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Milo Yiannopoulos resigns from Breitbart

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the problem with that kind of useless liberal platitude is that white supremacy is an inherently violent ideology to begin with and "non-violence" doesn't do anything for people who are threatened by it. violence is far from ideal, but it st least has a history of being effective 


also this article is on point 


There's a strange taboo that's grown around Milo: don't write about him, don't even say his name, because every time you do he grows stronger. Milo's supporters tell us that the left created him by disliking him, and we glibly nod along. But what really created him was an American public that treats a private-school accent as if it were mind-control wizardry, and a conservative establishment so intellectually famished that they'd promote an acrylic-painted mannequin doing its best Hitchens impression as their greatest living mind.

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3 hours ago, Water Mage said:

Yes, I am aware that his followers are uncivil as well, and that bullies aren't stopped by peaceful behavior, but I don't believe violence to be the answer. As the saying goes, violence begets more violence, and it creates a vicious cycle.

No, I don't think violence is the answer.  But I do think people should be held responsible for their actions.  In this specific case, Milo lost a job and a book deal, which I think is perfectly fair.

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There's no such thing as a peaceful act of violence. Violence is used to terrorize, subdue, and control others. That's why I hate it. 

Regarding that Vice article. Was it really necessary to describe Milo fanboys as the most visually unappealing people ever?

Everyone on this planet is fucking boring, technically.  Any opinion you or I hold does not matter once we are dead. People are free to distort our thinking in any way they see fit.

What was the point of this article? You can already look up most of the stuff presented in the article by yourself.

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22 minutes ago, Raumata said:

Regarding that Vice article. Was it really necessary to describe Milo fanboys as the most visually unappealing people ever?

Everyone on this planet is fucking boring, technically.  Any opinion you or I hold does not matter once we are dead. People are free to distort our thinking in any way they see fit.

What was the point of this article? You can already look up most of the stuff presented in the article by yourself.

i don't know what "boring, technically" means tbh

milo is boring because he tries too hard to be "provocative" by saying offensive things and dressing flamboyantly, but he doesn't have anything to say except for boring, run of the mill stuff you already hear from the racist uncle stereotype.  well that, and he approves pedophilia, which is where society draws the line it looks like.  he tries to be like hitchens, except it's all very visibly a rehearsed act from someone trying to hard to get attention

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6 minutes ago, Radiant head said:

i don't know what "boring, technically" means tbh

milo is boring because he tries too hard to be "provocative" by saying offensive things and dressing flamboyantly, but he doesn't have anything to say except for boring, run of the mill stuff you already hear from the racist uncle stereotype.  well that, and he approves pedophilia, which is where society draws the line it looks like. 

Not pedophilia (although it *should* be), specifically pederasty

6 hours ago, Tryhard said:

mainly because Breitbart probably agrees with all the honestly worse things he's said before

they can't defend pederasty, though

edit: also, wasn't he fired? or "walked before he was pushed" in terms of resigning

His fellow employees threatened to walk out if he wasn't fired, so yes, he walked before he was pushed.

6 hours ago, Water Mage said:

Yes, I am aware that his followers are uncivil as well, and that bullies aren't stopped by peaceful behavior, but I don't believe violence to be the answer. As the saying goes, violence begets more violence, and it creates a vicious cycle.

You specifically mentioned civility; I didn't mention violence. People can be angry, people can protest, people can not be civil without being violent. 

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3 minutes ago, Radiant head said:

i don't know what "boring, technically" means tbh

Sigh. Of course.

What a person finds boring, another person doesn't. A group of recluses would probably consider those who go outside a lot to be boring. That same group of recluses would also find shallow conversation boring (IE "what's the weather", or any non-committal response to a easy topic) unlike topics that'd challenge them intellectually. 

You could apply this scenario to every other person on the planet.

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yeah, except this is where you would use a thing called context.  trying to point out that every subjective term is subjective is a pedantic exercise that seems to almost willfully ignore the actual ideas being expressed. 


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3 minutes ago, Radiant head said:

yeah, except this is where you would use a thing called context.  trying to point out that every subjective term is subjective is a pedantic exercise that seems to almost willfully ignore the actual ideas being expressed. 


You lost me. What?

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I still think the article is using the term "boring" wrong. While, yes, he is repeating statements others of his political alignment have made. I wouldn't call a man who dresses up and makes every lecture/event a bit humorous by cracking a few off color remarks, boring. You can say he's immature.

It's not often that you see invited speakers like him at college.

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On 2/21/2017 at 5:23 PM, Sarcopathic said:

See, I think that regardless of who the author is and what he/she said, every single point of view should be published and explored in detail. If we start to celebrate someone not being able to express themselves because "he/she is an asshole" then what is stopping us from celebrating censure?

I despise Voltaire, and I think the guy was slimy at best, rigged lotteries for his own bennefit and his critics towards Shakespeare were quite petty. But I'm glad he could publish his views on the world, that eventually shaped some of the western principles.


No, I'm not saying Milo is the new Voltaire.

I think the guy is using his ideology as a PR stunt to push his agenda, but I WANT him to be able to publish whatever he wants, just like any other person should.

I am not happy with these news.

there's no reason money ought to be spent to make a shitty book full of shitty ideas and have the shitty author make a profit off of it. sorry bud, not every idea is worth a book. it would be a very sad day indeed if a flat earth book came out tomorrow and was praised, promoted etc. because we're all about "exploring a viewpoint in detail." it's a waste of very valuable time.

On 2/22/2017 at 3:50 PM, Raumata said:

There's no such thing as a peaceful act of violence. Violence is used to terrorize, subdue, and control others. That's why I hate it. 

Regarding that Vice article. Was it really necessary to describe Milo fanboys as the most visually unappealing people ever?

Everyone on this planet is fucking boring, technically.  Any opinion you or I hold does not matter once we are dead. People are free to distort our thinking in any way they see fit.

What was the point of this article? You can already look up most of the stuff presented in the article by yourself.

violence is not always for that purpose. sometimes it is used in self-defense. or, as mlk put it, "...in the final analysis, riots [a violent activity] are the voice of the unheard." it's more subtle than you make it, i think.


that technicality doesn't make sense, nor do the ideas that follow. unless you're a nihilist i guess.

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2 hours ago, Phoenix Wright said:

violence is not always for that purpose. sometimes it is used in self-defense. or, as mlk put it, "...in the final analysis, riots [a violent activity] are the voice of the unheard." it's more subtle than you make it, i think.


that technicality doesn't make sense, nor do the ideas that follow. unless you're a nihilist i guess.

I guess I have some nihilistic tendencies. Maybe. It could also be depression influencing my thoughts (just recently got my anxiety meds refilled). 

Switching mentally between nihilism and a genuine appreciation of humanity's achievements, while doing absolutely nothing to better yourself because you hate yourself, is pointless.
Whatever, I'm figuring out where I stand still. Perhaps I could of phrased it better.

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I'm saddened to see him go, I really like Milo, though over the last few months I felt that he was going to go out and start his own media empire.

I've very much enjoyed his Dangerous Faggot speech tour, and I've listened to everyone to date

I don't know exactly what Milo went through through as a boy but I have a lot of sympathy for the man. I'm still going to listen to him and read his book whenever it comes out

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9 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

I'm saddened to see him go, I really like Milo, though over the last few months I felt that he was going to go out and start his own media empire.

I've very much enjoyed his Dangerous Faggot speech tour, and I've listened to everyone to date

I don't know exactly what Milo went through through as a boy but I have a lot of sympathy for the man. I'm still going to listen to him and read his book whenever it comes out

I'm going to preempt the ensuing responses by posting this: Why do you think this?

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

I'm going to preempt the ensuing responses by posting this: Why do you think this?

before I begin this if for everyone, The quickest way to kill a friendship is to talk about politics and religion, if you value our friendship ignor what I'm about to say

First off he's a great speaker, and I agree with about 90% of what he has to say

he's a voice that's aginst PC culture

I've been called a racist and a sexist on campus by a proffessor and students because I had some unpopular opinions on islam and said I supported Trump's travel ban. It was yelled in my face that "because I'm white" I'm part of the problem by some black students. Hell I had to quit Twitter because I responded to a "FUCK ALL WHITE PEOPLE" tweet, replying that was hypocritical of the person who was against racism, his followers would not leave me alone and I was constantly getting threatened with "I'm gonna fuk this little whity up tonight". I'm so sick of these whiney ass pricks who are "you're with us or your a racist sexist inbread islamaphobe" I'm just sick of them, I listened to Milo and was seeing that all of his speeches were selling out and I no longer felt alone. 

ask me something a little more specific eclipse


It's also sickening seeing so many people here to celebrate an aletrenate opinion to theirs, if you really believe in free speech you should believe that all opinions shold be allowed to be listened to. Which is one of the biggest reasons I like Milo, unpopular speech should still be allowed to be heard


to everyone else, remeber, you make your own monster

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6 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

before I begin this if for everyone, The quickest way to kill a friendship is to talk about politics and religion, if you value our friendship ignor what I'm about to say

First off he's a great speaker, and I agree with about 90% of what he has to say

he's a voice that's aginst PC culture

I've been called a racist and a sexist on campus by a proffessor and students because I had some unpopular opinions on islam and said I supported Trump's travel ban. It was yelled in my face that "because I'm white" I'm part of the problem by some black students. Hell I had to quit Twitter because I responded to a "FUCK ALL WHITE PEOPLE" tweet, replying that was hypocritical of the person who was against racism, his followers would not leave me alone and I was constantly getting threatened with "I'm gonna fuk this little whity up tonight". I'm so sick of these whiney ass pricks who are "you're with us or your a racist sexist inbread islamaphobe" I'm just sick of them, I listened to Milo and was seeing that all of his speeches were selling out and I no longer felt alone. 

ask me something a little more specific eclipse


It's also sickening seeing so many people here to celebrate an aletrenate opinion to theirs, if you really believe in free speech you should believe that all opinions shold be allowed to be listened to. Which is one of the biggest reasons I like Milo, unpopular speech should still be allowed to be heard


to everyone else, remeber, you make your own monster

Your first post wasn't very specific. ;/

So what is it, specifically, that you like about Milo, besides being the polar opposite of what you described?  I'm of the opinion that the extremes on both sides are bad, and IMO, the only difference between him and the people you're decrying is the subject matter.

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16 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Your first post wasn't very specific. ;/

So what is it, specifically, that you like about Milo, besides being the polar opposite of what you described?  I'm of the opinion that the extremes on both sides are bad, and IMO, the only difference between him and the people you're decrying is the subject matter.

his opinions on islam, abortion, free speech, 3rd wave feminism, BLM, and the current climate on college campuses. this is one of his speeches I wholheartedly agree with

I also like his sense of humor 


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9 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

his onpinions on abortion, free speech, 3rd wave feminism, BLM, and the current climate on college campuses.

I also like his sense of humor 


From what I can gather, you either like him because he agrees with your views, or he goes against those that you don't like.  Are either of these correct?

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2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

From what I can gather, you either like him because he agrees with your views, or he goes against those that you don't like.  Are either of these correct?

he's changed my opinion on a few things, yes and yes, and after listening to him I wanted to vote for Trump

go and listen to a few of his speeches, he might change your mind on a few things

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I do kinda think Milo is in a unique position with a fair amount of influence - he's the only real role model gay conservative kids have a chance to look up to. there isn't really any other gay conservatives in the limelight that I know of. Especially with conservatism and its history with religion and homophobia.

telling them that it's okay to get raped by your catholic priest and that "he was the predator" in that case isn't exactly helpful.

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9 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

he's changed my opinion on a few things, yes and yes, and after listening to him I wanted to vote for Trump

go and listen to a few of his speeches, he might change your mind on a few things

Yeah no.  It's hard to take a guy who says that trans people are sexual predators seriously when there is no evidence to support this assertion.  Knowing several trans people doesn't help this.

It's hard to take him seriously when all he does is fight strawmen of different groups he disagrees with.  I've found that most feminists prefer to distance themselves from the misandrists.

It's hard to take him seriously when he claims that homosexuality is a choice when you consider the shit gay people get put through for their orientation.

And most importantly of all, I feel, it's hard to take him seriously as an opponent of "victim culture" when his response to finally getting his comeuppance is to start whining about how everyone is victimizing him.

In the end, he's just a bully.  He tells lies to put others down and raise up himself and those who think like him, and the moment he gets hit back, he starts whining about it.

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