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Skill set suggestions for Arms Master Corrin?


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Can anyone suggest a good skill build for an Arms Master MU (in Revelations probably) that capitalizes on their strengths of the complete WTA coverage and whatnot? (and boon/bane while I'm at it I suppose) I have SOME ideas (listed below), but not really any idea how to tie them together.

- was thinking Speed boon and Luck bane (maybe Def/Res to preserve offenses? Def might be good if I get Shurikenbreaker since he'll have WTA against other units....?? maybe Mag since I probably won't need that??)

- main weapons would presumably be Omega Yato, Guard Naginata, and Great Club / Berserker axe or something...? maybe an Umbrella if I can get one?

- Shurikenbreaker and Magicounter/Tomebreaker are prob gonna be needed since most the weapons can't counterattack at range, and need some way of dealing with those

- was thinking Draconic Hex is prob good to get

- some kind of healing skill will probably be helpful since I usually regret not having one... I hear Renewal is good all around but maybe Lifetaker since MU is mainly gonna be at their best during player phase....??

- going off of the player phase thing from above, I wonder if the '___ Blow' skills would be good to stack with a build like this

- lacking offensive procs feels wrong too lol but wouldn't know which one to get. Presumably Dragon Fang/Rend Heaven/Luna since they have high activation rates. Although I get the feeling these just aren't as important in this game unless you've got a dedicated build for it with like Quixotic/Hoshidan Unity or the like.

Thanks in advance ~___~

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The best MoA build is not using MoA.

Provided you just really want to use MoA over Nhorble FSR... Why are you focusing player phase and 1-1 range on the class with LoD+Vantage+ 3 bolt weapons.

Edited by joshcja
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take diviner or mage talent, be a motherfucking sorceror

marry ryoma hana or hinata (or hisame (or odin if you went mage talent i think?)) and switch to MOA for four levels once you hit 11 promoted. stay there until you get life and death.

switch back to your magic class, enjoy life or death + vantage + 1~2 range spells off a high magic stat

alternatively: do whatever the hell you want with corrin, revelation is kind of an easy campaign even on lunatic, just field reina early and ryoma and xander once they show up and watch heads roll.

Edited by DoesntKnowHowToPlay
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I'm aware MoA isn't ideal but that's not what I asked lol. I guess I should have specified that; it's more of just trying to make the most of the mehh situation (using it because I feel like it, and wondering what the best application of abilities assuming I HAD to use it). The triple Bolt weapon thing is probably the closest to a suggestion that so I guess I'll work with that...?

> Mag+ | Luck/Def/Res/idfk-

> LoD, Vantage, Malefic Aura, Elbow Room, Strong Riposte ?

I thought MoA's Magic was quite bad, but I guess that doesn't matter so much with all the flat damage boosts...? Was kind of hoping to find something beyond the typical flat damage stacking and/or proc-dedicated builds but I guess that's just what's worth using shrug. Seems like the kind of build that any class could run though since it's just for EP tanking, and to that end, it doesn't seem like weapon really matters. I guess the WTA coverage isn't as much of a niche as I thought, hmm.

Edited by BANRYU
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If WTA is what I think it stands for (weapons triangle advantage sorry for being noob with acronyms). I don't think there's much of a niche, especially with things like dual weapons. What is nice about getting three weapon types is being able to access a better variety of stuff, probably. Something like: Omega Yato, Bolt Axe, and hm Guard Naginata/some other nice lance? Something to cover different situations (no idea how MoA growths are).

I've only used +Mag/-Luck Corrins in hybrid-ish classes ( Nohr Noble, Bow Knight, and trying Hero on current run), and have found them to be quite reliable at capping both Mag/Str while giving quite balanced growths in general. The main downside is that their str/mag caps are low compared to more dedicated classes. So I would think about getting some kind of -faire skill to compensate for the low cap (like maybe Swordfaire for bosses where you really need the Yato). I also recommend levelling them as Nohr Noble to Lv5 for Draconic Hex, and enough magic stat to to capitalise the magic weapons before heartsealing.

Magical weapons can't trigger offensive skills, so I wouldn't worry too much about them if you're mainly going to use magic weapons. 

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3 hours ago, komasa said:

If WTA is what I think it stands for (weapons triangle advantage sorry for being noob with acronyms). I don't think there's much of a niche, especially with things like dual weapons. What is nice about getting three weapon types is being able to access a better variety of stuff, probably. Something like: Omega Yato, Bolt Axe, and hm Guard Naginata/some other nice lance? Something to cover different situations (no idea how MoA growths are).

I've only used +Mag/-Luck Corrins in hybrid-ish classes ( Nohr Noble, Bow Knight, and trying Hero on current run), and have found them to be quite reliable at capping both Mag/Str while giving quite balanced growths in general. The main downside is that their str/mag caps are low compared to more dedicated classes. So I would think about getting some kind of -faire skill to compensate for the low cap (like maybe Swordfaire for bosses where you really need the Yato). I also recommend levelling them as Nohr Noble to Lv5 for Draconic Hex, and enough magic stat to to capitalise the magic weapons before heartsealing.

Magical weapons can't trigger offensive skills, so I wouldn't worry too much about them if you're mainly going to use magic weapons. 

Yeah, your guess on WTA is correct, sorry x3 I get how that is, I'm also not the best with acronyms, haha... I try to avoid using them unless their meaning is obvious or I'm fairly certain most people will know what I mean.

In any case... Yeah, I hear you and that sounds pretty good if we're talking one of the weapon-specialized classes like Spearmaster or something haha ;; obviously using fairs with a multi-weapon class like Arms Master isn't the most intuitive or synergetic option... I may have, uh, made things more difficult for myself by making this choice lol. ;; What can you do, though... I like the class shrug.

I like the Guard Naginata in general but it will ofc depend on whether I'm running Life or Death on the build... I'll probably pick it up and try it both ways, but being able to use other weapons than just the magic ones (although I DO want to use them) would be nice haha.

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The option are take brave weapon/WTA weapon(the hoshidan one that give you bonus damage) and go with Galeforce or aggressore to oneshot your enemy.

Otherwise Pick support skill and go for attack formation for everyone with him(I'm assuming that life and death buff also that damage, I'm planning to do it in rev to see if work but not yet).

Whatever you choice, stay away from enemy range everytime after get life and death. If you are in, you are probabily gonna die. The only thing can save you is probabily Pavise, Aegis and Miracle(  I don't plan to get them). Don't pick ranged weapon that debuff your speed. It make you worse.

Feel free to pick selfdamage weapon to make vantage proc. You gonna die anyway at full hp and they have good amount of damage for you. You may kill them before they kill you. But ranged weapon are deadly for you.


The safest option is support. +Hp -whatever. Pick Fighter as second class and reclass on it as soon as you can for hp growth and atk and a free HP skill and maybe rally strenght(sol will not save you enought). You can easily have A rank support with Hana or Hinata based of gender of your Corrin. And change to MoA. You have good rank with axe and sword. Feel free to use item to boost your weapon rank so you can easier train lance to A and get your Brave lance for when he need to fight himself and use trade weapon to give him the best weapon for attack formation. You get an unit maybe usefull as well leveled Nyx with more HP but spend lot of resources for it. I will not judge cause I waste a lot of resources myself.

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The current build I'm considering rn is Speed+/Mag- and Vantage, LoD, Strong Riposte, and maybe 2 of the ranged weapon breakers (or possibly aegis + Elbow Room or something to save slots, as unreliable as that is).

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On 28/2/2017 at 7:28 PM, BANRYU said:

The current build I'm considering rn is Speed+/Mag- and Vantage, LoD, Strong Riposte, and maybe 2 of the ranged weapon breakers (or possibly aegis + Elbow Room or something to save slots, as unreliable as that is).

I feel +5 hp and wary fighter more reliable.

edit: And I found that the brave weapon he can get is the sword not lance. Still hoping for dodge is pointless. Fate is very bad against dodge and MoA advantage is not WTA advantage but the capacity of use all WTA bonus damage weapon to OHKO. You good against two ranged weapon but melee weapon as well ranged sword/lance/axe still will rekt you badly if you are no be careful unless you already overleveled them which still can kick your use if you understimate them. Using Vantage, LoD, Strong Riposte with attack stance you can rekt your enemy with counterattack with ranged weapom. 5 hp and wary fighter against bulky enemy or extreme fast enemy you cannot be OHKO. MoA speed isn't so good. And also play diffensive with MoA isn't good idea.

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