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How could've the Anthony arc been better handled


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Perhaps making it less obvious would be a start. At the moment of his introduction it was already clear that Anthony wouldn't be anything other than a villain. This made the siblings all seam very reasonable in giving him the cold shoulder and Corrin a bit of an idiot. That letter also didn't seem a clever trick against Anthony but more of a fail safe just in case those mean siblings proved to be right. It comes across less as a trick and more as Corrin genuinely falling for someone that's obviously evil.

I also think they shouldn't have tried to claim Corrin's behavior was a positive thing. The siblings are mad as they should be but eventually concede that it just proves Corrin is a good person and that they will just clean up if Corrin makes a mess of things.

Portraying Corrin's naivety as a serious weakness and not backpaddling on that portrayal would be better for Corrin and it would make Anthony a better villain as well.

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By not doing it?

Seriously, the Anthony arc felt pretty unnecessary to me and the only thing it accomplished was making Corrin look like an idiot.

But Corrin IS an idiot, so that's fine on that note. :D

But seriously, I would have made Anthony seriously just a little kid that was trying to help and was in over his shoulders. I mean he could have explained that his people were being attacked, and that they helped him to escape to go find help, and when he ran into Corrin and company, he thought they could help because this was the first time he had seen outsiders. He also witnessed the power of their dragon veins and saw something extraordinary that could help him. Because my goodness did we need actual people from Valla. This would have also allowed Anthony to have the maps being you know, taking the characters to a village or two to show that THERE ARE ACTUALLY PEOPLE IN VALLA (like seriously, when you beat Revelations, who in the world is Corrin ruling over!?). It'd also help to make the maps feel like considerably less filler with Anthony obviously trying to kill you and leading you no where.

Edited by Augestein
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Just imagine how great this would be (even though it's a long stretch)

Throughout the entire Valla arc Corrin and gang use dragon veins to restore Valla to a normal looking place. Eventually they find Anthony and everything plays out like it did, but with more world building as they restore it. Anthony gives us backround and history of Valla. Around Anthony's betrayal he attacks Corrin, but Corrin who was already wary of Anthony dodges the attack. Corrin's friends come from behind the corner, and Corrin reveals that this a trap that Corrin set up.

This is where it gets interesting. Anthony stays in human form, but is possessed. When the squad gets to him in the chapter that you fight him, he opens a portal to Hoshido when we get about 16 squares away from him, or after turn two. We chase him out and encounter Mozu's village (Mozu isn't a paralogue in Revelations). Mozu is getting attacked, when the Vallites come out of nowhere with Corrin's army.

In my version some of the villagers are still alive with Mozu, they hide in the woods but her Mom already died. Because of the portal opened a bunch of weird things happen to her village. The objective of this mission is to Defeat Anthony. Warp panels will be all over with dragon veins and floating dirt. Before you start Azura says she might be able to sing to him and cure him.

Gameplay: Anthony with run around and drain the regular faceless stats into his. This makes the faceless have 0 in every stat besides mov and hp, everytime Anthony does this he gains 1+ in every stat. This allows mozu to get about 20 Ez level ups (to make up for her late join time), since a faceless kill will always grant 100 exp for unpromoted units. By the time the chapter ends, Anthony is stationary on a fort or a throne, and SO OP. If successful Mozu is recruited and the other villagers are safe. During or after this chapter we find out that Anthony is Mozu's much older brother and he hasn't aged since his possession. Azura cleanses the possession with song, and Anthony and Mozu join the party. Also every chapter since this one, Anthony will get a little older in appearance. (He ages fast from the possession) around 4 chapters later he will appear to be in his mid 20s.

Anthony as a unit starts as a level 20 villager with really good bases. He has supports with Mozu, Gunter, Jacob, M Avatar, and Shura, and a romantic support with F Avatar. He along with Corrin and Azura are considered to be "Vallites"

Do you guys like my fanfiction? I know it's a mess, so just ask if something is unclear to you.

This is great! You should've written Fates! A++++!

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