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Things you'd like to see on new FEs


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It's an old subject, but I couldn't find the original topic (if it is actually the original topic) and it's old iirc (not on the first pages at least), so here we go.

By the way, when I said "things" I meant to be as inclusive as possible, going from gameplay mechanics to art change to animations to whatever counts as an element on a FE game. Go wild.

I want... platonic friendships in FE. I haven't played Persona 4 yet, but I've read that they're a thing there and they seem to work. I don't see a reason why characters can't stick together or develop a strong friendship without going into a romantic level.

Also, that might be a bit harder to include, but I'd like to see unit reactions for when an unit that was their friend or family dies/retires from combat. It could be either in dialogue, gameplay penalties/bonuses (yay, video game cruelty potential) in the next map, their individual ending or something else that I haven't thought of yet. In PoR, if Oscar/Boyd dies (for context, they're siblings), Boyd/Oscar will comment about it, as will Rolf, on one part of the game (and on a Base Conversation iirc).

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I'd like:

  • A lord unit who is not a garbage unit and a complete idiot (I'm respectively talking about Roy and Corrin), maybe a controversial one.
  • Magic, I mean REAL Dark/Anima/Light magic as different weapons, possibly with Fates' Weapon Triangle and Magic Triangle inside.
  • A different charachter design (no preferences, just wanting something different).
  • The height mechanic from Radiant Dawn.
  • Traitors and units who die not screaming "Hey, I'm a green unit! Hey, I have no supports!".
  • More platonic S supports.
  • No Avatar, or a good one like Robin, but secondary like Mark.
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1. A few more "epic" battles. The levels involving Crimea in Radiant Dawn is an excellent example of this with plenty of NPCs around to make things interesting. Besides, Daein's 3-13 Archer could use some company.

2. If including "shapeshifters" give them more of a spotlight and backstory. Actually, just give more more lore in general. I don't want "Prosperous Kingdom invaded by Militant Kingdom" all the time, give me some more explanation. Does the Prosperous Kingdom engage in some shady dealings, such as the Black Market and slaves? Are the Militant Kingdom driven by a religious crusade or need to fight to secure food for their people? Heck, for once make the invaders the good guys, and maybe even have the Protagonist be part of the invading force! (Fates: Conquest does not count as the Protagonist dislikes the invasion, but "plot.")

3. A non-sword wielding Lord or a Lord who is primarily mounted. While this can include the classic horse like the Cavalier, what if there was a Pegasus Lord or a Wyvern Lord?

4. Non-Romantic "S" Supports. Sacred Stones is the best example of this, having a Father & Son ending, a war veteran finding a child soldier's mother, and even a Princess and her Bodyguard (guardian role, not romantic).

5. For some variety, include some technological progression such as gunpowder. Imagine the classic Fire Emblem kingdoms fighting each other while there is a "foreign representative" that mimics the "East India Trading Company" deals in firearms and may even have a stake in the ongoing war. Perhaps they are intrigued by the concept of magic as technology is the primary focus of the foreign kingdom.

6. Have an "Empire," but the Empire are the good guys and the Protagonist is trying to keep the Empire unified instead of breaking apart. This can be portrayed by the classic "The Emperor is Dead" scenario, and the protagonist may be a loyalist or even next in line to the throne while other kingdoms covet the imperial throne for themselves. Yeah, I know, probably too complex for a Fire Emblem game...

7. No Children, unless properly justified. While Time Travel could work, I don't want that used again because Awakening is still recent. The Deep Realms are a terrible excuse. If children return, I would prefer properly separating the generations (the first can be killed off or retire, with a rare few returning in Gen 2). Alternatively, perhaps there is just an older character who has a kid of combat age, like Garcia and Ross in Sacred Stones.

8. A "Background Avatar." The Avatar may be a bodyguard for the primary lord and has a few interactions, but typically has little to no role in the overall story. There may be a spotlight moment where the Avatar does something awesome, but then the story focus goes back on the main Lord.

9. Active Parents. I know, I know, Parents in a JRPG, but it would be awesome if the main lord was a prince/princess and the King/Queen eventually join the party late in the game as a powerful character instead of being killed off or something.

10. A non-naive lord. Let there be a different character flaw than being naive, such as being arrogant. Maybe the Lord is so full of himself/herself and charges the enemy army with small numbers only to suffer massive losses instead of being a crowning moment of glory. Perhaps revenge against another kingdom is a primary motive, and they may be some sort of moral system depending on how the character reacts to certain situations. Maybe the Lord's good nature is taken advantage of and is exploited, or carrying out questionable moral decisions (usage of "inhumane" weapons, massacring innocents disguised as the enemy, disobeying orders even if death is the consequence, etc.) Just something else besides naivety, please.

Edited by Sire
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Multiple story changing decisions, along with different routes. No, Fates does not count, way too many reused maps and both routes share too many gimmicks (a boat chapter, a beast chapter, etc). Not to mention there is only one story changing decision.

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Pardon my grammar, I'm a bit buzzed when typing.
Time System: The level's time will advance each turn. Certain units do better in the morning (ie. sages) midday (ie. paladins) afternoon (ie. clerics) evening (ie. warriors) night (ie. sorcerers) and other units do bad at certain times of the day.

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7 hours ago, Sire said:

10. A non-naive lord. Let there be a different character flaw than being naive, such as being arrogant. Maybe the Lord is so full of himself/herself and charges the enemy army with small numbers only to suffer massive losses instead of being a crowning moment of glory. 

One of my problems with Skrimir is that he might as well be wearing a sign above his head saying "I'm going to receive character development" in flashing neon lights, but apart from that, his progression is rather solid, and the way he goes from being portrayed as a force of nature to a humbled but still powerful Laguz was really interesting. I think a lord without the neon sign part could be really interesting.

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I'm just spitballing here in response to the idea of an arrogant lord, but what if our theoretical new lord was just really good at combat/war/punching and the like, and knew how good they were, but ultimately realized they were only propagating a philosophy of might makes right? Like, they could have a series of major victories, but be exposed to the negative consequences of stomping all over another army, and that the populace aren't looking at them universally as the conquering hero. The lords of most previous FE games tend to lean in a "everybody thinks they're pretty great, because they volunteer at homeless shelters" direction, so what if we got to take some Ephraim type on a more explicit journey of learning how to be not just a great warrior, but a just ruler? If successful, our little proto-lord could combine the best traits of many other protagonists, and we would like them, because we saw them earn it, instead of just starting out generically charismatic and awesome at governing, because of course they are, they're of noble birth(/s). IntSys would have to pull their collective tongue out of the player's arse long enough to try and make us genuinely feel bad about something we did in one of their games, though, so this scenario is unlikely.

On the more realistic side of things, more characters like Gregor, Shura, Reina, Basilio, Flavia, Niime, Fuuga, Vaida, Nolan, Mordecai, etc. and less lolis and shotas please. It's not that many of them are prepromotes (in fact, I prefer if they start at levels 10-14 unpromoted), but the fact that they are older, wiser, and weathered in a different way from the typical mounted prepromotes like Jagen, Zealot, Seth, and the like. They have scars, and have seen some shit that the legion of conventionally attractive teenagers and early 20-somethings (or, somehow, the really-1,000-year-old children) just could not believably understand. They are past the point of having anything to prove, because they've figured out who they are for the most part. They know what it's like to have to take off your armor (or robes in a few cases) and go hunting for wild turnips, or till a field, or raise some chickens, and it shows in that they typically have more than just the one-note shtick going for them.

Wow, that was some word-vomit. Just give me more seasoned vets and old people who know life outside of castles, IntSys. Pretty please.

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-An ambitious protagonist of low-birth. We've had a lot of characters who start off as lords and we've had a lot of characters that are primarily interested in restoring the peace, but I want to see a protagonist who wants more in life. They can still have noble qualities like the desire to help the victims of war and injustice, but the desire to rise in society and pursue a dream should be central to their character. I'd like see moral ambiguity and Good is Not Soft.

-A tome using lord.

-A mixed cast with mixed relationships. There should be a diversity of ages and relationships between characters. Mentors and students, husbands and wives, childhood friends and people who are meeting in your army for the first time. Also, there should be plenty of platonic relationships with S rank supports marking a shared ending instead of always being explicitly romantic.

-A good story with plenty of world building. It should be an alive and active world where things are happening, even when your party isn't directly involved.

-Fates style pair-up. While new mechanics are always fun, Fates was so polished, I think it would be be a waste to toss it out after 1 game.

-Light/Dark/Anima Magic with diverse spells.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Something that ties directly into the worldbuilding that I feel only the Tellius games did rather well is having a lot of dialogue in-between missions that doesn't only serve as exposition. There are subplots, discussions about the world around them, playful banter etc. That's needed to make the world feel more alive and it gives us more of an insight into how characters think rather than a few supports that can be unlocked at any point in the story.

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Revamped mount system. There have been horses, pegasi, wyverns, and a whole slew of other creatures available for us to take advantage of ever since the series began, but with a few exceptions, not one of them has even received a name. I'd like to see improvements, where each animal has a name and different stat bonuses that they grant their rider. Riders can trade mounts, but riders who consistently use the same mount can develop a support relationship with it, thus granting more bonuses. Your barracks area should have a stable where you can tend to your "pets", feeding them all kinds of goodies to get MORE bonuses! And don't act like it's weird to have a pet sim built on to FE, you guys have had a dating sim tacked on for 5 years and I'm starting to get tired of it.

I also think it would be really cool to see what FE could do with a day/night cycle. Maybe with Fog of War setting in at night and some missions having a 24-hour time limit.

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I don't want "Prosperous Kingdom invaded by Militant Kingdom" all the time, give me some more explanation.

I think one reason why I like FE7 so much is that there is no invasion to speak of: The main conflict is basically a civil war between two factions within the "Prosperous Kingdom" (before it is revealed that a mad sorcerer is trying to use blood magic, fueled by said war, to destroy the world). And later in the game, it is the "Prosperous Kingdom" that launches an unprovoked attack against the "Militant Kingdom."

Edited by Paper Jam
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