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I was thinking to get 2 amiibos but I don't know which ones to get. Which amiibos are the most useful?

I am thinking about lucina. But i don't know which one to choose as second. I also have all the DLC except Hidden Truths.

And which skills shall I give the amiibos?


Check my castle! It has awesome skills and easy seize. 08313-58348 76475-65590 (European)

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I only have experience with Ike, but I can say he kicks major ass. He has high HP and defense in a game where both of those are generally low, his strength is awesome, and he gets three really great skills while leveling up: Aether of course, Veteran's Intuition which can let him dodge more, and STRENGTHTAKER. Once Ike gets Strengthtaker, he'll only get stronger as you keep feeding him kills. Each kill will boost his strength for the rest of the battle!

Just...I hope you can ignore his mostly bad voice clips. The only ones that are good, imo, are his laugh and "Shouldn't have been in my way." >.>

Edited by Anacybele
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The plural of amiibo is amiibo :)

IMO Ike's not as great as the others, due to his shaky speed and lower speed being a huge detriment in higher difficulties. I'd roll with Lucina and Marth, personally. Robin's a good magic user worth subbing in over one of them but IMO he's more support, what with skill proc rates being a bit harder to Maximize in FE:F over FE:A. I'm more of a fan of Conquest, in which Ike's just another hard-hitter, but without a mount, giving him less utility over the oodles of horses you have easy access to.

Honestly, it depends more on the game you're playing though. in Birthright, Ike's higher defense makes a bigger deal. in Conquest, speed is what you need a lot more of, and the falchion users give you more of that.

Skills will take time but things that increase proc rates will arguably benefit them all, like Quixotic and other staples like Vantage, Swordfaire and Strong Riposte can't hurt.

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Hm, yeah, I can't imagine Ike being as great in Conquest if more speed and mounts are needed there. But he is definitely a godsend in Birthright, which I know because I used him in that route.

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