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Halo VS Metroid


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Even THAT doesn't answer the question, since both Samus and MC's speed and technique are left entriely up to the guy who animated it... Plus, they didn't even finish the fight.

Edited by Xixiel
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what kind of stupid topic is this, of course metroid is better than halo, only thing halo has is the online gameplay, if that wasn't in the game it would be nothing

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Call of Duty eats Halo in being a social game.

YOU WIN MY FRIEND because call of duty is more of a reality game and since halo isn't and call of duty is that good therefor, call of duty wins over halo, and like I said halo is nothing without its online gameplay

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And Metroid isn't a true FPS. What's your point?
They're both shooting games, they both set in a "space-time" theme, and their character in each of their game uses suits for utilities and shits to do all the shootings and stuff. They're perfectly comparable.


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What do you see in this pic? Someone shooting, that's what I thought. So it can be consider a shooting game.

It is not as simple as that for it to be considered a true FPS.

Is Zelda a true fighting game because you fight enemies?

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It is not as simple as that for it to be considered a true FPS.

Is Zelda a true fighting game because you fight enemies?

If you mean by the Zelda kinda game you go off fighting bosses and takes a lot of time then yes, it can be consider a fighting game is some way.

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a FPS game is something thats just specifically all about fighting or shooting, but metroid and legend of zelda is not, so it can not be a FPS game

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So if Metroid is not consider to be a shooting game then what is it?

Nintendo classifies it as a first-person adventure, according to Wikipedia


but we know how reliable Wiki can be

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You really can't expect stuff off of wikipedia you know...

I don't see how's this relevant to this topic...

i know its not a very good source, but its a good place to start

now that you know that according to wiki, nintendo declared Metroid Prime as a first person adventure, you know where to look next to confirm or deny the truth of the statement

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So if Metroid is not consider to be a shooting game then what is it?

It is an adventure game, just like the other Metroid games except Pinball and Hunters. Anyone with half a brain knew that, yet you and Fox keep insisting otherwise.

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