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I was playing Genealogy and had some questions…


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I've almost finished Chapter 3 and have a few questions right now.

I've already paired Aideen×Midir, Raquesis×Beowulf and Ayra×Holyn if it's of any importance.

1) If I'm not pairing Finn, does he retain his possessions? Or it's better to sell off his stuff along with Ethlyn's and Quan's?

2) If I sell Ethlyn's Light Brand, Leif won't get one in Generation 2, correct? Which means I'd better not sell it.

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1: He keeps his items when unpaired.

2: He won't get it because it won't be inherited. If you want Leaf to start with things, have Ethlin buy them at the end of Ch3.

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1: He keeps his items when unpaired.

2: He won't get it because it won't be inherited. If you want Leaf to start with things, have Ethlin buy them at the end of Ch3.

Seems my assumptions were correct, thanks!

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Yup. I still might add that inheritance for Leif and Altena is swapped, in which Cuan's stuff goes to Altena, and Ethlyn's stuff goes to Leif. Same for Briggid actually!

Also, Finn will always start will a bonus Iron Lance, married or not.

Hope this still helps you out. :)

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3) Who do I give the Leg ring to? I'm leaning to Sylvia, so that she can dance and run better (she's already got the Knight ring anyway).


4) Why is Bridget's battle sprite green, even though she's wearing orange in all art, official or otherwise?




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3) Sylvia can make the best use of it, but I like giving it to Sigurd so his kid can go from place to place faster.

4) ....I can't tell you.

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3) Who do I give the Leg ring to? I'm leaning to Sylvia, so that she can dance and run better (she's already got the Knight ring anyway).

4) Why is Bridget's battle sprite green, even though she's wearing orange in all art, official or otherwise?


3) Yeah, give the Leg ring to Sylvia, or even Ayra if you want to.

4)That...reminds me of a dancer, Feena, from FE3, where her colour scheme was switched for her dancing and battle sprite. In this case...uh...I dunno.

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Re: The Light Brand

Leaf won't start with it if Ethlin doesn't have it. But you can pass it down to anyone else who can wield it if you want someone else to have it. If it's not passed down or if it's given to someone who can't inherit it it's in the vendor in chapter 6. Not all items show up if they aren't passed down in Gen 1 though.

Here's an item location list.

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Yeah, I did keep the Light Brand on Ethlyn after all. I also gave the both movement-enhancing rings to Sylvia and it's been working pretty good.
And by misusing her I found out how ridiculously awesome Miracle is. Damn girl, you're dodgy when you're hanging on a thread.
Promoted Lewyn doesn't even need Forseti to one-shot the arena, he's just that crit-happy.
It actually was sort of exciting fighting Lamia's girlsquad at the end of Chapter 4. I screwed up a bit at unit placement and had to figure out a little puzzle in how not to let a squishy like Taillte die meaninglessly. Was fun after all. Onwards to Chapter 5!


I'm about to start Chapter 8 now. How are you supposed to deal with Ishtar?
I think a brave sword might work, crit happening being icing on the cake, adding insult to her injury. My primary brave sword operator, Larcei, right now has a nominal attack power of 31, which should be just enough to one-round a 42-HP 10-Def Ishtar (according to boss data table).

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Recruit Faval and have him one-shot her?

And if he doesn't? I've no idea yet how much Str he will start with. I didn't really train Dew much before marrying him off to Bridget.

Fire Emblem Wiki says that a Dew-fathered Faval starts with 11 to 15 Str. If he has at least 12 Str, it will do indeed. If he actually hits, that is.

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The Ishival's accuracy is pretty garbage, though. And Ishtar is a Sage with 34 speed thanks to her tome as well as a massive Leadership boost. There is of course Celice's Leadership and the Charisma of the Hezul siblings but I'm not sure if that is enough to deal with this.

Using the hero sword does sound nice though. Aless would probably be a good bet too. He has a massive accuracy increase and a high chance to one-shot her with either Continue or Critical. It's similar for Shanan. With the Balmunk he has at least a 60% chance to trigger Continue.

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Larcei with the heros sword is definitely one of the safer bets. Ares with the Mistletyienn might be good too. If you have Forsetti!Arthur then he's the safest bet I think.

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3-star Seliph + both Charisma siblings Nanna and Dermott = 84% accuracy on Ishtar, sounds good, Faval?

And then you go and miss. You had just one job, dude, just one job. That's it, you're benched so hard.

Thank goodness for savestates, that would be so embarassing otherwise.


Ares then casually Mystletainned the bitch. He didn't even feel a need to pull out one of his fancy crits he's so fond of.

Every other (mini-)boss I had him fight he one-rounded with a crit. Jabarro, Ch7 Blume, Ovo; Ishtar? Meh, not worthy of a crit.

Shame on you, Faval, shame on you.

Sadly, I underestimated how fast Ishtar moves and Larcei couldn't make it in time to try and fight her. I'm very much biased towards sword infantry.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Zeus the Emperor, the final fighter in the Endgame's arena, keeps defeating my Cairpre even though the boy has Miracle.

To my understanding, if a negtive hit rate results in a calculation, it just is set as 0 and then the bonus from the Emperor's class Charisma is added for overall 10% hit against the max-Miracled target.

Am I correct here?

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So, actually, yeah, I beat the game. It took me 65 hours according to the rankings, spread over almost two months of leisure play.

Oh my, the finishing sequence is so long. I liked the game very much nevertheless, even though I'm a genius tactician and spent 150k on resurrections (in Ch5 Jamke died to a Freegian, in Ch10 Oifey died to the Brave Sword miniboss, Finn died to Ishtar and Altena died to two dark mages due to my miscalculation (I blame Finn—if he grew 2 more HP / 1 HP + 1 Res / 2 Res he wouldn't have died to Ishtar and Cairpre wouldn't have been busy back in Perlucos to bless Altena for just enough Res to survive!) and in the Endgame Ishtar claimed Ulster as well.)

I now think I will have to pair Aideen with Jamke next playthrough so that Verdane doesn't get annexed to Grannvale, I didn't think about it in this way.

My pairings:


Generation One:

adean.png×midayle.png       ira.png×holyn.png       lachesis.png×beowolf.png

fury.png×levin1.png       tiltyu.png×azel.png       briggid.png×dew.png

Generation Two:

rana.png×celice.png       lakche.png×johalva.png       fee.png×arthur.png       patty.png×shanan2.png

nanna.png×leaf.png       leen.png×aless.png       tinny.png×sety.png ← I made poor Tinni go to Freege all alone :(

My final stats:



Why were you so Str-screwed, Finn? Why did you miss that sniper Deadlord, Dermott?

I only promoted Patty in Ch10 by feeding her all the children in that chapter and Sleep Swording through the arena, I'm bad at thievery. Shanan missed his 30th Speed point, a disgrace to the class. Stupid sexy Shanan.

Oh, and Ulster also got Str-screwed, his 28 is obviously with a Power Ring on. Ulster why. (I get it, Holyn is why)

Kill count:

Midir — 49 ← how?
Ayra — 47
Sigurd — 45

Lex — 40
Holyn — 38
Azel — 32
Jamke — 31
Lewyn — 29
Erin — 28
Raquesis — 23
Finn — 22
Bridget — 19
Noish — 18
Quan — 18
Alec — 16
Beowulf — 15
Taillte — 13
Deirdre — 9
Ethlyn — 4
Arden — 3
Dew — 1 ← I'm bad at thievery
Sylvia — 0 
Claude — 0 ← staffbots need not kill
Aideen — 0 ←—╯

500 kills in Gen 1 overall! Oh my.
Larcei — 59
Lester — 48 ← like father, like son
Ulster — 44
Ares — 43 ← why are your defenses worse than Seliph's
Seliph — 41 ← he got to 30 by Ch10 already, so I didn't use him that much
Arthur — 40
Ced — 39
Dermott — 39 ← +9 Skill after promotion is awesome for blades
Tinni — 38
Fee — 36
Shanan — 30 ← 30 kills, but not 30 Speed.
Faval — 30 ← if only you didn't miss Ishtar that one time!
Johalvier — 25 ← warrior crits are awesome
Leif — 25
Finn — 24 ← 46 kills across both generations with 18 final Str!
Altena — 13
Oifey — 10
Julia — 10
Nanna — 7
Patty — 6 ← all six of these were troubadours
Hannibal — 3
Lene — 1 ← I don't remember that
Cairpre — 0 ← staffbots need not kill, redux
Lana — 0 ←——╯
…I think I've a strong bias over there. But seriously, Larcei is awesome. There was nothing she couldn't cut. Except Ishtar, late to the party.
And probably Arvis, but I'm a sentimental fool and Seliph soloed him with backup by Leif, Nanna and Lene.

644 kills in Gen 2, 1144 overall. Seliph and gang murdered more across a year than Sigurd and crew did across several!

Were we really the good guys?




Yeah, 585 turns overall.

I also did relatively poorly in Gen 1, only a handful of people reached level 30 there. Dew didn't even reach 10, IIRC. Bad at thievery, I am.

Also I'm a genius tactician and failed the Combat ranking because I could. By the way, I thought all deaths, even Valkyria'd ones, take a toll on the Tactics rating, seems I was wrong. Hurrah. 65 hours indeed. Well spent, I'm sure.

I'm going to replay the game at least one more time with different pairings, to try out Forseti!Arthur for one example.

To me, the best thing in Genealogy is that you can deploy everyone you want, without the usual limitations. And four-way dancing.


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Tinny almost always go to Freeges alone. It's down to how the order of priority work for the ending. Father's inheritance is a priority for sons over mother's, inheritance takes priority over marriage for where the children end off; and males never go to be the consort of the women they marry even if they don't have their own inheritance.

So unless instead of marrying Taillto to someone like Azel, Lewyn, Lex or Claude, you pair her up with a landless guy like Alec, Dew or Beowulf BUT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT; Tinny always inherit Freeges and always ends up there alone.

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Tinny almost always go to Freeges alone. It's down to how the order of priority work for the ending. Father's inheritance is a priority for sons over mother's, inheritance takes priority over marriage for where the children end off; and males never go to be the consort of the women they marry even if they don't have their own inheritance.

So unless instead of marrying Taillto to someone like Azel, Lewyn, Lex or Claude, you pair her up with a landless guy like Alec, Dew or Beowulf BUT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT; Tinny always inherit Freeges and always ends up there alone.

Ouch. Guess I'm spoilt by Crusader Kings' take on feudalism and inheritance. Won't bother then, Tinni forever alone in Freege :(

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CONGRATS! You won the game!

Now play the midqeul Thracia 776 and have your mind blown away!

But, really, congrats. Sad for Tinny though. She always ends up alone.

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[...] in Ch10 Oifey died to the Brave Sword miniboss

Fwiw that "miniboss" Ridale randomly happens to be one of the most dangerous enemies in the game. Dude has Critical / Pursuit as Skills, a Hero Sword and a freaking Power Ring equipped - and he actually moves. So you're actually a lot more likely to have on of your units get destroyed by him than some other tough boss because those usually sit on thrones. Like, you don't just get roasted by Alvis on accident because you didn't pay attention and just parked one of your units right in front of him at his castle. But it's actually very easy to not realize that there's some random dude coming up to you with a 2x 38 Might + 2x 21% crit attack.

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I know, I know. It's just that I was bad to accidentally leave Oifey in Riddell's range. He's a very, very nasty surprise for the unwary with his terrifyingly accurate Brave Sword and skillset.

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