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Are We Getting Supports?

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sorry I couldn't think of a better title.

When I was watching the trailer again I noticed a character appear on the battle forecast

now I'm unfamilliar with Gaiden, as I've only gotten past the first part, so I'm unsure of the character that's appearing

(hopefully I made this work right with the new serenes forums)


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I'd like to think so, but the other remakes didn't add them, so who knows.  FE12 did add base conversations, which is better than nothing, but I hope we get true Supports, but without the matchmaking.

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In the shot that transitions from old Gaiden gameplay to the remake (Alm vs Soldier), you can catch something that looks like Support bonuses over Alm's head for a moment, I've heard. Also, he wasn't directly next to anyone at the time, so an older Support system may be coming back for this game.

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13 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'd like to think so, but the other remakes didn't add them, so who knows.  FE12 did add base conversations, which is better than nothing, but I hope we get true Supports, but without the matchmaking.

False, FE11 and 12 both had supports, they just behaved like the most asinine way possible, a fusion of SNES FE with GBA FE, so you'd get the bonuses if two characters wait beside eachother long enough, but there is no indication of that besides character A suddenly dealing more damage when character B is closer

Edited by MCProductions
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1 minute ago, MCProductions said:


False, FE11 and 12 both had supports, they just behaved like the most asinine way possible, a fusion of SNES FE with GBA FE, so you'd get the bonuses if two characters wait beside eachother long enough, but there is no indication of that besides character suddenly dealing more damage when character B is closer

I stand corrected.

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now I'm wondering about the orange thing where Alm's crit chance is

is he getting more for being in support range or is he loosing crit for having a weapon triangle disadvantage?

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21 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

now I'm wondering about the orange thing where Alm's crit chance is

is he getting more for being in support range or is he loosing crit for having a weapon triangle disadvantage?

Gaiden actually did not have a triangle, and judging by how the traditional adv./disadv. arrows next to weapon icons are not present, the remake might not have the triangle either.

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Doubt we'd get supports unless they are like Thracia's and a few other games. The releases are only spread apart by about a month so if we do get supports they won't have too much dialogue or there won't be any at all. I could stand corrected and there could be a larger team localizing it, but I highly doubt that's the case. Hopefully I'm proven wrong about that.

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I'm starting to believe we are getting more of a pure Gaiden experience than originally thought. Not sure if Supports or the Weapon Triangle will be in this one.

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This got me thinking... For sake of argument lets say support are in the game. Then my question is how do you think the support conversation will be handle? This stems from from my understanding that you are playing two different parties in two different places in the world majority of the game before the two joins up to defeat the big bad at the end right?

With this made me think that there will be exclusive support convo to each Lord and perhaps a couple that can support with both parties? For example a soldier in Alm party can't have supports those in Celica and vice versa and Villager A can support with characters in both parties. Now I have excluded marriage since I don't know the rooster and it's a different discussion if it should also be included or not.

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30 minutes ago, Jedi said:

I'm starting to believe we are getting more of a pure Gaiden experience than originally thought. Not sure if Supports or the Weapon Triangle will be in this one.

still though, in the original Gaiden Alm could get support bonouses from Celica

seeing that face show up and the orange piece in Alm's crit rate shows some sign of a change

I think they learned their lesson from the DS games

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They did say it was an "inspired" title, so I'd imagine them updating some of the mechanics. I wouldn't mind if they updated support system. It was praised for it as one of the series selling points, as it lends players' insights on the personalities of the characters and gave them bonuses in battle. If it was like how the GBA games did it, I think it would fit well, because you get the nice conversations and the bonuses. And if two characters reach a 'S' then all it does is change their epilogue text.


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1 hour ago, JasonMendez said:

Doubt we'd get supports unless they are like Thracia's and a few other games. The releases are only spread apart by about a month so if we do get supports they won't have too much dialogue or there won't be any at all. I could stand corrected and there could be a larger team localizing it, but I highly doubt that's the case. Hopefully I'm proven wrong about that.

They probably already have started translating it. Nintendo is giving IS more support now thanks to the successes of Awakening and Fates so it's safe to assume IS expanded their capital and development team. Plus the playable cast should be significantly smaller than their last two games, so the actual translation process shouldn't be as time-consuming as their last. It seems like they may have added characters (based on the Effie speculations), so taking into consideration the possibility of a couple more being added the cast should be no bigger than Awakening. So a larger team and a smaller cast can do wonders. Nintendo does this type of thing with their other big titles, so I don't think it's too far-fetched.

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3 hours ago, MCProductions said:

False, FE11 and 12 both had supports, they just behaved like the most asinine way possible, a fusion of SNES FE with GBA FE, so you'd get the bonuses if two characters wait beside eachother long enough, but there is no indication of that besides character A suddenly dealing more damage when character B is closer

I'm pretty sure support building in the DS games works like it does in PoR, where the applicable characters get support points for participating in chapters at the same time, but the fact that it's entirely hidden from the player until they notice certain formations give small combat boosts is still asinine, as you said. It boggles the mind why they didn't make that clear.

As for OP's question, we could get supports, though I'm of the mind that it'll be small boosts at most and might come without the conversations. I wouldn't mind either way.

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I personally hope Supports are present in this game, at least in the form of basic conversations like previous remakes (or just for the sake of expanding the original plot of Gaiden and its characters). They don't have to be necessarily marriage related (and even if they include marriage, I hope they leave out the children mechanic because I would be disappointed in seeing another Fates situation in that regard).

Edited by Pikappa93
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I actually hope we do get supports but that they don't result in marriage or children. It'd allow the developers to give the game more back story and lore without sacrificing the original vision of gaiden. 

It was fun supporting with characters in awakening and fates and it'd be cool to do the same with echoes...though if enough people are against it in this instance then I can understand since they'd want this game to basically be a straight remake.

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From that screenshot, it does kinda seem like some bonus system from three spaces, considering how by all likelihood that is Gray with the green hair as a Cavalier.

It's somewhat early into the original game, as the fifth map. Having at least C supports by this point with characters that are there from the first map is pretty likely if it is showing a support. 

7 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I'd like to think so, but the other remakes didn't add them, so who knows.  FE12 did add base conversations, which is better than nothing, but I hope we get true Supports, but without the matchmaking.

FE12 did have support conversations, you would just get them after the map in the base conversations section.

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50 minutes ago, Wraith said:

If Echoes doesn't have supports I have the feeling that it won't sell well.

From my own personal experience, I have a friend called paige who bought the game because she was so impressed with fate's cutscenes and singing. But more to the point, she loved the marriage and children aspect the most. Not the game play, music, graphics, etc... but the support system.

I imagine that, at the very least, the game needs some support system to appeal to new players. It doesn't have to end in marriage and children but there has to be something.

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1 hour ago, Dinar87 said:

I imagine that, at the very least, the game needs some support system to appeal to new players. It doesn't have to end in marriage and children but there has to be something.

I'm pretty sure they're have something like supports. The fanbase really likes supports so, like you said, they'll probably have some support system.

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