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You've probably noticed that my nick's Jari, so I don't have to tell you that. Some other aliases are Solstice, Perakos and Kyogredude. I've been living in Holland since the day I was born, which was 18 years ago. I'm admin on GameVillage, which is (one of) the biggest gaming forums of Holland. I also mod the FE part, but too bad it's not really active.

I saw Fire Emblem in the shop while I was looking for a cable for my GameCube. I didn't know the game, so I asked people on the internet if I should buy the game. They were positive, so I bought it. And that's how (one of...) the best games came into my life.

Feel free to ask questions, no matter about what, I'd like to answer them.

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Jeez, tell us your life story why don't 'ya? It's not like telling people on the internet who could be Michael Jackson in disguise is a smart thing, y'know. (Although you're too old for him, it doesn't really change my point.) Anyways welcome to the Serenes Forest.

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Glad you could join us!

Hikarusa, if you whois this domain name, you'll get my address where I live and my cell phone number. Think I give out too much information? :P

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Do you play competitively, or just for fun?

Both. I used to play NetBattle. But now with 4th gen... I just don't feel like learning the meta game again. It took me 3 years to understand the 3 gen meta game.

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I found the metagame to be fairly simple for D/P. I started with 4th gen, so I couldn't really tell you the differences.

no one ever expects a kyogre to know thunder!!!

Are you kidding? Yes they do...

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No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

everyone knows that splash is a OHKO move...no one has seen it activate yet...

...look, if they are stupid enough to expect a Kyogre with Thunder, then they may as well start teaching their Pikachu's earthquake*...no one logically should learn a move that is super effective against themselves...

*this is not a reference to the anime, where Pikachu knows Earthquake, Fire Blast, Surf, Draco Meteor, Fly, Dash Attack, Thunder, and Thundershock, in that order

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yeah, that's why we like doing said set up...

no, but by that also same token (lots of words) Ghost shouldn't learn ghost moves...

that's why Giratina is super effective against itself! *coughDragon/Ghostcough*

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I'm glad that people like my avatar and signature. The avatar is just ripped of SPP (The biggest Pokémon site for those that don't know). The sig was made by a Belgian girl named Evane.

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I'm glad that people like my avatar and signature. The avatar is just ripped of SPP (The biggest Pokémon site for those that don't know). The sig was made by a Belgian girl named Evane.

SPP... do you mean Serebii.net?

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