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Dark Flier Xander + Others

Taguel Inigo

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For awhile now, I've really wanted to make Xander a Dark Flier! He's one of my favorite characters. Dark Flier is my favorite classes. On top of that, I love using unorthodox class and character combinations.

So, my question is: How do I make Xander a good Dark Flier? What skills, weapon and pairing should I use for him?

Additionally, I've married Odin to Elise.

I want to make Odin a strategist and Elise a Sorcerer. Any skill or weapon recommendations?

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...well you've already decided to make Xander bad by putting him in a class where he loses his tankiness and can't wield Siegfried. If you're really commited to the gimmick; use an arm scroll to immediately put him at C class lance, and give him a bolt naginata.

Edited by Shoblongoo
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So, if we take weapon ranks, growths, and caps into account, Xander turns into. . .more of a true hybrid fighter (29 Str and 31 Mag at max, though Magic growth is really low). Honestly, I'd give him one tome (Lightning), and fill the rest of his inventory with lances. What you'll want to do is use Lightning to secure a kill, then switch to physical lances so that he doesn't give a crap about the halved Magic. . .which is something that he can do with a degree of competence.

Edited by eggclipse
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Yeahhhh...Xander is never going to get anywhere close to max magic. You still have one ebon wing left, right? If you like dark fliers and you really want to use Odin, he does pretty good for himself with that class. Better then a grandmaster at any rate.

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Having Xander dip into Grandmaster wouldn't be a bad idea. Ignis should help to amp his damage with tomes. Much as I like Luna, enemy RES tends to be lower.

Then again, if TC wanted a true hybrid class, Grandmaster is strictly better for Xander. However, TC wants Xander as a Dark Flier, so I'm going to respect that.

Edited by eggclipse
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For Xander as a dark flier I would recommend:

Galeforce, Trample, Bowbreaker (A+ Leo), Aether (DLC Vanguard)/Luna, Armored Blow/Lancefaire (requires shopping for skills in my castle)

Gives Xander protection from arrows and enough offense with lances to clean up softened enemies. Your mileage with tomes may vary.

For Odin as a strategist...

Tomefaire (my castle), Aether (DLC Vanguard)/Astra, Malefic Aura, Inspiration, Vantage

Gives Odin a supportive role (seems appropriate for strategists) with enough offense to punch holes in things. Low health of Strategist lets Vantage proc very easily (provided you survive a hit, which can be a strategist issue)

Sorcerer Elise

Aether (DLC skill tome), Trample, Tomefaire (A+ Sakura in Revelations or My castle), Savage Blow, Renewal (A+ Sakura)

The mighty Elise will burn all before her, she has some staying power with renewal and a nosferatu tome. Just keep in mind that her low defense growths will still keep her really vulnerable and it will only take a few physical hits to wipe her off the map. But hey, she is the definition of a glass cannon this way, and you can use her as a bunker buster. Just clean everything she softens up with Savage Blow and try and cover her so she doesn't suffer retaliation fire (she really doesn't like it).

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Well for Xander he'll pretty much be glued to a Lance. He starts with D so it won't be too rocky. You can still keep the Seigfreid on his inventory for the boost in defense. If you get him to D rank on tomes he can get pretty silly bonuses in defense since it stacks. Other than that even if you want magic the Bolt Naginata does the job better than any tome due to 11 mt. He'll actually be fast-ish for a while.

For Elise just reclass her, make sure she gets rank D in tomes and watch her go. She'll have very paper-thin defenses so you'll have to space her correctly but otherwise no issues. For Odin work on his staff rank and make sure to leave him unpaired so he can make good use of Attack Stance.

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