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Fire Emblem 13/14 - Quotes Gone Wrong


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I wasn't exactly sure where to post this - I figured it was more writing than "sprites" or "fanart", but feel free to move if it's in the wrong place~ So, anyway, I found this Fire Emblem quote generator and ended up going on a spree with it. My mind is a "crack plotbunny" factory and the result... you can see them here:

Batman and Robin

Wolfskin and Kitsune shenanigans

Leo at karaoke #blametakumi

Sophie, stahp.

PS. If anyone has any requests for these, I might make a few if I get enough inspiration. ;P

Oh, also, I have the portraits for all Awakening characters except Vaike, Lon'qu, Maribelle, Panne, Say'ri, Yen'fay, Basilio, Flavia, Phila, Naga and all the villains. I'd be extremely grateful if anybody could point me to where I can find the missing ones. ...I'm talking about sprite sets like these, by the way... not the ones found on Spriter's Resource. http://feaspritestuff.tumblr.com/

For Fates, I have every character, even the villains. It's just that some of the kids (and Corrin) have really messed up portraits - namely, both male and female Corrin are bald (and I don't know how to add hair), Nina doesn't have her braid, male Kana and Kiragi have two-toned hair (top and bottom are two different colors), and Hisame, Caeldori and Mitama are missing most of their hair (there's a blank blot without an outline where half their hair should be). Looking for sets like Feasprite's stuff of these guys - I kinda need them so I can continue doing these quote things. ;P (In case it's not allowed to ask for help in this section, is it OK to do that in the Sprites section? Sorry, this is kinda my first time on this forum...)

Edited by Beldarius
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...Maybe "Batman and Robin" should have been the actual Gerome/Robin support conversation! What were the developers thinking?! haha :XD:

Because their name is "Reflet" to the developers?

Seriously speaking, I think there's a tumblr that I follow that you can submit stuff like this to.

"Incorrectfequotes" tumblr I think.

Do you need sprite rips? I mean, I can take my game files into a zip and you can rip them via Ohana3ds or something.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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