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A month ago, I had only heard about Fire Emblem in passing. Now, I'm basically obsessed


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Welcome to the fandom, buddy! Sounds like you came into it the same way I did. I picked up Awakening at random while buying my 3DS while waiting for Pokémon X & Y, and I couldn't put it down for days.

I hope you enjoy your stay and the rest of the games, should you decide to play them!

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by eclipse, December 31, 2016 - No reason given
Hidden by eclipse, December 31, 2016 - No reason given

Sorry, ignore this post.

Edited by Anacybele
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Heyo and welcome to the fandom.

Cool to see that you like Awakening. And being a FE fan obviously trying out the other entries, lol.

But anyways, enjoy your stay in the fandom and forest.

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You think the characters and writing in Awakening are "so well done?"

I hate to burst your bubble, but a lot of people here would disagree with you, myself included. Frederick is the only character in Awakening I fell in love with, and I find that other characters are too gimmicky and/or flat or one-note. As for the writing, it confused me sometimes, other times felt plain stupid, and the story is generally agreed to be pretty bad.

If you enjoy the games though, hey, that's great! No one can stop you there. I'm just warning you about how people might take you saying Awakening has good writing and characters. xP

Another thing, you say you feel like a pervert with Nowi, but you have no problem marrying Lissa? Weeell, I hate to burst your bubble again, but she's 14... xP

What unnecessary comments to someone who just entered the fandom and wanted to gush about their newfound love for the franchise. The fact remains that while, indeed, quite a large number of people on Serenes Forest view Awakening negatively, the majority of the fandom does not. Besides, isn't there a joke on this site that Genealogy of the Holy War is the only installment immune to criticism?

Darkwind, enjoy the game at your leisure. This fandom can be quite negative no matter what game you talk about, so don't mind it too much, alright?

Also, Lissa starts the game as a 15-year-old and then there's a two year time skip, if that puts your mind at ease.

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Meh, enjoy your olden days member berries and I'll enjoy my new player ignorance, mkay?

How much Fire Emblem have you played outside of Awakening? Which version of Fates have you played?

If you're ready for your next experience, I think Sacred Stones would be the next game considerating your initial point (Awakening)

Edited by Troykv
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If you wanna play further in the series, I recommend saving Conquest/Thracia/Later difficulties of New Mystery/Binding Blade for later, they are infamously difficult (Thracia can be cheesed if you are well aware of what you are doing, however.), and my personal recommendations for continuing into the series is Sacred Stones, the Gamecube Games, and (if you can stand waiting like 5 minutes to get to the action per map, because Genealogy is slow), Genealogy of the Holy War. Personally, Thracia, Shadow Dragon, and New Mystery have my favorite gameplay in the series, for being rather tough on the player.

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Honestly, I'm pretty sure that FE4 is not considered immune to criticism, too. Mainly because it's so different, and is hardly a balanced game even by Fire Emblem standards, considering it revolves around magic plot blood and ponies.

I don't like Awakening, either. I find it immensely boring of a game, not fond of its plot or cast, and the villains in particular need work.

That said, it's fine to like it. Everyone has their own tastes, after all. Humanity would be boring robots otherwise, and where's the fun in that?

If you have a Wii U, you can get FE7 (localized as simply "Fire Emblem") or FE8 (The Sacred Stones) off the eshop. I'd recommend both for beginners. I guess you can emulate them if you're into that.

Unfortunately, nothing from FE6 (The Sword of Seals/The Binding Blade) and earlier received an official localization, nor did FE12 (New Mystery of the Emblem ~ Heroes of Light and Shadow).

For other 3DS games besides Fire Emblem, I'm going to give an obligatory recommendation for Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past and Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (the latter will be released overseas on the 20th of January) since they're both very good JRPGs and the series honestly doesn't get the love it deserves outside of Japan.

Also your cat is adorable, just saying. Of course, what cat isn't, eh?

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Honestly, I'm pretty sure that FE4 is not considered immune to criticism, too. Mainly because it's so different, and is hardly a balanced game even by Fire Emblem standards, considering it revolves around magic plot blood and ponies.

That's why I said it was a joke. As a lot of people here are aware, I've got plenty to say about all the games I've played in the series.

May I also say I think you guys are doing a very poor job of introducing this newcomer to the series. By proclaiming your distaste for the game they're gushing about and immediately recommending a lot of other titles, I know I would personally be put off and discouraged to take such advice. The names are rather long and confusing as well; I know it took me a while to get them all sorted in my head, something made even more difficult with parts of the series not being localized. I suggest you guys chill a bit.

Edited by Thane
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I'm glad you're having fun, OP. FE is a really cool series. Can't help but to feel like such a jaded fan when you gush about the characters and story, though.

When you can, try out the older FEs. The GBA ones still hold up pretty well even after all these years, not to mention Path of Radiance (GC) and Radiant Dawn (Wii).

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Welcome to the FE fandom buddy, enjoy your stay, cause you're never gonna leave.

And don't worry about some of members disliking Awakening and Fates, Fire Emblem is franchise with 14 different games, so in a franchise as large as this it's obvious that there's going to be disagreement between older and newer fans, but don't worry, the majority isn't like this.

You think the characters and writing in Awakening are "so well done?"

I hate to burst your bubble, but a lot of people here would disagree with you, myself included. Frederick is the only character in Awakening I fell in love with, and I find that other characters are too gimmicky and/or flat or one-note. As for the writing, it confused me sometimes, other times felt plain stupid, and the story is generally agreed to be pretty bad.

If you enjoy the games though, hey, that's great! No one can stop you there. I'm just warning you about how people might take you saying Awakening has good writing and characters. xP

Another thing, you say you feel like a pervert with Nowi, but you have no problem marrying Lissa? Weeell, I hate to burst your bubble again, but she's 14... xP

Was this really necessary? The guy really enjoying the Fire Emblem series and is super excited to meet other fans of Fire Emblem to share his newfound love for the series and this is the first thing you say to him?

Is this the impression you want give him of a Fire Emblem fan? It's this sort of attitude that creates the mindset that veterans FE fans are all elitists and that they hate newcomers.

Try learning from Glaceon Mage, who dislikes Awakening, but doesn't bash other people for liking it.

And don't worry about this Darkwind, mostly everyone here is really nice and if you ever have some trouble with the game, such as a difficult level or a game mechanic that you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask! We will be more than happy to help you in any way we can!

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What unnecessary comments to someone who just entered the fandom and wanted to gush about their newfound love for the franchise. The fact remains that while, indeed, quite a large number of people on Serenes Forest view Awakening negatively, the majority of the fandom does not. Besides, isn't there a joke on this site that Genealogy of the Holy War is the only installment immune to criticism?

Darkwind, enjoy the game at your leisure. This fandom can be quite negative no matter what game you talk about, so don't mind it too much, alright?

Also, Lissa starts the game as a 15-year-old and then there's a two year time skip, if that puts your mind at ease.

How are they unnecessary? I feel you're the one being unnecessary by criticizing me for no good reason. I get that he wanted to gush about his newfound love for FE, I've got no problem with that. In fact, I think it's great that new fans are still coming in. I was just telling him he should be careful saying that Awakening has good characters and writing because of certain people on this forum and even occasionally outside the forum who would rip him apart for this and I'd hate to see an innocent fan get harassed like that.

And I'm aware that a lot of people outside the forum don't view Awakening negatively, that's why I said a lot of people HERE, not a lot of people in the fandom.

And actually, it was confirmed that Lissa starts the game at 14.

May I also say I think you guys are doing a very poor job of introducing this newcomer to the series. By proclaiming your distaste for the game they're gushing about and immediately recommending a lot of other titles, I know I would personally be put off and discouraged to take such advice. The names are rather long and confusing as well; I know it took me a while to get them all sorted in my head, something made even more difficult with parts of the series not being localized. I suggest you guys chill a bit.

Well, I think you're doing a very poor job of making us seem welcoming to said newcomer by criticizing us unnecessarily. All Glac and I did was voice an opinion and say it's still great that he likes Awakening, everyone has their own tastes, etc etc. You act like we called him stupid names and belittled him for liking Awakening which was NOT the case. I was only trying to help him out and Glac was only recommending more games to him. Leave us alone, please.

And just because you would be "discouraged" to take advice doesn't mean others would.

EDIT: Wow, seriously, Water Mage? You too? Glac and I did NOTHING wrong. Yes, my post was necessary because I don't want to see a new fan get picked on or bashed for liking newer games. I've seen it happen here and in other parts of the internet. I never bashed anyone and I can't believe you would accuse me of being someone who'd do that. I'm not an elitist either.

But wow, I'm sorry I ever posted or tried to help anyone. You people are way too sensitive.

Edited by Anacybele
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Welcome to the fandom, everyone has a starting game that has a special spot in their heart Sacred Stones was my first FE and I think Awakening is good too, it has my favorite Tiki and I like some of the other characters I did find the story a bit silly at times but to each their own. If you really like the characters in Awakening you might try Project X Zone 2 because Chrom and Lucina both appear in that game and if you pick up the Robin and Lucina Amiibos you can use them in Code Name S.T.E.A.M. which is made by the same people who make FE. You have a cute cat, grey cats are my second favorite cat color after black since every cat who adopts me is black, but I have known a nice grey cat as well.

Edited by EricaofRenais
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You have got to be kidding me.

You're surprised I reacted like that? Wow. Just wow. I see a lot of people have the same reaction when someone gets offended at something little like you did.

Edited by Anacybele
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You're surprised I reacted like that? Wow. Just wow. I see a lot of people have the same reaction when someone gets offended at something little like you did.

I wasn't offended. I pointed out how utterly unhelpful and discouraging your post was, nothing more. Seeing as you've got the thinnest skin on the entire forum, I'm baffled by your hypocrisy, that is all.

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You have got to be kidding me.

You're surprised I reacted like that? Wow. Just wow. I see a lot of people have the same reaction when someone gets offended at something little like you did.

People let's try to start a flame war on the guy's first thread here okay?

The last thing I'll add is this: Ana, pay more attention to your words and phrase them, even it wasn't your intention you came off as an elitist and a hypocrite.

Now, if you both want to continue this between yourselves, do it on PMs.

Edited by Water Mage
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I wasn't offended. I pointed out how utterly unhelpful and discouraging your post was, nothing more. Seeing as you've got the thinnest skin on the entire forum, I'm baffled by your hypocrisy, that is all.

How was my post unhelpful when I was only telling him that there are some people who would pick on him for his comments and that he should steer clear of those people?

And I don't know where you're getting the idea that I have the "thinnest skin" because that's not true at all. I've developed quite a backbone after all the bullying and harassment I endured growing up thanks to being born with a disability that I never chose to fucking have.

EDIT: We posted at the same time, Water Mage, my mistake. But I still fail to see how I ever came off as an elitist or hypcrite. I don't see it at all and I don't think I ever will. As someone that likes Fates, dislikes FE7, and doesn't play the Japan-only games, I'm not anywhere near an elitist. I wouldn't know how to sound like one.

Edited by Anacybele
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People let's try to start a flame war on the guy's first thread here okay?

The last thing I'll add is this: Ana, pay more attention to your words and phrase them, even it wasn't your intention you came off as an elitist and a hypocrite.

Now, if you both want to continue this between yourselves, do it on PMs.

I apologize, you're right, of course.

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Welcome to he fandom! :D

Try not to be put off my some of our forum members - they can be a bit rough, but somewhere in their stone robot casing a gooshy heart beats.

I love Roy and I'm still here, so they can't all be that bad, right?

FE doesn't just have 14 games, it has 14 very different games. Whatever you play, go in with an open mind and it's okay to like or dislike anything you feel is right to you. It's a 1p game and it's your experience.

FE is my favorite too! (along with pokemon)

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Hey, glad you're enjoying the series! Awakening was my first game as well, and although now I have some problems with it regarding some of the finer details, it's still a great place to start off IMO. Don't worry to much about your first playthrough, you're going to hate it no matter what Awakening is easy enough to let you do what you want without the possibility of being screwed over, especially if you're on Normal.

Also the 3DS is a great console, there's plenty of beautiful games on there that will surprise you. If you're into old-fashioned JRPGs like the earlier FFs, I'd recommend the Bravely Default series! It's really fun and has great characters and writing, but the first game does receive a lot of flak for being repetitive towards the end.

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Oh yeah, if you're open to other 3DS suggestions like SageofAnys is, I would personally recommend Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon if you play Mario games (or are a Luigi fan. :P). It's my favorite handheld game period. It's not extremely long, but is really fun and has a lot of humor in it!

Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is also great, if you like Zelda or puzzles, dungeons, exploring, and adventurous swordplay gameplay. Glaceon from earlier in the thread is a particularly big fan of it and she can probably give you a lot more info on it than I ever could. lol

I'm also sorry if you didn't like what I said earlier (I edited the post to remove it as well). I still don't really see what's wrong with it, but I admittedly have that problem a lot. I don't wish for you or anyone to see me as a bad or rude person. I often don't recognize when I say something people don't like, even if I never learn to see it the same way. I don't have very good social skills...all I want to do is be a good person and have friends in spite of that, really. So yeah, while I might not see what I did wrong, I can see when I've caused trouble and apologize for it. So I'm sorry if that was the case.

And if you ever start liking Frederick, we can definitely get along then. ;) lol

Edited by Anacybele
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