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Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War 2017 Tier List - Day 39: The support kids (Corple, Lene, Sharlow and Laylea)


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^Okay. But still, for Seliph to like her so much that he gets 490 love points with her is pretty weird lol.

Well he IS Sigurd's son; the same man who immediately married Deirdre the first opportunity he got. Guess it runs in the family :P:

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Well he IS Sigurd's son; the same man who immediately married Deirdre the first opportunity he got. Guess it runs in the family :P:

And with Julia being basically Deidre's carbon copy (wavy hair vs. straight hair being pretty much the only difference), well, yeah.

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Just asking but, how good is the Silver Sword in this game? I've always used and found it better than the silver swords in the GBA titles (in fact iron weapons just dominate every other weapon in those games, with the exceptions of weapons like Brave Bows e.t.c).

And what is exactly the best sword in this game, besides the Tyrfing? I assume it's the Brave Sword...but I'll still ask, I guess.

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Divine Weapons aside I'd say Heroes Sword is the best in FE4. Heroes is stupidly powerful and allows consecutive attack and only does 2 less damage than a silver sword. Its B rank too, so you almost any sword unit can use it as well, its freaking ridiculous. Silver is good too simply because its just a straight upgrade over Iron and Steel but it isn't anything special, just reliable and strong. The fact Sigurd gets one at the start of G1 is generally why its regarded so well (I tend to pass it on to Oifey for G2) because you just get so much mileage out of it. Silver Blade is also a good sword for its pure damage but its inaccurate.

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I gave my two braves to the sword twins (Ulster was using Chagall's silver blade in Ch6). Seliph's been rocking his father's silver, and now I'm about to give it away to, maybe, Oifey.

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The light sword in my opinion is the best sword in the game. 1-2 range, strong magic damage, comes early, and to top it all off it is C rank. Brave sword isn't far behind. In a vacuum the holy swords are better but since they are character locked and usually not around for a long time in context I don't think they come anywhere near the Brave Sword or the Light Sword. I think Sigurd's Steel sword deserves an honorable mention for becoming a killing edge if you use it all chapter 1.

Edited by Valkama
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Of all the holy swords though the Balmunk and Mystletainn are both pretty good; you get them early-mid Chapter 7 so they don't come that late. Between the two I rate the Mystletainn a bit higher because Ares is generally better than Shannan imo (mounted and better growths) plus it has the critical skill (Balmunk's huge speed buff is nice but the Mystletainn just objectively has more going for it because of the critical skill).

I always let Ulster have one Brave Sword and circulate the other. Larcei gets continue on promotion so having her hold onto it is kind of redundant imo.

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light sword still has pretty bad hit for shitty units in the arena.

I'd say the hero sword is still better since it's much better at killing bosses and a better weapon when both don't have crit. Light sword is still fantastic though.

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light sword still has pretty bad hit for shitty units in the arena.
I'd say the hero sword is still better since it's much better at killing bosses and a better weapon when both don't have crit. Light sword is still fantastic though.
Not to mention how expensive it is. 12000G makes it just about impossible to pass around without also missing out on the Elite Ring. As for Celice, everyone kind of took the words out of my mouth, so, 9/10, for the same reasons as everyone else. Also, I would like to change...
Deirdre to 2/10. I just remembered that she only has like, a chapter of gameplay use. Also, Ardan...

Ardan to 1/10. His promotion isn't even that impressive, and if he doesn't get a 1/10, nobody is.

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The light sword is worse in the arena not for the cost but because it doesn't have any advantages over the brave sword in the arena other than it's C rank so only like your thieves and dancers want to use it but they only really care for it if it has crit since 4 more might doesn't help them that much as they are probably still doing 1-2 damage.

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I hate to be THAT GUY but maaaaaaaaaaaaan after this current FE4 run I've been doing, I have to fucking dock some points from Alec and Noish. Those two guys are basically worth nothing after the Prologue or maybe Chapter 1. I'm giving them both a 4/10 (Noish is down from 5 and Alec from 6), because they basically got around level 10 and just stopped doing anything useful. Beowulf is both of them combined but better, and while Arden might be a slow sack of shit he can at least facetank bitches and if you manage to promote him gains access to a ton of weapon variety to facetank better. Alec and Noish mash up axedudes and then the axedudes stop being the bread and butter of your enemy forces and they basically just take up space. They can't kill, they can't dodge, they can't tank, all they have going for them is being decent dads (and in Alec's case recruiting Ayra).

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If Noish and Alec are falling behind it usually means you aren't giving them any experience. They are simply 2 of the best combat units you have in Gen 1 because they are mounted, have sword+lance access, join early and have sick promotion gains. Being mounted means a lot more in this game than going fast, more move gives them more options and canto is just nuts. Their durability is fine and they are getting 5 hit ko'd at the worst post promotion and 3 hit ko'd at the worst pre-promotion. They can't dodge as much as faster units but they don't need to and they are much more reliable than a unit like Ayra who can but taken out in 1 to 2 hits even post promotion. Their promotion gains give them +5 magic which in particular gives Alec a niche with magic swords. Noish with any brave weapon allows him to kill reliably and he has notably good Strength, Defense, and HP growths for Gen 1 making him great at physical combat. Heck if you don't want to give up a brave weapon he is doubling enemies on average post promotion if given the pursuit ring. If he got speed screwed than toss him the speed ring, no one wants it after Finn leaves anyways.

Alec and Noish are probably the two most underrated units in the entire game. Mounts in general have been severely underrated by many here but it's almost criminal how bad it is with these two. The only time these units are bad is if you don't bother with them but I could say that about literally every unit but Sigurd.

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^To be honest, Noish and Alec just aren't the best when compared to the others, statwise. The only exception is I guess Deidre.

Pink and Green are mounted and have skills. That's pretty much it. All the other units turn out better than them, including Arden, Azel and Midayle, as well as Beowulf.

However they are capable of fighting, and that's what really matters: After all, FE4 has the least number of units available, last time I checked. So it's better to use everyone wherever possible.

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I've been bothering with everyone, and only really gave special attention to Finn in Chapter 2 when taking Mackilly as he managed to grab Waltz's Elite Ring and thus I wanted him to get the most out of it (he took out the Lance Knight squad that comes down at you by himself). Aside from that Alec and Noish have just been underwhelming, maybe I've gotten rotten level ups but its driving me crazy. But I have the heroes sword now so hopefully I can pass that around for some arena fun times and have them catch up.

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Promoted Noish and promoted Alec are significantly stronger combat units than Ardan will ever be, somewhat better than Beowulf and far more relevant than any footlocked combat unit. They're not like ... really good but still fairly competent throughout most of the game.

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If your only on chapter 2-3 they might not look as great because those maps are fairly non-linear and most units are only useful for small portions of them. They look better in chapter 4 and 5 when they don't get left behind in some corner of the map because they finished a side goal and have nothing else to do. They are still fairly essential in getting the bargain ring because they are mounted.

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I don't know; I never found those two helpful for much besides chip damage. They're decent enough in Chapter 1, but they get totally stonewalled by all the armours, swordfighters, and other assorted miscreants in Chapter 2. By that point, it's better to just concentrate all your EXP into guys like Sigurd, Lex, and Cuan; rather than waste it trying to make Alec and Noish competent.

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Sigurd Lex and Cuan get enough exp on their own without needing extra help. If you give Alec and Noish even an above average amount of exp they're very good units from chapter 3 onwards.

"Above average EXP"? That doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement :/:.


I mean, yeah, I said that for Levin, but that was from the perspective of a casual playthrough. Guy's practically immortal once he promotes.

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Alright; well what's the specific strategy for getting them said EXP? Just out of curiosity; does it involve going out of your way to feed them kills in Prologue and Chapter 1? Are there specific Chapter 2 enemies that they can kill more easily than others? Does one go out of their way to give them the Speed/Skill Rings? Does one set up kills for them in Chapter 2?

I'm legitimately curious; I just can't think of a quick and easy way to catch them up besides grinding off of Marpha reinforcements in Chapter 1.

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I usually pick one guy I want to promote for chapter 3 (it's pretty tough to promote both of them for the start of chapter 3) and have one set the other up for kills. Very few units (Fin) can even ORKO the armours reliably in chapter 2 so it's not tough to set up kills for them to steal there in chapter 2, and they can clean up some of elliot's squad. Save the chapter 2 arena for after the elite ring (have them kill Voltz or get some money from villages/Dew), the chapter 2 arena is actually pretty easy for either one of them to clear. After two arenas with the elite ring (chapter 2/3) plus some misc. exp in the other maps should be easy enough to promote one of them.

I managed to have Beowulf/Alec promoted for the start of chapter 3 in my current run, so Noish/Alec is also definately possible.

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