Azura, Caeldori, and Kagero. Hinoka's S-support is pretty sweet despite the whole Mikoto's letter thing. Scarlet's S-support seems straight out of a romantic comedy, especially in Scarlet's confession line.

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I would have married Azura as a male Avatar right off the bat if it wasn't for the fact that you get screwed out of a kid (that's if you marry any female as a male Avatar unless they're Corrinsexual) unless you hacked your game to have same-sex S supports. The second best choice for me was Anna all the way.

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Birthright ~ Asama (great unit but poor husbando; his lines aren't romantic at all)

Funnily enough I really don't like Asama, but I thought he made one of the better husbands (against my own judgement) with some of the best marriage lines! I'm not really one for romance, though.

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Male Corrin seems to be quite a ladies' man or just a really dense harem protagonist since in several of his S-supports (I finished the entire support log), the female partner confesses to him first (or makes it clear that she likes him before the S-support).

He's definitely just really thick. Kaze can be a bit that way in some cases, too, and he's also considered a ladies' man. I surmise that Kaze is actually male Corrin's secret, long lost brother from another mother.

First supports (all in spoilers because I just don't like this looking so long compared to others' posts; plus, some are only interested in my choices, rather than reasoning and whatnot):

Mozu (BR) -

I seem to have a tendency to ship my character immediately the first time I play these games. If I hadn't done that, I likely would've gone with Oboro, but my dude was married before I encountered her. Still, though, I definitely don't regret S-supporting Mozu. Amazing unit, lovely character, and good supports with the avatar. Obviously passed Aptitude onto Kana, even though I actually hardly used most of the children.

Leo (CQ) -

I just really dig Leo. Smart, has complicated feelings, has the right attitude... and looks like blonde Marth. It helps that he's a good unit and has an awesome kid. Though I still think marrying him is really weird. You can't deny that there's a sibling dynamic between Corrin and the Nohrians, and that would get shifted around if Corrin married one of them. But the game treats it as if nothing's changed. It's very jarring.

Oboro (Rev) -

What a surprise, huh? Favorite character in the game, I had to get this support in my first run of the "golden path". So I did, and it was a fairly sweet support. I like her supporting Corrin or the other Nohrians more than her supporting Takumi because she gains more from a romantic relationship with a Nohrian than with a guy she had a crush on from the very start. Plus, when she S-supports Corrin, it feels like her past trauma has healed a bit.

Other supports:

Rhajat (BR - Run Defunct) -

Blegh. Of all the female characters who you could have a lesbian relationship with, why'd it have to be the one who has a creepy stalker obsession with your character? IS, you're making an excellent case in favor of fans hacking your game to change the dialogue. It's terrible, because aside from these supports and the fact that she's literally supposed to be an Awakening character (in spirit, anyway), she isn't that bad of a character. She's arguably better than the character she's based off of, actually.

Setsuna (BR - Run Defunct) -

I guess I liked that she had the personality traits of a stoner. Maybe she and my avatar could just sit around in the treehouse and toke all day. Her "lock the doors" line, though... Wasn't quite expecting that kind of suggestion from this particular character.

Flora (Rev) -

Definitely had to go with this gal. Her lack of supports is inexcusable, but at least her S-supporting Corrin makes sense. It may be a bit cheesy, but there's something endearing about how her ice powers start running amok every time she gets emotional.

Velouria (Rev) -


Seriously, though, I think my dogs would be best friends with her. They're always picking up dust bunnies, rubbing up against my legs, and scavenging around my yard for weird crap to bring in. One time they brought in a bone from an unknown animal. That all being said, Corrin and Velouria's supports are pretty nice.

Kaze (BR) -

My attempt at giving Midori proper green hair, though I also genuinely like the dude. Of course, I have to wait 'till a certain chapter to actually get her since it's BR. But yeah, it's hard to not like this totally chill dude. Plus, I get to indirectly save his life by marrying him.

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So far I have S-Supported

Conquest: Nyx (first playthrough), Azura (second playthrough)

Revelations: Kagero, Selena, Soleil.

I thought about S-ranking Peri, but I just couldnt do it. I also have thought about Oboro, but like her too much with Benny to change that. All 3 Revelations playthroughs she has been paired with him. Same with Orochi and Laslow. Thought about going with her too.

Nyx was an interesting story, but wasnt big on the pairing with Corrin. I rarely actually pair her up, but use her anyway because I find the character really cool. Azura was just to see how the "canon" pairing goes, but that wasnt too bad. Kind of boring.

Kagero was pretty much a snooze fest, which sucks because she had some cool personality quirks and some interesting things about her, but they are never used or brought up. Like her enjoying drawing, but being terrible at it.

Selena was pretty funny. My favorite one so far. Her S Support was really rushed though, but not near as bad as others (looking at camilla and takumi). I did the my room stuff the most with her just because her lines actually garnered some laughs from me.

I am likely going with Soleil this time, so I have nothing to say yet.

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Birthright - Hinata. Instant favourite. It was a no brainer. I love his character and his interactions with Corrin.

Conquest - Leo/Xander. Latter on my current (second) playthrough. Had a phase of loving Leo but was disappointed with the S-Support and beyond that, but Xander swept me off my feet so I went running to him on my new save.

Revelation - Jakob/Silas. Same for Conquest. Made two files for marrying both. I couldn't choose between them... I'm getting progressively greedy.

Edited by yuriyume
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