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Aidean and Briggid - Who to pair with who?


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Yo, so I'm doing another run of FE4, and I figured I'd fish for some opinions on who to pair the Jungby sisters with. Here's my breakdown...

Dad #1: Midayle

Midayle gets a bad rap for being kind of bad.... and yeah, he kind of is. But he makes a good dad, boasting the all coveted Pursuit skill. Duel is nice too, for a bow user. Aidean and Briggid's Ullur blood both kind of cover for Midayle's weaknesses either way.

With Aidean, Midayle provides a direct parental contribution to Lester, also being a bow knight. He can pass down the hero's and killer bow, and if I manage to promote Midayle, a silver one too which he can use out the gate due to Ullur blood. Also, their love story is a cute.

With Briggid, things are a bit iffier. Midayle passes things onto Patty, so his archeryness is wasted because Briggid is also an archer. He can't pass any weapons down, but pursuit really makes Patty useful in fights and she can fight in arenas a little easier (especially since she can't use B rank swords).

Dad #2: Jamke

Jamke is an interesting case. Another bowdude like Midayle, he is way way WAY more competent than his horse riding rival for love in terms of raw stat growth. Except his skill. That sucks for some reason.

With Aidean, Lester (and Lana) miss out on Pursuit, because for bow fighters that skill is built into their class, because reasons. However he can pass down the brave and killer bow which both may well make up for that.

With Briggid, Jamke's bow using skills are again wasted. He offers little to Patty besides solid growths, but Continue and Duel are hella good skills for both her and Faval, though they might be a tad overkill on Faval who is already packing the Ichival Bow.

Dad #3: Holyn

I only pair Holyn with Briggid and honestly the results speak for themselves: it makes Patty into a MACHINE. Odo blood makes up for Faval's mediocre skill growth, and B rank swords means Patty can whip out the brave sword, and the Luna skill is a nice additional thing if a bit superfluous in the long run. Holyn's big drawback imo is the fact he isn't a destined pair with Briggid so there's basically no lore or story for them and that annoys me.

Dad #4: Dew

Again, Briggid only. Dew being a thief is a perfect analogue for Patty, and the bargain skill helps Faval maintain the use of the Ichival for long periods of time without going bankrupt. Dew also has fantastcally rounded stat growths that help both kids, and is a destined pairing to boot, but Patty won't get any fighting skills on the side. Bargain might can help her afford the elite ring though, however.

So yeah, what do you all suggest? I typically go Midayle/Aidean and Holyn/Briggid but I'd like to see some opinions outside my comfort zone.

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Midayle/Aideen seems to be everybody's bread and butter but I'm a fan of Jamka/Aideen for story reasons and because I don't like Midayle that much. Gamewise though it all boils down to who's fighting for that pursuit ring. Lana doesn't need it and if Lester doesn't have much competition he can have it with no issue. The killer bow does not make up for no pursuit btw unless you stack a ton of kills on it.

Sol is actually pretty good for Patty actually if you're looking at Dew, but I'd say go for Holyn. Patty really appreciates that B rank in swords.

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If you're pairing Jamka/Midir with Briggid, let them kill Jacoban in chapter 3 and have them hang onto the thunder sword, thieves with magic swords let them get money easily and they're C rank to boot (for some reason....)

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Well there is also the Brave Bow. I typically drop the pursuit ring on Ethlin so Leif can inherit it, and then once Leify boy hits Master Knight, give it to Johan/Johalva.

Midayle and Jamka both got good story with Aidean, so its a matter of does she want the loyal nice guy or the rugged bad boy, hue.

Also I had no idea using a magic sword's ranged attack would trigger steal. Though I can't say I'm surprised, hurr hurr. I should really pay magic swords more attention.

Edited by CappnRob
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But I love using my whole army, I'd feel bad if I screwed Lester or Patty over, lol.

Either way it seems Holyn is the way to go with Briggid, lack of story or no. I might experiment with Jamke and Aidean, but the lack of pursuit does put me a bit off.

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While I do prefer Midayle/Aideen and Holyn/Brigged (the latter because Dew/Ayra is that good), I actually think I'm going to suggest Jamke/Brigged.

They have a predestined pairing (as I assume that matters), Faval is kinda amazing with Charge and Continue (if low on skill), and getting the Thunder Sword for Patty is still doable.

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