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NNID Passwords Leaked

Magical Glace

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So, this happened.


There's a pastebin link on there that lists the compromised accounts.  If your name is there, it's recommended that it be changed.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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If you keep reading, you'll find out they're all users from Nugget Bridge (and another Pokemon community?), which got hacked recently and those users used the same passwords.

So it's nothing to do with Nintendo--and if you're not a member of those Pokemon communities, you should be OK.

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Yeah, my username isn't on there. Glad Vincent confirms it's nothing to do with Nintendo though, because I'd be legit scared in that case and say they need better security.

I should probably update my password anyway though, just as Dai is doing.

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Looks like someone hacked nugget bridge, and then tried all the user name and password combos on the nintendo network, Which resulted in figuring out a large number of passwords without actualy hacking nintendo. This is a classic hacking technique, and is the primary reason why good practice is to use different passwords for different accounts. (this also implies that nugget bridge used bad password security, because good password security would allow hem to verrify your password without actualy remembering it, using a process called criptographic hashing)

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Phew, thank goodness that I don't see my NNID name on that list. But, I feel so sorry for all of those people got their NNID hacked and I hope that Miiverse doesn't get chaos to shut it down due to the massive Hacking,

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