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Kamui or Corrin?


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So, here's a little theory I thought up a while back, regarding the Avatar's canon name.

The main character was named Kamui at birth- the other Hoshidan royals have Japanese names, after all- but then, after they were kidnapped, Garon or someone else insisted upon renaming them to something more Nohrian-sounding; thus they became Corrin.

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But he isn't from Hoshido though, and he was born in Valla, so I assume he was named In valla. Corrin is his english name, so I think that's appropriate

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23 minutes ago, Michelaar said:


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But he isn't from Hoshido though, and he was born in Valla, so I assume he was named In valla. Corrin is his english name, so I think that's appropriate


Well yeah, but Mikoto is still his mom.

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Most people forget that...

  • Corrin was born in Valla, and Mikoto isn't obligated to give them a Hoshidan name just because she has one (especially since her sister and niece don't).
  • Corrin's existence in Nohr wasn't common knowledge (Rinkah claims to have "heard rumors" about a sheltered Nohrian royal), so it wouldn't really matter if their name was Hoshidan or not.
  • Garon's plan involved Corrin returning to Hoshido as a suicide bomb, so changing their name so that they wouldn't be recognized would be counterproductive to that goal.
  • Finally, Kaze and Hinoka explicably recognize Corrin by their name, which they wouldn't if Corrin's name was ever changed.

So overall it wouldn't make sense in the narrative if Corrin's name was changed.

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Both? Neither?

I mean, when I write my own little stories, I give my character Corrin/Kamui two names: a Hoshian and a Nohrian one. When I play my game, I tend to name M!Corrin "Kamui" and F!Corrin "Corrina."

The Vallite naming scheme confuses me. Why is Mikoto name distinctly Hoshidan/Japanese when her sister's is not? Is that how naming in Valla works? They borrow names from both Nohr and Hoshido?

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29 minutes ago, saisymbolic said:

The Vallite naming scheme confuses me. Why is Mikoto name distinctly Hoshidan/Japanese when her sister's is not? Is that how naming in Valla works? They borrow names from both Nohr and Hoshido?

Touma/Valla in itself is an inconsistency.

Because of the theme of East vs West... your initial perception should be matching that of Japanese names vs Western names (at least in the Japanese version. English has names changed to fit the western perception of a Japanese name and shortened for easier pronunciation)

It didn't matter where they ACTUALLY were from.

The canon route of a third option didn't follow any of the naming rules.

Remember "Anthony"? They're Lontao in JP. And it sounds (no offense to anyone if I do) Chinese.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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57 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Most people forget that...

  • Corrin was born in Valla, and Mikoto isn't obligated to give them a Hoshidan name just because she has one (especially since her sister and niece don't).
  • Corrin's existence in Nohr wasn't common knowledge (Rinkah claims to have "heard rumors" about a sheltered Nohrian royal), so it wouldn't really matter if their name was Hoshidan or not.
  • Garon's plan involved Corrin returning to Hoshido as a suicide bomb, so changing their name so that they wouldn't be recognized would be counterproductive to that goal.
  • Finally, Kaze and Hinoka explicably recognize Corrin by their name, which they wouldn't if Corrin's name was ever changed.

So overall it wouldn't make sense in the narrative if Corrin's name was changed.

You actually have some good points there :o

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1 hour ago, saisymbolic said:

The Vallite naming scheme confuses me. Why is Mikoto name distinctly Hoshidan/Japanese when her sister's is not? Is that how naming in Valla works? They borrow names from both Nohr and Hoshido?

According to Azura in Revelation, before Anankos took over Valla, it was not uncommon for Hoshidans and Nohrians to visit Valla, including royalty like Sumeragi and Garon.

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I think Arete and Mikoto being siblings is just something they tossed in so both Azura and Kamui could both be Vallite royalty. No the naming conventions don't make sense, much like the rest of Fates writing.

But if we are going on the "Mikoto is from Valla" canon, then I'm going to headcanon that that 'Mikoto' is a name she chose after getting married to Sumeragi and she had a different Vallite name whatever that means before that. Her child was also given a Hoshidan name. If Kamui were kidnapped and raised as a Nohrian, i think it would make more sense for them to rename him to hide his identity.

As for why I switch between the Japanese and localized names, it's because I play both versions and retain the right to be inconsistent.

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