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Anyone have knowledge on sleeping patterns? Would like to return back to the past.


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In the past, I went to bed around 10:15 and wake up around 7 AM. About a month ago, I decided to try out waking up at 6 AM in order to maximize the amount of time to myself during the day. In those weeks that followed, I had absolutely no problem waking up on my own around 6- 6:30; as a matter of fact, I no longer needed my alarm clock. Two weeks, I was facing some constipation problems that forced me to awaken around 3 AM in addition to newfound late night urinations. These problems have subsided, but recently I now awaken at 4:30 - 5 AM, though I now fall asleep quicker. These nights, I receive about 6- 6.5 hours of sleep. I am a 17 year old male who feels refreshed upon awakening from 6 hour sleep and does not feel signs of sleep deprivation. On a side note, there are times where I do awaken at the middle of the night, though I manage to fall back asleep within moments. I know that having 8 hours of sleep is just a myth and not everyone needs the same requirements.

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If you're recently getting 6 - 6.5 hours sleep now, try going to bed at 22:45. That way, if you overshoot it, you can always adapt a little each time and adjust accordingly.

Edited by Light Strategist
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Well what helps me stay asleep is I have a routine for going to bed and I always do it. As to you getting up earlier sleeping patterns do change over time and some people end up needing less sleep then others, but like Light Strategist said I would go to bed about half to an hour earlier if you are feeling too sluggish during the day. Also since you have been having some health issues I would highly recommend talking to your doctor and seeing if you have any thing that could affect your sleep/cause the problems you mentioned.

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