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On 14.03.2017 at 10:45 AM, Slumber said:

It'd be a nice touch if you paired Holyn and Aira if Ulster and Larcei have extra toes and fingers.

Isn't cousins basically fine genetically? Also, the inbreeding traits don't actually appear in the first generation of offspring.

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5 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Isn't cousins basically fine genetically? Also, the inbreeding traits don't actually appear in the first generation of offspring.

Technically, yeah. There's no real risk in cousins, unless the parents are identical twins(So Edain's kids and Briggid's kids would be a no-no).

My post was meant to be more of a joke.

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Honestly, I'm playing FE4 right now and wish this was a thing... so yes, I'd be all for it. I'm in the second generation and kinda don't know who some of the kids' parents are... >_>  I know I can find out in the castle, but I can't be bothered to do that with every single child unit.

Hair color is nice and all, but I do agree with the suggestions of eye and armor color, and accessories being passed down to child units as well. The child units already inherit base stats, growth rates, and equipment... so why not other things too?

Also... it's probably a long-shot, but if they do remake FE4, I hope they put a separate mode based on FE5 in there as well.

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I would love to see a remake of FE4. Although I haven't played it myself, I think this could be a great game. Keeping the same large map layout with new graphics and maybe some added features could make this game a favorite for classic and new players.

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