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Calculating pair up bonuses for kana\soeli


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I have picked +strength and -def for my avater who I am planning to marry laslow, but I'm confused on calculating pair up stats for kana/ soleili. Using the table here ( http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/nohrian-characters/pair-up-stats/) I calculated str+2, skl +2 and luck +1 but when I have looked at this app for calculating stats ( https://soapy4159.github.io/ferevpairings/) I am getting something different Str, Skl, Lck and Def +1

Note; i havent added these to the class pair up bonuses since their finalclass is undecided.

Can anyone explain what happened, and which is right !??

Thanks (-:

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So, I played around with the stat calculating app for a bit. I noticed the following:

1. Choosing the same stat for boon and bane is allowed (this is more of an oversight if anything).

2. Changing Corrin's bane does NOT change their individual pair-up bonuses.

Fiddle with the Bane drop-down on SF's list, and you'll see Corrin's pair-up bonuses change. Thus, I think that SF has the correct pair-up bonuses listed.

Edited by eggclipse
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