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Best and Worst Classes in Awakening


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Yes it is. Because if an enemy archer or mage HAS Counter on it, 3 range > 2-range. That is literally something that the sniper has that no other class can just flat out bypass. What makes the LB useful is being able to attack from far away with a Dual Strike. Try it, having something like a person with a Brave Weapon Dual Strike against an enemy is 6 strikes right off the bat potentially with no fear of retaliation in all circumstances. That's something that is incredibly useful. Especially when we're scraping at the worst of the enemies. It also assures you that you can use a range attack, and no 1-2 range nonsense can happen that causes you to kill that enemy which opens you up to being attacked again. It's not great, but it's taking it out of worse class range in Lunatic+ mode so garbage like that can't happen to you.

Counter only works against adjacent enemies, so any bow bypasses it by virtue of not being able to attack at 1 range. Dual strikes are something I hadn't considered for whatever reason (must've just slipped my mind), but that's certainly something. Either way, I'm not arguing that Sniper is the be all end all worst class in Awakening, because it isn't, not by any means. All I'm saying is that the other bow-weilding classes are usually better options.
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Three range means no retaliation (regardless of counter present, no enemies on Apo have 3 range). Long Bow is on par, sometimes better, to the double bow (trades damage for hit, which can be relevant). Mire is the only alternative to this combat. But, unlike Mire, the long bow can proc skills like Vengeance and dual strikes. The dual strikes can be a big deal since Sniper/Sage lets you get magical dual strikes from 3 range. That lets you bypass high profile aegis+ targets like the Helswath Zerks with extreme ease. Plus, Snipers aren't limited to the long bow (albeit, I'd argue it might be the best Apo weapon in the game--even above braves), they also have the generic access to the brave bow just like any class has access to a brave weapon.

Sniper is one of the best tools for a skilled Apo player (much like how Vengeance is one of the best tools for a skilled Apo player). It has an incredibly powerful niche that's both relevant and easy to use.

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Skills considered, Dark Flier the best, Dark Knight or War Priest/Cleric might be the worst.

Final class after your character has learned the skills you want, Fliers excluding Griffon Rider are all good, and Sorceror is also pretty good. Aside from Taguel, I think Berserker and Swordmaster are the worst. Berserker has nothing over any other axe-using class aside from a high str cap. Swordmaster actually has worse caps than Assassin, and their special swords aren't really worth it.

I am also on board with the other posters saying the Sniper is underrated. Long-bows are actually useful, especially if the Sniper in question has Armsthrift.

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Skills considered, Dark Flier the best, Dark Knight or War Priest/Cleric might be the worst.

Final class after your character has learned the skills you want, Fliers excluding Griffon Rider are all good, and Sorceror is also pretty good. Aside from Taguel, I think Berserker and Swordmaster are the worst. Berserker has nothing over any other axe-using class aside from a high str cap. Swordmaster actually has worse caps than Assassin, and their special swords aren't really worth it.

I am also on board with the other posters saying the Sniper is underrated. Long-bows are actually useful, especially if the Sniper in question has Armsthrift.

I'd disagree and say that Assassin would be the worst class skill wise - an instant kill that has too low an activation rate to be relied upon, not to mention being outright useless in the one instance it'd actually have been useful, and a skill that's not good enough to warrant an extended stay in Assassin aren't wowing anyone. I'd rather have Lifetaker or Renewal over either of those.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I'd rather have a Warrior over Sniper for similar durability, but way more offense and versatility (despite Warrior skills not being great for the unit itself). It's a bit of a toss up if I'd take Assassin over it, though, since Assassins are kind of squishy, and their versatility involves using swords, which are a lot less useful than axes. I'd still take an Assassin over a Swordmaster, because Swordmaster-only swords are pretty weak and come way too late while Assassin completely outclasses them in stats and versatility (even if bows are no 1~2-range).

I wouldn't call Berserker particularly bad. Warriors are generally better, but they do have a little bit more offense, and that's before Axefaire. They make pretty good physical supports during the main campaign, and some bits beyond. They eventually do run into Hit issues, though, so that's a fair strike against them. Still, none of that or Sniper's limitations come anywhere close to the terribad that is Villager or Taguel.

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I'd disagree and say that Assassin would be the worst class skill wise - an instant kill that has too low an activation rate to be relied upon, not to mention being outright useless in the one instance it'd actually have been useful, and a skill that's not good enough to warrant an extended stay in Assassin aren't wowing anyone. I'd rather have Lifetaker or Renewal over either of those.

I think Pass is better than Lifetaker, but maybe I underrated Renewal.

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Lifetaker has very good synergy with Galeforce, allowing a sweeper nigh-infinite sustain. Pass's usefulness depends a lot on either the enemies not getting swept, or there being high-priority targets. Most mooks just don't merit that kind of attention (occasionally, Lunatic+ will generate a few skill combos that do, but 15 levels of Assassin makes it so that few class routes go through it).

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