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Avatar Attack Stance boosts determined


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Ever since I saw this topic on Reddit (and I think there was a similar post/topic over here as well), I've been meaning to delve into the Avatar's support boosts during Attack Stance (while fighting adjacent).

As suspected, just like the Avatar's Pair Up boosts, the boosts are calculated using both the Avatar's Boon and Bane.

More precisely, you can find the Avatar's boosts on the updated Support Bonus page. Note that at the time of writing, only the Revelation version has been updated.

Unlike the Pair Up boosts, here, each Boon and Bane has been paired, so there aren't 8 x 8 combinations (not counting the impossible same stat Bane/Boon), but actually 4 x 4 combinations (again, not counting the impossible).

An interesting thing is that if the Boon and Bane pairs match up, you get the default boost that the earlier version of the page listed:

No rank: Hit rate +10

C rank: Avoid +5

B rank: Critical +3

A rank: Dodge +5

S rank: Hit rate +5, Critical +3

In addition, I also refined the behaviour when multiple support partners are available. When this occurs, you add together all the boosts, then divide by 2.5 and round down. (Before I thought it was add 2 and divide by 3, but it turned out to be an approximation.)

To clarify, when a support partner is paired up, their boosts are discarded and replaced with a flat Dodge +5 bonus.

If you're paired up AND there are support partners adjacent, the two effects stack. So you get the same thing as not being paired up, but with an additional Dodge +5.

When I have time, I'll take a look at the kids...

How I checked the numbers: I gathered a bunch of support partners with no support level, C, B, A, S. Then I used FEFTwiddler to change the Avatar's Boon and Bane. Hint: the values are in Raw Block 4 in version 0.15.1.

Finally, if somebody has already figured it all out, you can consider this a PSA of sorts : P

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Thanks for this, I was just looking at the old info and questioning it in light of the pair-up bonuses also being trickier than it had previously been thought.

I guess my 0% growths LTC Str Boon/Def Bane Corrin actually gives the best Critical bonus possible at A-level... I really need this for bosskilling. Neat.

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I tested with Charlotte!Nina and got the following boosts:

C: Critical +3

B: Critical +3

A: Critical +3

S: Avoid +10

Which is consistent with Father's B and S and Mother's C and A. So a reverse of the Pair Up stats.

Unless my logic is inaccurate, here are some ways to maximise the boosts for one character.

Hit Rate +35 (+25 without the flat bonus): Mother is Orochi, father is Avatar with +HP/Skl and -Str/Mag.

Critical +15: Many options for mother (Charlotte, Nyx, Rinkah etc.), father must be Avatar with +Str/Mag and -HP/Skl.

Avoid and Dodge are slightly less impressive, since the parent/Avatar combinations aren't ideal. I believe you can get +20 for both.

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