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Grand Hero Battle: Navarre


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5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Did you already show us your units or nah?

Cause I have some wicked strats I want to unleash.


Knock yourselves out. Please avoid skill inheritance. Minerva is the only modified one.

Edited by Falcom
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9 minutes ago, GinRei said:

I agree with Narcian, but not Ursula.  Ursula you either had the units that made it piss easy, followed the Japanese 3-star guy's route, or in the very rare occasion you did it without either.  If you're in that third group, great, I can understand the feeling of accomplishment.  But otherwise it was not what I'd consider well designed.

I prefer the likes of Narcian and Michalis, where the pool of units that were beneficial was much higher.  But Narcian might be a case of nostalgia too.  With that in mind, I wonder how hard his and F!Robin's GHBs would've been had there been a lunatic version available.

To me, that can be said of any of them... I had the units for Michalis so his was pretty easy (I can't remember if I beat it first time or not on Lunatic but if it wasn't first time, it was close to). Ursula, I had the units but it took a bit longer to work out how to use them. This one was the easiest because my units were perfect for it. If you don't have the units, it's a lot harder. I couldn't do Ursula or Michalis on my second account 'cos I couldn't work out how to use the units I had on them, so I settled for the hard ones. 


Incidentally, completed my first Lunatic on my second account. Took a little bit of adjustment, but beat it with Camilla, Hinoka, Sanaki and Olivia :D 

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

To me, that can be said of any of them... I had the units for Michalis so his was pretty easy (I can't remember if I beat it first time or not on Lunatic but if it wasn't first time, it was close to). Ursula, I had the units but it took a bit longer to work out how to use them. This one was the easiest because my units were perfect for it. If you don't have the units, it's a lot harder. I couldn't do Ursula or Michalis on my second account 'cos I couldn't work out how to use the units I had on them, so I settled for the hard ones.

I probably just rank Ursula so poorly because of the anti-infantry dagger that the enemy uses there.  Unlike the other maps that are genuinely difficult, this one felt artificially difficult if you didn't happen to have the proper non-infantry units.

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5 minutes ago, Falcom said:


Knock yourselves out. Please avoid skill inheritance. Minerva is the only modified one.

Not a full strat, but what about Effie in place of Lucina? I don't know what boon/bane your minerva has but mine's +spd -def and can just straight up destroy the axe guy, so Lucina isn't strictly necessary. I actually have all of Robin5/Minerva5/Olivia/Effie4 so I can try something when I get home if nobody else gets to it yet.

That or Effie in place of Minerva. Either way I'd keep Robin. 

Edited by Thor Odinson
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6 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

Not a full strat, but what about Effie in place of Lucina? I don't know what boon/bane your minerva has but mine's +spd -def and can just straight up destroy the axe guy, so Lucina isn't strictly necessary. I actually have all of Robin5/Minerva5/Olivia/Effie4 so I can try something when I get home if nobody else gets to it yet.

I actually did thought of Effie over Lucina and tried it.


Sadly, I couldn't kill the silver thief. He doubled Effie and did a lot of damage. Then, Navarre finished her off. I actually was heartbroken from that (I believed in you Effie. Why must you fail me? ;-;)

EDIT: I also need someone with Spur Atk 3.

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Just now, Falcom said:

I actually did thought of Effie over Lucina and tried it.

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Sadly, I couldn't kill the silver thief. He doubled Effie and did a lot of damage. Then, Navarre finished her off. I actually was heartbroken from that (I believed in you Effie. Why must you fail me? ;-;)


Does your Effie not have Wary Fighter?

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6 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

Does your Effie not have Wary Fighter?

Actually now that you mentioned that...
Never mind. The silver dagger didn't attack twice. Poison Strike occurred before Navarre barely finished off Effie.


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36 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Which dagger are you talking about? If it's the rogue dagger (the one on the right), then yes I do kill him first. But I cannot reach the silver dagger unless I'm willing to sacrifice one of my units (and yes, that unit still dies even after killing the silver dagger theif).

Silver dagger can be reached if you move everyone out of range for a turn after the bait turn. 

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2 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Silver dagger can be reached if you move everyone out of range for a turn after the bait turn. 

Not sure how I would do that though. Especially since he's behind Navarre.


The main reason why I wanted to beat Navarre Lunatic. Thanks guys!

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Just now, Falcom said:

Not sure how I would do that though. Especially since he's behind Navarre.

You already beat the map but I'm going to answer the question anyways. If you wait a turn, the dagger ends up beside Navarre, instead of trailing behind. Which means you can reach him. I don't remember the exact placements but its what allowed me to beat lunatic. 

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3 minutes ago, Kiran said:

You already beat the map but I'm going to answer the question anyways. If you wait a turn, the dagger ends up beside Navarre, instead of trailing behind. Which means you can reach him. I don't remember the exact placements but its what allowed me to beat lunatic. 

I saw a video. I think I know what you mean now. Would Navarre move to the right if I place one of my units there while the silver dagger moves to the left?

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10 minutes ago, Falcom said:

I saw a video. I think I know what you mean now. Would Navarre move to the right if I place one of my units there while the silver dagger moves to the left?

I'm kinda confused now. How would you stay out of the Silver Dagger's range but into Navarre's range to bait? The two completely overlap. 

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1 minute ago, Kiran said:

I'm kinda confused now. How would you stay out of the Silver Dagger's range but into Navarre's range to bait? The two completely overlap. 

Even I don't know how that would work. XD
Oh well.

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Not much to add, Robin(M) trivialized the map. Benchmark is 35 Spd to not be doubled (With Spd boon + Life and Death 2, Hone Speed from Eirika was not even needed) and he could oneround both Ninjas from a safe place with Quick Riposte.

Linde with Eirika’s buff onerounded Navarre, though it seems any mage+melee combo can do, as the Green Axe tries to move down toward Robin in the forest (and plus Eirika could tank anyways). 4th member was Rehabilitate Clarine but I don’t even think any healing was needed.

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58 minutes ago, Falcom said:

The main reason why I wanted to beat Navarre Lunatic. Thanks guys!

Threaten speed on lucina?


Congratulations anyway

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Well, although this didn't go nearly as smoothly as Michalis, Hector/Nowi/Lucina/Camilla beat this on the third attempt.

My team comp:

  • 5* Hector @ Lvl 40 (+HP, -Atk)
    • He was primarily used a) to bait and KO both of the Dagger users before they could cause any havoc and b) to lead the axe fighter away from Navarre so Nowi could do her thing.
  • 5* Nowi @ Lvl 40 (+HP, -Res)
    • As I implied in Hector's section, she was primarily here to handle Navarre, but Rally Defense did help Hector more comfortably handle the two daggers.
  • 5* Lucina @ Lvl 40 (+Spd, -Res)
    • She was primarily here to take out the axe fighter before he caught up to Hector, but it is possible that her Spur Attack simplified a KO or two.  I don't really want to crunch the numbers atm.
  • 5* Camilla @ Lvl 40 (+Atk, -HP)
    • In theory, she was supposed to clean up the healer/one of the daggers if things got dicey, but she ended up chilling on the sidelines for most of the battle.  It is possible she helped bait Navarre towards Nowi, but I wouldn't bet on it.  Still, we appreciate her moral support.

And a brief run-down of the battle, because why not:

Turn 1 was spent, as is standard practice at this point, on positioning.  Hector shifted right below the forest section (and danger), Nowi and Lucina moved themselves adjacent to our brave knight, and Camilla started staking out a good locale for the post battle picnic.

On Turn 2, the assault began.  Hector moved up to the one forest tile that was solely in range of the two daggers, Nowi moved to his left to a) Rally Defense and b) be better situated to take on Navarre on the following turn, Lucina moved below Hector to provide Spur Atk, and Camilla started setting up the blanket and foodstuffs immediately to Nowi's left.  On the enemy phase, both Dagger's suicided into Hector leaving him at 23 HP.  The other units moved in for an assault of their own.



Note: Camilla's positioning in this picture doesn't actually work, as Navarre moves himself towards her instead of moving down through the gap.

By Turn 3, Camilla realized that she had made a horrible, horrible mistake...

She had forgotten to actually bring any beverages for the picnic!  Slightly embarrassed, she started heading back to grab some from the nearest market (and shifted slightly out of Navarre's range).  Hector, having had his fill of combat for the day, quickly ran off to accompany her (and got out of the Axe wielder's range).  Nowi, realizing that someone needed to guard the food from ants and the like, shifted to Camilla's old spot, which ever so conveniently happened to be within solely Navarre's attacking range.  Lucina, feeling a little lonely in the forest, moved next to Nowi for some companionship (and a convenient Spur Atk boost).  During enemy phase, Navarre took a swing at Nowi, doing neglible damage and getting knocked below half health in return.  The healer did her damnedst to top Navarre off, leaving him at 28 HP.  Finally, the Axe wielder, realized that in the commotion of the previous turn, Hector had lost one of his boots.  Being a kind-hearted lad, he followed Hector, hoping to return his footwear to him before Hector injured himself further.



I think I may have played it slightly differently during my initial attempt, as I'm fairly certain the axe fighter suicided onto Lucina during this turn, but meh, that's too much work.

On Turn 4, Nowi, mistaking Navarre's ill intentions as playfulness, shot a tiny bolt of lightning his way... And promptly seared him to a crisp.  Hector, horrified at what had happened and not at all feeling like explaining the concept of death to Nowi, hurried to catch up with Camilla.  Lucina, recognizing that Nowi probably needed space right now, left to join Hector (and in doing so, shifted into the Axe fighter's range).    On the enemy phase, the Axe lad, still desperately pursuing Hector, accidentally bumped into Lucina on his way through the woods.  Considering the tension of the situation, both Lucina and the Axe unit were justifiably spooked, and swung wildly at one another - Lucina extended a little too far on her second strike, and nicked the poor boy's neck, ending his life then and there.  The healer, filled with impotent rage at the loss of another close friend of hers and frustration at the relative uselessness of the healing doctorate she had spent 10 years of her life working towards, shot some magic Lucina's way, leaving her at 19 HP.



Note: The healer actually attacked Lucina first... But fuck it, that doesn't work as well for the pacing of the war story.

As the sun rose on Turn 5, Lucina just sat there, staring at the innocent blood coating the falchion and shuddering gently.  Her entire life flickered before her in a brief moment: she thought of the horrors that she had seen (and performed) under Grima's reign, of the friends and family that were waiting for her back home and Ylisse, and even of her recent gauntlet victory, one of her proudest experiences.  As she thought of all that she and Nowi stood to lose were word of these accidents to get out, her eyes gradually narrowed and she steeled herself for what she knew was necessary.  As Hector and Nowi looked on in horror, Lucina strode slowly over to the sobbing healer - there would be no witnesses on this day...



Rip Healer, 2017-2017.



Finally, after a long morning spent establishing alibis and destroying the evidence as best as they knew how, Camilla finally returned with drinks, completely oblivious to what had transpired during her absence.  Lucina, Nowi, and Hector, realizing that some relaxation would do them some good, gathered at the picnic blanket for an afternoon of gaiety and cheer with their beloved friend.  As they slowly ate, they naively tried to forget the events of this day, but they realized that they would be haunted til the end of their days by the vengeful spirit of 4* Navarre (and 3* Navarre as well, but as they couldn't work out the complexities of the spirit realm, they chose to selectively ignore his presence).


So yeah, that happened.

On the whole, this GHB was not too particularly bad.  Taking care of the dagger units seems like priority number one, as their chip damage and debuffs can get seriously out of hand if left unchecked.  Other than that, it is pretty straightforward, though a way to separate the axe unit and Navarre simplifies matters immensely.

It is a little early to tell if Navarre is any good as a unit, but he looks decent enough.

Edited by red-and-soulless
Due to running out of Attachment space, all the relevant Grand Hero Battle pictures live here: http://imgur.com/a/oClwW
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Another one Hector just plowed through....

Between him and flier abuse (hello, new camilla) there were too many options for people who had lucky pulls. Michalis was better, that took a full eight tries for me because you could get pinned to the wall so easily.

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