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Fire emblem on the switch?


Fire emblem on the switch?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Will we get a traditional entry on the switch or something like Tokyo mirage sessions#FE

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Hi guys! I've been wondering whether we'll get another fire emblem on the switch as, whilst fates was only just released this year, fire emblem is now considered a major ip according to nintendo so maybe they'd want to show off a new one to get people hyped for the switch? About that...if the switch gets a proper entry, when do you think it'll be shown?

Also, bare in mind this https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/58n70h/nintendo_switch_is_a_successor_to_the_wii_u_not/

Edited by Dinar87
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I can see a FE game on the switch happening. Probably not for a while, but I do see it possible!

Even if the 3DS successor hasn't come to exist yet, I doubt it will be revealed for a good 3-4 years or so. Nintendo wants the NX...oops, sorry(force of habit), the NS to succeed and do as well as it can for as long as it can.

Now, and don't quote me on this, but if the rumor that was going around a few months ago about FE15 already being started on(more so in the planning stages), its either gonna be for the 3DS or NS. But if it is true, Nintendo is gonna want to get as many reasons for people to get an NS as possible and since Fire Emblem is now a major contender(and after Fates, they can experiment with the money from that), they're gonna need to go out guns ablazing for this console!

Besides, I doubt they'll jump the 3DS ship anytime in the next year or so.

It's been too good source of a revenue for them! They need to keep it around for a good while before taking a risk with a successor.

Edited by Busterman64
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I can see a FE game on the switch happening. Probably not for a while, but I do see it possible!

Even if the 3DS successor hasn't come to exist yet, I doubt it will be revealed for a good 3-4 years or so. Nintendo wants the NX...oops, sorry(force of habit), the NS to succeed and do as well as it can for as long as it can.

Now, and don't quote me on this, but if the rumor that was going around a few months ago about FE15 already being started on(more so in the planning stages), its either gonna be for the 3DS or NS. But if it is true, Nintendo is gonna want to get as many reasons for people to get an NS as possible and since Fire Emblem is now a major contender(and after Fates, they can experiment with the money from that), they're gonna need to go out guns ablazing for this console!

Besides, I doubt they'll jump the 3DS ship anytime in the next year or so.

I hope you're right! I have only one thing to say about the potential of fire emblem being on the switch....HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE!!!!1!

Seriously though, while I still think it's unlikely we'll see anything so soon after fates, it'd be cool as hell if they dropped the bomb that they were simply working on another one for the switch. No need for a trailer just a statement like that would be enough.

Edited by Dinar87
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I think it'll be on the Switch. It has portability, which means it'll surely succeed both the Wii U AND the 3DS. I heard that Nintendo will keep making 3DS games even after the Switch comes out, but they probably won't do so for very long. And whenever an FE was released so late in a console's lifespan, it didn't go well at all (see Thracia and PoR). It probably wouldn't do quite as badly now, but still do bad enough.

Edited by Anacybele
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There's also this to bare in mind...basically nintendo effectively lied in the past saying that the NX wasn't a successor to the wii u...until it was. They've also said the DS would be a "third pillar"...until that thing sold amazingly and Nintendo said it was a successor to the GBA.


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I hope you're right! I have only one thing to say about the potential of fire emblem being on the switch....HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE!!!!1!

Seriously though, while I still think it's unlikely we'll see anything so soon after fates, it'd be cool as hell if they dropped the bomb that they were simply working on another one for the switch. No need for a trailer just a statement like that would be enough.

It would be a crazy move, but I'm pretty sure they know how much Fire Emblem would help out getting people to get the console!

Although, personally, I want a game with a different style from Fates/Awakening(because while I like the style, I kinda want something a bit better) and/or a HD remake of PoR and RD(FE9 and FE10)(...I prefer these game's artstyle more ;P )!

More so that second one...

Partly because I WANT THAT SOOO BAD, but also because there are a lot of FE fans that want to play the Tellius games, but...they cost around $80-$100 on Amazon.

With a re-release, not only will it make getting the games easier and probably fixing a few (major)issues that those games had(*glares at RD's Supports*), but it would give people another reason to get those HD remakes, but also a new console(if Square Enix can do with Kingdom Hearts, so can it)!

Edited by Busterman64
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I prefer the Tellius art style over Awakening too. Kozaki is a great artist, but I just like the look and feel of Senri Kita's work more. I hope we have a new art director at least. I really despise the increased fanservice and lack of practical outfits. FE has had some fanservice long before Awakening and Fates, but not nearly to this degree. It's such a turnoff for me that if it continues to worsen, I won't play anymore. I don't want to look at that junk. I don't want to replay Birthright because of that god awful Camilla cutscene. I refuse to have huge breasts and an ass and crotch shoved in my face.

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I prefer the Tellius art style over Awakening too. Kozaki is a great artist, but I just like the look and feel of Senri Kita's work more. I hope we have a new art director at least. I really despise the increased fanservice and lack of practical outfits. FE has had some fanservice long before Awakening and Fates, but not nearly to this degree. It's such a turnoff for me that if it continues to worsen, I won't play anymore. I don't want to look at that junk. I don't want to replay Birthright because of that god awful Camilla cutscene. I refuse to have huge breasts and an ass and crotch shoved in my face.

Now that you mention it......it's all strictly MALE fanservice isn't it?

I never thought about how other girls feel about all the fanservice...(it even goes toward the writting and kinda ruins some character's character...*coughcamilliacough*)

Also, there is a line with Fanservice and Fates kinda crossed it(heck, in the first trailer, Camilla was a selling point. Look at the trailer and tell me that wasn't what they were doing.)

I like buying my games for gameplay, not Fanservice like what Fates gave us...

...Besides,This is Fire Emblem, not Dead or Alive... (Although I have heard it actually does have good fighting mechanics though ;P...makes sense why games are still being made for that series besides the...*ahem*..."physics")

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Tbh the issue with the fanservice comes in when it's out of place and over-emphasized.

Camilla's the go-example of that extreme.

The hot springs stuff isn't so bad since it at least it makes sense in context. Camilla's armor... well, doesn't.

On topic: Probably eventually, but not right away.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Ugh, the poll answers are not really clear...

But anyway, I may be open-minded on Fates, but I don't want to see another sh*t like TMS again. And I'm not really for a game on the NSwitch either because we would lose the dual screen that was just perfect, it made the gameplay more dynamic, improved ergonomics a lot, etc unless they find something else that is as useful but I doubt it'd be possible. I don't miss it on classical FE because it's different, but it would be a terrible loss on a new game.

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Tbh the issue with the fanservice comes in when it's out of place and over-emphasized.

Camilla's the go-example of that extreme.

The hot springs stuff isn't so bad since it at least it makes sense in context. Camilla's armor... well, doesn't.

On topic: Probably eventually, but not right away.

This. I'm absolutely fine with the hot springs because it's actually realistic as well as an optional side thing. Even during war, soldiers had to relax between battles and get cleaned up after likely getting blood and guts all over themselves. It probably also soothed their wounds just as it seems to for the Fates characters. Also, hot bathing springs was actually a thing in places like ancient Greece and Rome.

Camilla is just a big fat NO.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd be surprised if we didn't get a 'traditional' entry in the vein of Awakening or Fates - if they could design a home console version like Radiant Dawn and mix that with the portability of the Switch it'd be a fantastic Fire Emblem game.

Edited by RiggyRob
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I would be happy with a FE game on the Switch, as long as they move away from the Awakening/Fates-esque FE's and back to the more traditional FE games.

With a re-release, not only will it make getting the games easier and probably fixing a few (major)issues that those games had(*glares at RD's Supports*)

If you think that RD is going to get support conversations in a HD re-release, then you are living in a dream world. The reason that RD doesn't have supports is because of the whole "switching sides" aspect of the game, which means you can't have a traditional support system like in PoR.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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If the Switch is financially successful (ie it's going to need to be on the market for a while before a Fire Emblem game is made), I think there will be a console FE release. Awakening and Fates secured the series viability, now it's up to the platform to be worth it. I definitely WANT to see another console title. Fire Emblem deserves the best graphical hardware available.

This. I'm absolutely fine with the hot springs because it's actually realistic as well as an optional side thing. Even during war, soldiers had to relax between battles and get cleaned up after likely getting blood and guts all over themselves. It probably also soothed their wounds just as it seems to for the Fates characters. Also, hot bathing springs was actually a thing in places like ancient Greece and Rome.

Camilla is just a big fat NO.

I'm going to disagree with hot-springs and swimsuit stuff. While people did indeed bathe/go swimming since the beginning of time, the reason why it exists is pure fanservice. I think it devalues characters when they are presented to the player as things to oggle. Camilla is the go-to example for how gratuitous her outfit and cinematic is, but even just making official pin up artwork is the devs saying "This character is a sexual object. This comes before them being human, nuanced or worthy of respect". Granted, it's optional content but I think it's telling of how characters are meant to appeal to the audience.

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I prefer the Tellius art style over Awakening too. Kozaki is a great artist, but I just like the look and feel of Senri Kita's work more. I hope we have a new art director at least. I really despise the increased fanservice and lack of practical outfits. FE has had some fanservice long before Awakening and Fates, but not nearly to this degree. It's such a turnoff for me that if it continues to worsen, I won't play anymore. I don't want to look at that junk. I don't want to replay Birthright because of that god awful Camilla cutscene. I refuse to have huge breasts and an ass and crotch shoved in my face.

So how exactly do you justify replacing Kusakihara as art director? Under his watch, the series has become more successful than ever. You can't punish him for doing his job well.

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My hope is that we'll see a Tellius rerelease/remaster on the Switch, though I don't know if it's exactly likely or not.

I hope so too...even though it's very unlikely. I'd give my soul just to have the tellius series be widely successful as imo they honestly deserve success like awakening or fates.

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So how exactly do you justify replacing Kusakihara as art director? Under his watch, the series has become more successful than ever. You can't punish him for doing his job well.

You really think his blatant fanservice and terrible designs are the reason for the games' success? No, just no. They got great marketing and casual mode and stuff.

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You really think his blatant fanservice and terrible designs are the reason for the games' success? No, just no. They got great marketing and casual mode and stuff.

Uh I'm not expert but it sounds like a fight is going to start soon...and all because you dared to say you hated the fan service! Even though you're right to have your opinions, what I've learned on the web is that if you EVER complain about things like fan service you're automatically branded as a SJW or a feminazi. I'm not saying it'll happen here for certain as I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but from what I've seen, it's a very dangerous thing to complain about.

Anyways, let's quickly change the topic! Does anyone think that the tellius series will ever get VC releases?

Edited by Dinar87
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I wonder how they'll get around the dual screen that the DS and the 3DS FEs had. It's one of my favourite quality-of-life enhancing feature in the recent Fire Emblem entries and I don't see how Switch can keep that given the form it is in. But I really don't want to be flipping through separate enemy stat screens all the time. Being able to see unit stats and the map at the same time really helps make strategic decisions in real time and I wish IS would take measures to come up with a sensible, robust UI for the upcoming FE entries in the Switch to replace that.

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You really think his blatant fanservice and terrible designs are the reason for the games' success? No, just no. They got great marketing and casual mode and stuff.

I think if you want to simply disregard his contributions, the onus is on you to provide some supporting evidence.

But that itself is besides the point. Higuchi brought Kusakihara onto the Awakening team because he wanted someone who would bring freshness to the series. He did exactly what his bosses asked of him, so it's ridiculous to suggest he should be punished because his style isn't to your taste.

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I think if you want to simply disregard his contributions, the onus is on you to provide some supporting evidence.

But that itself is besides the point. Higuchi brought Kusakihara onto the Awakening team because he wanted someone who would bring freshness to the series. He did exactly what his bosses asked of him, so it's ridiculous to suggest he should be punished because his style isn't to your taste.

Your argument, that Kusakihara played a large part in the revived popularity of the game, is equally unfounded. The game became popular for a myriad of reasons and those reasons are different for each fan. Ana didn't say he should be "punished" or anything nearly so dramatic. She merely stated that she didn't like his art direction and would like to see something different.

Your argument is absurd and attempts to silence people for wanting a new direction in the series.

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If Nintendo has truly learned from the failings of the Wii U and its horrible marketing, then it wouldn't surprise me if they're already hard at work with the next Fire Emblem installment on the Switch, since they'd want to give as many reasons as possible to get the word out there and get people interested in the console while avoiding the droughts that plagued its predecessor.

Given Fire Emblems newfound status as a very important franchise, it also wouldn't surprise me if they're pumping quite a bit of money into the next game.

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I'm going to disagree with hot-springs and swimsuit stuff. While people did indeed bathe/go swimming since the beginning of time, the reason why it exists is pure fanservice. I think it devalues characters when they are presented to the player as things to oggle. Camilla is the go-to example for how gratuitous her outfit and cinematic is, but even just making official pin up artwork is the devs saying "This character is a sexual object. This comes before them being human, nuanced or worthy of respect". Granted, it's optional content but I think it's telling of how characters are meant to appeal to the audience.

I disagree that stuff like swimsuits and hot springs devalues the characters. If anything, it humanizes them, because we actually see the characters doing regular, slice-of-life stuff outside of battle. It's the reason why I like My Castle in general, because it makes it easier for me to bond and sympathize with the characters. It also makes me wish My Castle would have been around earlier (I remember a recent interview revealed it was planned as early as FE9), since I would have ended up liking the casts from the earlier games a lot more. I really hope the feature stays, and hopefully expanded upon.

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