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"Best" healer?


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Hi all, I plan on using a healer in my arena team/harder levels.

Who is supposed to be the "best" at this job? Currently using Serra, as she gets recover, which heals 15hp.

Clarine was more mobile, but only get to heal 7hp(or more, if she could take a hit) Same goes for Lissa, but how good is Rehabilitate?

Wrys his special move seems nice, but how practical and useful will it be? I mean, most battles don't take more then 3~4 turns.

Serra also comes with Hone Attack, which is a plus.

Anyone gotten Maria or Elise? Do they have greater skills? Anyone I am missing?


Edit; missed Azama and Sakura XD Azama is more offensive, right? Can't remember what Sakura was like.

Edited by SSJDennis
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Maria - Her schtick is upping Res and Miracle, along with Panic (buff reverse on her target)

Sakura - Fortify Defense + Still-Water Balm and Fear means she mitigates a LOT of damage

Azama - Pain, and slightly less defensive than Sakura


If you're going for straight-up healing, Clarine's the best. . .if you run someone with Reciprocal Aid.  That way, she doesn't have to take a hit, and she heals for crazy amounts.  However, I've never had a use for gigantic heals, so my go-to was Sakura.

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Wrys and Lissa actually have the strongest healing staff, Rehabilitate. Wrys in particular also has a Special Skill that heals your other two allies for 10 HP when you heal someone else, so in terms of pure healing he is the strongest.

For utility, Elise reigns supreme. Recover's 15 HP is stable and reliable, and strong enough to be game-changing. She also has the Attack boosting Balm, and is mounted for more Mov. Her Gravity staff is very useful on maps with obstacles, such as the lava map and the water map. Clarine is also usable, but requires her to take damage first to be truly effective.

If you want a staff unit who focuses more on support instead of full healing, Sakura or Maria are good picks. I personally prefer Sakura, but people rate Maria higher because of her survivability.

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22 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Maria - Her schtick is upping Res and Miracle, along with Panic (buff reverse on her target)

Sakura - Fortify Defense + Still-Water Balm and Fear means she mitigates a LOT of damage

Azama - Pain, and slightly less defensive than Sakura


If you're going for straight-up healing, Clarine's the best. . .if you run someone with Reciprocal Aid.  That way, she doesn't have to take a hit, and she heals for crazy amounts.  However, I've never had a use for gigantic heals, so my go-to was Sakura.

When it comes to grinding units sakura is my go to girl but my favorite healer is elise hands down as she is one of my favorite characters in conquest xD

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Honestly, it depends on what you are looking for. I personally run Lissa these days, but Sakura and Clarine are also good. I have not used or obtained the other clerics to give an opinion, but I would love to have Elise on my team.

Lissa (Low HP Turnabouts) - Since I love my deep heals, Rehabilitate works wonders for me. It also synergizes with units that end up taking lots of damage (like Ryoma in my case) as Lissa can immediately turn around and heal my 1-10 HP Ryoma up to full health (around 40) instantly. The ATT Balm is a nice bonus, Gravity Staff works wonders on cavalry for limited movement, and Lissa can somewhat tank due to her stats and Renewal.

Sakura (Defensive Utility Healer) - My original go-to healer before I realized how useful Rehabilitate was. I used the Mend & Imbue combo for heals while taking advantage of Sakura's Fortify DEF and using the Fear staff (-6 ATT) on occasion. However, as I was more interested in big heals (Mend & Imbue was not enough at endgame), I eventually ended up dropping Sakura.

Clarine (Mounted Utility Healer) - My original secondary healer who earned my respect once I learned how useful Martyr was. Her Fear Staff and +SPD Balm works wonders, but as a healer, Martyr can be a bit difficult to utilize properly.

Serra (Offensive Utility Healer) - All right, I did have a Serra at some point and she does have lots of potential due to her Hone ATT, +SPD Balm, and flat +15 Heal staff. However, I could not get over her personality (It was enjoyable with just text, but with voice, I want to stay away from her), so I ended up sending Serra home.

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I still say Serra in 4*. 10hp mend + Imbue at 20hp (In 2 turns)

The thing is ... in this game. A match ends in 2-3 active turns (by active I mean someone is moving)

(If you use Recover... its 15 | 15 | 25 ... I like having 20 hp on turn 2 ... because that's when the enemy horde comes)

That being said. All healer are good. There's not much that completely stand out... (They say Elise and Lissa ... but its only a small bump)

Edited by Ryuke
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