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Characters that die as NPC come back


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I've discovered a bug in my hack (FE7) where if a unit dies as an NPC, and is loaded onto the map as an ally in a subsequent chapter that has no prep screen, the character spawns anyway. This does not occur if the unit dies as an ally. I'm guessing this happens because NPCs aren't put into the save data so their death doesn't register.

Anyone know how to fix this?

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Where is it loaded to the map? Is it replacing a character you originally wanted to load but instead it loads the one who died? There has to be a reason to be loaded on to the map, it won't appear if there is no UNITs loaded to the events. I've never ran into a problem where a unit just randomly appeared on a tile on the map. (If that is the case, then I cannot help you and perhaps I am just ignorant)

Visuals would be nice, because I really want to see what's going on. There isn't much specificity in your post and can't help you if you're not more specific.

3 hours ago, Galap said:

I'm guessing this happens because NPCs aren't put into the save data so their death doesn't register.

That I'm not completely sure about, but I know when an ally becomes an NPC, and that ally-to-NPC character disappears, their data is wiped (i.e., they don't have to die in order for their data to be "erased"). Which also inspires the question: Was that NPC an ally at some point? I don't understand your objective here aside from making sure that the character does not spawn in the next chapter. 

Events should also be posted, and this kind of question should be posted in the Events Assembler Questions Thread. 

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This isn't a bug, but rather how the game works. The game does not keep track of whether NPCs or enemies die, only allied units.
If you're trying to track whether an NPC is alive or not, give the NPC's death quote a permanent event ID. Then you can check if the ID has been triggered or not.

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