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Need guidance/advice for my team composition


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Hello guys,

Just to update, got super lucky a little bit ago and got Erika hahaha

So now I have:

5* Cordelia (blue), 5* Julia (green), 5* Erika (Red), and 4* Maria (gray staff, can make into 5* as soon as I get 20k feathers...)

Is Maria a good choice here or should I try to roll for Takumi still? Or a green tank? Thank you for all the help! 

I was thinking of soley going for a gray character? Because I have Julia, and I received the 20x greater gray badges so that I can make a 4* into a 5*? I guess best would be Takumi but that would be really rare to come by...should I solo open for gray hero's only? Thanks for any advice/tips.

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Edited by Rizkroh
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5 minutes ago, Rizkroh said:

Hello guys,

I currently have:

5* Julia(green mage), 5* Cordelia(blue lance), 4* Tharja(red mage), and 4* Eliwood (red sword) (Currently using him because I don't have any other good 4 stars)

I am new to the game and do not know what would be the best heros that would go that could replace Eliwood and maybe Tharja? (although I think she is pretty good) Maybe a green tank?

I was thinking of soley going for a gray character? Because I have Julia, and I received the 20x greater gray badges so that I can make a 4* into a 5*? I guess best would be Takumi but that would be really rare to come by...should I solo open for gray hero's only? Thanks for any advice/tips.

Yeah, Takumi is really rare (there's about a 0,078% chance you'll pull him on average) so I wouldn't advice opening only grey orbs for him. Cordelia and Julia are both good units. I really like Tharja personally aswell, if you can get get her to 5*, you would have a great red unit. That just leaves you with grey. What other units do you have? 

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9 hours ago, Birdy said:

Yeah, Takumi is really rare (there's about a 0,078% chance you'll pull him on average) so I wouldn't advice opening only grey orbs for him. Cordelia and Julia are both good units. I really like Tharja personally aswell, if you can get get her to 5*, you would have a great red unit. That just leaves you with grey. What other units do you have? 


9 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

What do you actually have in your account? We kinda need to know that so we can start building.

The account is fairly new, I have only done two 20 orb pulls. I currently have another 20 orbs I can use for another batch but that's what I was asking. If I should do 20 orb or 1 color to go for 1 type of hero (maybe gray or green for tank)

Other 4 stars I have are: Selena, Lilina, Abel, and Odin. Thanks for replies, appreciate the help!

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1 hour ago, Rizkroh said:


The account is fairly new, I have only done two 20 orb pulls. I currently have another 20 orbs I can use for another batch but that's what I was asking. If I should do 20 orb or 1 color to go for 1 type of hero (maybe gray or green for tank)

Other 4 stars I have are: Selena, Lilina, Abel, and Odin. Thanks for replies, appreciate the help!

There's a reason why we ask for EVERYONE.  Every unit is good at something, and it's not that hard to bump a 3* to 4*.

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2 hours ago, Rizkroh said:


The account is fairly new, I have only done two 20 orb pulls. I currently have another 20 orbs I can use for another batch but that's what I was asking. If I should do 20 orb or 1 color to go for 1 type of hero (maybe gray or green for tank)

Other 4 stars I have are: Selena, Lilina, Abel, and Odin. Thanks for replies, appreciate the help!

My advice: you have a good team! You have a lot of red... Maybe you need a colorless/healers or more green/blue. 

No need to be just takumi to have a good team and fun...

I think it is more up to you and your personnal tastes and favourite characters

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Just to update, got super lucky a little bit ago and got Erika hahaha

So now I have:

5* Cordelia (blue), 5* Julia (green), 5* Erika (Red), and 4* Maria (gray staff, can make into 5* as soon as I get 20k feathers...)

Is Maria a good choice here or should I try to roll for Takumi still? Or a green tank? Thank you for all the help!


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Healers generally aren't that great mid-late game since healing doesn't scale with leveling. I would suggest in investing in something else. Don't bother trying to roll solely for Takumi. With a less then 1% chance, its not worth the orbs. List out all your units if you want the best feedback. 

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7 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Healers generally aren't that great mid-late game since healing doesn't scale with leveling. I would suggest in investing in something else. Don't bother trying to roll solely for Takumi. With a less then 1% chance, its not worth the orbs. List out all your units if you want the best feedback. 


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Your team is missing a unit that can effectively kill grey units but it doesn't look like any of your units can quite fit that spot. (Cecilia can but since she is also a green tome user, she is redundant with Julia). Looking at your units you have two options for which unit to promote to 5* and thus complete your team:

Option 1: Blue lance unit (the more suggested route)

Cordelia's Brave Lance+ means she loses 5 speed and thus can easily be doubled and being a Pegasus unit means her def is pretty lackluster, she is better at knocking out red tome users with her better res (as long as she doesn't have a -res nature that is). You want another blue unit to back her up. I would suggest Abel or Peri to help knocking out red swords. Abel also suffers from the same inflection as Cordelia but since he has swordbreaker he will slay the huge amount of red sword users  in the arena. (Note that swordbreaker only works as long as Abel has more then 50% hp) With Abel being a calvary unit, he should be able to do the first attack and OHKO most red units. Peri doesn't have Abel's offensive power but has a nice def reducing passive and has higher speed do to not having brave lance+, thus not getting doubled. Though I would still strongly suggest Abel overall. 

Option 2: Red tome unit (less suggested but also possible)

Erika is a really good red unit, thus I think she has the red section covered and with Julia you already have magic covered but since you have some nice red tome units, I decided to add this. Again with the speed problem. Lilina is a viable choice as she has a great passive that gives +4 attack to nearby allies and has one of the highest attack damages to boot. She suffers a lack of speed which makes her easy to be doubled and thus killed. Tharja doesn't suffer as much of a speed issue. She has great damage as well and with vengeance and rauorblade+, Tharja can raise her attack to Liliana's level. I would suggest Tharja over Lilina in this case.  

Thus overall Abel would probably fit the hole in your team the best but if you don't like him, Tharja, Lilina, and Peri are also choices you can consider.   

Edited by Kiran
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While i do agree with Kiran that healing not being scaled with level sucks for healers that doesn't mean that i'd roll them out completely if your really want one on your team. If i remember correctly the healer with the strongest healing output is Elise but can't confirm that. Beyond that i'd recommend using azama since you already have a 4* one. From personal experience from dealing with him in arena he tanky as hell. Can give an aoe + 4 Def buff every other heal and has Threaten attack 2 with reduces all enemy within 2 space range by at the start of his turn. Used right he can mitigate a huge amount of damage making armored units a nightmare and squishy units able to dodge oneshots.  

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1 hour ago, Kiran said:

Your team is missing a unit that can effectively kill grey units but it doesn't look like any of your units can quite fit that spot. (Cecilia can but since she is also a green tome user, she is redundant with Julia). Looking at your units you have two options for which unit to promote to 5* and thus complete your team:

Option 1: Blue lance unit (the more suggested route)

Cordelia's Brave Lance+ means she loses 5 speed and thus can easily be doubled and being a Pegasus unit means her def is pretty lackluster, she is better at knocking out red tome users with her better res (as long as she doesn't have a -res nature that is). You want another blue unit to back her up. I would suggest Abel or Peri to help knocking out red swords. Abel also suffers from the same inflection as Cordelia but since he has swordbreaker he will slay the huge amount of red sword users  in the arena. (Note that swordbreaker only works as long as Abel has more then 50% hp) With Abel being a calvary unit, he should be able to do the first attack and OHKO most red units. Peri doesn't have Abel's offensive power but has a nice def reducing passive and has higher speed do to not having brave lance+, thus not getting doubled. Though I would still strongly suggest Abel overall. 

Option 2: Red tome unit (less suggested but also possible)

Erika is a really good red unit, thus I think she has the red section covered and with Julia you already have magic covered but since you have some nice red tome units, I decided to add this. Again with the speed problem. Lilina is a viable choice as she has a great passive that gives +4 attack to nearby allies and has one of the highest attack damages to boot. She suffers a lack of speed which makes her easy to be doubled and thus killed. Tharja doesn't suffer as much of a speed issue. She has great damage as well and with vengeance and rauorblade+, Tharja can raise her attack to Liliana's level. I would suggest Tharja over Lilina in this case.  

Thus overall Abel would probably fit the hole in your team the best but if you don't like him, Tharja, Lilina, and Peri are also choices you can consider.   

which unit do I not have that would best fit my team if I replace Maria? For both your options are you suggesting to replace Maria with Abel or Tharja? Thanks for response!


11 minutes ago, nightmorpher said:

While i do agree with Kiran that healing not being scaled with level sucks for healers that doesn't mean that i'd roll them out completely if your really want one on your team. If i remember correctly the healer with the strongest healing output is Elise but can't confirm that. Beyond that i'd recommend using azama since you already have a 4* one. From personal experience from dealing with him in arena he tanky as hell. Can give an aoe + 4 Def buff every other heal and has Threaten attack 2 with reduces all enemy within 2 space range by at the start of his turn. Used right he can mitigate a huge amount of damage making armored units a nightmare and squishy units able to dodge oneshots.  

I don't really want one, I was just suggested that I should have one gray unit and Maria was the best healer haha since I will be getting more orbs, is there any certain hero I should go for that would be the best for my team to replace Maria? Thanks.

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8 hours ago, Rizkroh said:

which unit do I not have that would best fit my team if I replace Maria? For both your options are you suggesting to replace Maria with Abel or Tharja? Thanks for response!


I don't really want one, I was just suggested that I should have one gray unit and Maria was the best healer haha since I will be getting more orbs, is there any certain hero I should go for that would be the best for my team to replace Maria? Thanks.

If you are going for arena what you really need is a Takumi counter. Hector or Robin would fit very well. Though Robin would probably be better in order to back up your Cordelia against any red units. Out of your current units, Abel might be better for the arena considering how many red units are there. However if you are going for story-wise, one glaring weakness right now would be a lack of fire power against armored units in which Tharja might fit better. Though with a team of 5-stars, the armor problem isn't really noticeable as long as you are decently leveled and have at least 1 magic user or armor breaker on your team, with the exception of lunatic mode chapter 9.  

Edited by Kiran
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