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Super Robot Wars ∀: Deep Space IC Thread - Part 2: Of Dire Tides


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The Riese had finally launched, and placed itself right in the middle of the battlefield. As sturdy as it was, it wasn't exactly ideal to have it drawing enemy fire. It would be a more difficult shot than the previous two, but at least the Cressida was a larger target to deal with. Relocating on the battlefield was becoming troublesome, it was difficult to keep up with the speed of the Mk III and the Ceres. They were certainly a step up over the standard Mk II, and seemingly several above the Heracles. They were to mobile suits as he was to the un-engineered human being, and it was rather impressive.

"Relocating to provide fire support, Trojan Horse." Tarquin announced, parking his unit at the edge of the forest. He hadn't missed a shot in live practice so far, and now wasn't a time to let it happen. "Nikolai, I may need assistance if I fail to eliminate the target. Just like shooting the bugs."

Tarquin moves to 18,12 and attacks Cressida 4 with his Beam Rifle


"Bikkies? Sometimes forget that people can't always follow my strine. Doesn't matter how people talk though, there's always a connection even if you're from Mexico or the Moon!" he laughed, his eyes sharply focusing on the ashtray. It was hard to gauge how much Cheryl had been smoking since his last visit. Judging from the amount of ash in the tray and the cleanliness of the carpet below her seat, it was likely that it was roughly the same - but she'd at least been more conscientious with using the tray.

Whipping out a handheld vacuum from his belt, Bill showed no mercy in sucking up the ash in an instant. Twirling the device as he replaced it to his belt, the final step was to spray and wipe the dish - leaving it as if it had never been used. He'd started on the bin as Cheryl made her statement. It raised a deep question. The insane or even just dirt, whilst neither were desirable, the absence of them would leave both himself and Cheryl without any work. It was a cruel balance, without dirt there could not be cleanliness. There was also the subtle satisfaction in being a hero in the shadows, the lack of complaints was better than the commendation for keeping things clean!

"Never gonna know when you'll need a shrink, the XO might go getting twisted in a knot or one of the ankle biters might get a little homesick. Heck, even some of the pilots might need some time to chill." he replied, swiftly tying the refuse sack closed. "They'll always make a mess though. Oily boot prints, toast crumbs, scuff marks... it's like trying to figure out a who-dunnit. My money's on one of the ankle biters for the toast, got more than crumbs to think about!"

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Hannah was considering actually contacting them? Figures. And the first round was finished ... "Only if it won't distract you," Brant smiled. He'd have to have the android's back if this turned into a series of taunting.

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Always a Mess

"I'm not complaining, it's just quiet around here. Might be comfortable for some, but I could use the talks... You're right, still. Maybe I should go about and see if there's something on board I can use to clear my boredom. I'm sure Megumi has a book stashed away, and there's always that new prisoner. Could pick their brain for a bit..." She yawned, hoping that was all the cleaning Bill needed to do. Poking at the prisoner... That would probably be the most entertaining, and actually fruitful way to spend her time. No doubt Megumi had already spoken with them, but what harm could two doctors do?

Tarquin's sights are still on point!


Target: Cressida #4
Weapon: Beam Rifle
Final Hit: 74
Final Crit: 13
Roll: 51,71
No crit
Final Damage: 56

"How could these outdated models--!"

Tarquin gains +200 EXP, +8 PP, +8 Will!


"Suggestion taken into account. Will proceed to contact enemy battleship once it is in range of personal radio.

Hannah moves to 16,9

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Nikolai felt a hoarse laugh escape his lungs as he watched the killing thing crumble in on itself like a puppet whose strings had been cut, becoming grimly still and quiet. It was strangely delightful in a childish way, tit-for-tat... A you hurt me, I kill you kind of thing. The thrill of violence trilled through his blood like a fine wire, leading back to the heat in his brain, a surge of happy endorphins mixing into the rush of adrenaline and cortisol. It was the disgusting result of the Apparatus, manipulating the baser functions of his inner self and transforming him into Their toy, an animal who took as much pleasure in chaos and ruin as They did, erasing any trace of his natural revulsion to pain and suffering.

He vaguely remembered the way He would frown and purse his lips, shaking his head as his long red hair rippled, a disapproving curtain as he would cast those large, soft eyes on him. He felt a strange stirring in the depths of his hippocampi as he remembered, hazy and out of focus, as though through a thick cloud of radio static.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, Zielenko.You're not what they made you, are you?"

His fingers dug into his palms, white knuckled as he felt small indents where his nails broke the skin. He was right, He was always right, but always simultaneously so wrong. He was entirely a product of his environment, nothing more, nothing less.

He focused on the crackling of the comm units, nodding even though he knew Tarquin would not be able to get the nonverbal response. Another child flung into the jaws of the war machine, another young boy who loved books and poetry.

His thoughts turned to the pilot who had assisted him, thinking of the damage she (he thought the voice was female, although it had a strange, inorganic, mechanical edge to it) had incurred. He felt a strange compulsion, perhaps a twisted sense of retribution, to help her. Then, he would owe her nothing more, a simple tit-for-tat, a repaying of a debt. He instead turned to the nearest battle damaged mech, seemingly belonging to the strange, overbearing girl who had been yelling about home earlier that day. Usually, he would've been loath to even care, but he figured that maybe this would be a good start... even though he would rather die than spend any time around such an aggressive girl. That had a history of ending badly...

"Hey bitch, how do I fix?" He asked over the comm lines, a little bit too loudly for his liking, "I am not mechanic, if you want me to repair weird robot, tell me what to do, da?"

(Niko saunters to 11, 18 and attempts to repair Elaine, though frankly it could go either way and he might mess her up even more, or worse: serenade them with more arias.)

Edited by Yuuki Mishima
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Elaine is fixed! Somewhat!
Niko gains 50 EXP

Enemy Phase / Turn 4

The Hyperions charge forward, ominous tanks in the air, taking fire on Hannah and Astin!

Hyperion #2 takes aim at Hannah, but Thorvald steps in!


Target: Thorvald's Legionary
Weapon: Long Beam Rifle
Final Hit: 69
Final Crit: 1
Roll: 84,73

Hannah is confused, but takes this moment to counter!
Weapon: Laser Gatling
Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 21
Roll: 38,100
No crit
Final Damage: 44

Hannah gains +30 EXP!

Astin's next on the rotation!


Target: Ceres
Weapon: Long Beam Rifle
Final Hit: 25
Final Crit:0
Roll: 34,62

Astin sends a fist flying!
Final Hit: 96
Final Crit: 40
Roll: 36,36
Final Crit Damage: 93

Astin gains +40 EXP, +2 will!

Fatima closes in on the party!

Player Phase / Turn 5

"Query: Thorvald, why did you step in for me? It is paramount that your safety be placed above mine,
as I may be replaced."


Victory Conditions:
Defeat all enemies

Defeat Conditions:
The Riese is destroyed / Any enemy makes it into the base

Battle Mastery:
Defeat all 5 hunters and then Fatima, by the end of turn 6 EP

Enemy Stats

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For most of the operation, Roxanna remained silent, sat in her chair as she seemed lost in her own world. It wasn't a positive one. With her own uncle shutting her down, on top of the pipsqueak's odd competence at times, there wasn't much she wanted to contribute, not that they seemed to need her. Their loss.

One thing seemed to tug her the wrong way about their situation, though. This enemy battleship was captained by the same Lieutenant that they faced in the Colony. Where was that alien mech that she piloted, then? If it were in the battleship, that could prove very troublesome... unless they could deal with the battleship quickly at all. They wouldn't expose themselves so frivolously, though. Would they? Damned terrorists...

"...The enemy battleship seems content not moving at all. Isn't this bizarre?" Roxanna found the will to state the obvious, for whatever reason. "She's just sending her troops few by few... are we sure there's nothing else our radars are picking? No signals at all?" It was strangely off-putting... what goal was woth so many throwaway troops, or did they sorely underestimate Apotheosis' size?

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Juria does things and Tarquin isn't quite as tired anymore!

Waiting for a response from Thorvald, Hannah began scanning the new model, visibly displeased with the results.

"Warning. New enemy model boasts incredibly strong weaponry and mobility. Advance with caution."


Jess pulls the ship forward some, the enemy boat hovering in the distance. Off to 12,11, guns blazing~

Roxanna's comment had some merit to it. Why would Vera be simply watching without doing anything? If the Luna was truly on board, then wouldn't it be a simply matter for her to fly out towards them and start tearing? Something's wrong. She's right... Okay.

"Ensigns, raise power of shields around the bridge."

"Ma'am? We'll be weakening our bow if we do something like that."

"Just trust me. Maximize them, focusing on the bridge. Something doesn't feel right."

Autocannons loose!

Target: Hyperion #1

Weapon: Autopewpews
Final Hit: 81
Final Crit: 13
Roll: 46,70
No crit
Final Damage: 30

Hyperion counters, shwing!
Weapon: Buster Sword
Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 27
Roll: 95,60
No crit
Shields up!
Final Damage: 10

Jess gains +40 EXP, +2 will!


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Nikolai grunted as he felt the strange foreign feeling of having fixed something for once in his miserable, awful life. He felt odd, detached, as though this accomplishment was not of his own hands, and yet he had the proof right there, in front of him.

He wasn't sure if the strange lingering fullness in his chest was the result of satisfaction or nausea as he pulled back wordlessly. Something told him that he never, ever wanted anyone to acknowledge this action that was so unbeholdent to his very nature. The Holy Apparatus was not meant to heal, never to heal. They had been created to warp the world in the image of a madman who got off on the idea that he would bring the end of all life, nothing more, nothing less. Vehicles of chaos, disposable and ephemeral.

He shook his aching head, now was not the time to think about his lot in life.

He saw it in the distance, another machine in dire need of repair, very different but at the same time probably similar enough for him to employ his new... skillset on it. He didn't remember which one of his fellow pawns was in this one, but decided that it would be a shame if they died. Things might become too dire without the extra hands, after all.

The sun will chase the stars and I Will Win, I Will Win.

Nikolai worldlessly makes his way to (14,11) and moves forth to repair Astin's Mech.

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The android had seemed confused by Thorvald's earlier maneuver, pushing her robot aside to keep it out of harms way. Yes, if the enemy hadn't missed, his own would have taken some damage, but given the circumstances that was an acceptable conclusion. Somehow her logic circuits hadn't seen it that way though, and now she was pestering him for answers...

"Not now, Humpty, we can go over your issues with my decision when the mission is complete if it's really bothering you, but I had plenty good enough reason," the family man replied, after HAN4 announced the results of her latest scan. "For now we focus at the task at hand."

And with that said, Thorvald spied an opportunity, and engaged thrusters to dash forward and take it, hopefully before it slipped away. "Let's see how you like a solid dose of gunlance," he muttered, as he wound up to deliver a blow to the Deimos model.

Thorvald activates Shield spirit, advances to 12,8, and stabs at the Deimos with his Impact Gunlance

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Only three left besides the battleship which wasn't a target Astin especially wanted to be targeting right this moment. In the middle of trying to decide their next target, Thorvald made the decision easy when he went full force ahead and targeted what seemed to be the leader of the attack squad. "Well then, Oni Leader bringing in some support." Moving around to flank the bot, they brought their sword down in a vicious slash.

Astin cast Accel, move to 10-8, SLASH with special sword

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Something something Tarquin feels less tired, thinks something about how Elaine is ginger or something. Flavour better in another post maybe.

Tarquin moves to 13,11, activates Snipe and attacks the Deimos with his Beam Rifle

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Nikolai does the repairing, maybe he has a prosperous future as a mechanic ahead of him!

He gains 50 exp

Thorvald hurries over, leaving a confused android in his wake!

"That is... I... I can not under... A-Acknowledged."

Shield popped, time to go to town!


Target: Fatima's Deimos
Weapon: Impact Gunlance
Final Hit: 82
Final Crit: 2
Roll: 38,5
No crit
Final Damage: 57

"Explode! EXPLODE! Sh-Show me a beautiful explosion!"
Fatima Counters!
Weapon: Detonator bit
Final Hit: 93
Final Crit: 38
Roll: 68,82
No crit
Final Damage: 22
Thorvald's armor is reduced by 20 for the following turn!

Thorvald gains 90 EXP, +4 will!

Astin flies in, aiming for a heavy hit!


Target: Fatima's Deimos
Weapon: Proto Hybrid Sword
Final Hit: 85
Final Crit: 28
Roll: 73.56
No crit
Final Damage: 86!

"D-Die! Come on, b-blow up!"
Fatima Counters, flinging explosives
Final Hit: 58
Final Crit: 37
Roll: 10,47
No crit
Final Damage: 100!
Astin's armor is reduced by 20 for one turn!
"Y-Yes! Just like that~!"

Astin gains 70 EXP, +4 Will!

Tarquin is also prepared to fire! Sniping away!


Target: Fatima's Deimos
Weapon: Beam Rifle
Final Hit: 91
Final Crit: 5
Roll: 50,62
No crit
Final Damage: 55

"Ghhhh! Y-You're too far away! That's no fun! Begone!"
Fatima counters!
Weapon: Long Beam Rifle
Final Hit: 52
Final Crit: 10
Roll: 35,18
Tarquin has alert up!

Tarquin gains +90 EXP, +3 Will!
Tarquin levels up! +defense, +accuracy, +shooting!


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As the final few Apotheosis mecha approached, the squad was quick to single out a unique model among them, which had been the last to move forward. There was a swirling cocktail of emotion coming from what appeared to be the Apotheosis ace, based on how well they were holding up against multiple threats... anger, an urge to kill, to destroy... fear. So they were having that sort of effect on these soldiers, were they? Kim supposed it was a good thing, for the time being. They had no time to waste worrying about it, so long as they were to keep coming at them as they had been.

"Engage Deimos, keep pressure!"

Kim to 14,10, Activate Focus and attack Deimos with the TK Ripper!

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Kim motors in, blades spinning, but--

"Wh-What... What is this... Ahhh!?" Chrissy was broken out of her calm by the sudden overwhelming sense of anger and dread approaching, and with no way to see or tell what it was, there was no way for her to talk herself down. "K-Kim! Fly away! Away, please-- N-No!" Hands clasped against her head, she bite her lip in an attempt to stay quiet.


Focus up, rippers flying!

Target: Fatima's Deimos
Weapon: Tk-Ripper
Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 25
Roll: 84,7
Final Crit Damage: 116



Christina felt the impact of the hit against their enemy, unable to stop herself from crying out as they did, all of their emotions magnifying and forcing their way into her head. Th-This is horrifying! How does-- H-How do Kim and B-Brant manage this!? It was not standard, due to the Velite needing proper calibrations, but even the chance of feeling something as slight as this was shocking to her.


Fatima Counters, rifle out!
"D-Die! You have to die!"
Final Hit: 0!
Final Crit: 10
Roll: n/a!
"No! Nooooo!"

Kim gains +80 exp, +4 will!


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Brant swiftly jets in to take care of the rest of the mess! Focus up!


Target: Fatima's Deimos
Weapon: AA Missiles
Final Hit: 100 lol
Final Crit: 1
Roll: 66,18
No crit
Final dam--

The Final Stroke

As Brant's missiles were about to collide with Fatima's Deimos, sending the sparking mess into a pile of scrap on the ground, a similarly green bubble appeared around it, the missiles impacting against it, no harm being done to the machine.

"Whh... Wh-What's...?"

"Fatima, retreat to the ship. You've done enough, today."

Vera's voice filled her cockpit, the shaky pilot nodding slowly, as the Deimos flew off towards the Chaldene, waiting moments away.

Bad Call

"Captain, we've got another message coming in from the enemy battleship. Should we take it?"

Jess bit her lip, grunted, and nodded. With Tristan and Roxanna having spoken up the entire time, her anger had faded considerably. "Put her through... Let's see what she has to say for herself after taking a b-beating like this."

Tristan nodded, and there was Vera, smiling as confidently as before, staring Jess down. The captain couldn't help but shrink, so flustered and upset, while she remained stoic, despite the battle.

"Captain Gefalscht. Thank you for showing me just what we're dealing with, today. The Riese and her crew are not to be trifled with... I hope you're prepared, next we meet."

What? Was that all this had been? A test? Hadn't they shown how strong they were on Colony One? I suppose that wasn't Apotheosis forces, just hired rebels... So is that all she wanted? What... What else... Jess didn't have anything else to say, as Vera smirked, and ended the feed. She had too many things to consider, right now.


Brant gains +600 EXP, +25 PP!
Brant Levels!
Map Over!
Battle Mastery Granted

As the remaining Apotheosis forces encased themselves in a similar barrier and flew back towards their ship, Jess couldn't bring herself to order anyone to follow. Vera had conducted herself so calmly as such a disadvantage, while she had been stuttering and stumbling out orders! It didn't make sense, what was so important that they could afford such a loss and walk away like nothing happened? Or did they even consider it a loss? Were their soldiers just pawns to forward their ambitions... It was true that, on Colony One, the Riese didn't participate. Was this just them getting a free show on what the ANF's biggest weapon could accomplish?

Jess bit her lip, feeling as if this was a pyrrhic victory. No, they hadn't lost anyone, but just how much had they given away to Apotheosis over it? No, no... This is so stupid, why else would they send someone so high up after us at a remote base...? That's exactly why they were willing to throw so much away! Ugh!

"I'm so stupid!" she groaned, slamming a fist into her chair. "So stupid... Dammit." Jess slowly radioed into all units, sighing before issuing her last command of the day. "All units, r-return to the Riese."

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That last hit had slammed into the Ceres, blasting it back several paces and leaving it mangled. Still operational, but Astin knew they wouldn't be able to take much more. Starting to swap into a defensive stance, they stopped when they saw the green shields encase the robots, and heard the command to return to the ship. Why weren't they using those the whole time? What even were they... Still, this is no good. That wasn't how this battle should have ended. Something's going on... "Come on Juria, lets get back to the Riese and let Avery take a look at fixing the damage."


Parking the Ceres in the hangar, Astin wearily stepped out of the cockpit, and made their way down to the ground. Glancing up at the new bot, they sighed and shook their head. "Damn, so much for it being in good shape. Still, I suppose I survived in a mech I'd never piloted before so that's something..." Looking around, Astin tried to spot Avery or Buck to ask them to get started on repairing the mech.


Val had been awakened by the ship returning to Earth, and had spent that part of the trip curled up on her bed, clinging tightly to the stuffed bear she'd brought along. The sounds of battle had forced her to remain in the bedroom, not wanting to get anywhere near all that. Still, she knew that battle meant potentially wounded pilots, so she slowly got up and changed before making her way towards the elevator, sweatshirt hood pulled up in an attempt to mask how tired she still was.


Colt had woken up to the announcement earlier but had chosen to stay in his room out of the way. He was still somewhat doubting his choice to give up the research position to help out on this ship, but the invasion had helped settle his mind a bit. If there was a war going on, everyone was needed. And research wasn't going to be a huge help, not after the destruction that had happened on the Colony. He'd be more helpful here, repairing bots and maybe helping Avery develop new weapons for the pilots. He made his way into the hangar, glancing around as he did. It looked like the first of the pilots were returning, some of the mechs looking significantly worse for the wear. That wasn't a good sign, but it did mean that he was right about being useful here.

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As Christina started to have a small Meltdown, it was all Kim could do to focus on the enemy at hand, her rippers colliding with the Deimos and leaving it a sparking, barely functional mess, the she swerved the Mk.III out of the way of the machine's return fire. A volley of missiles from Brant was about to finish it off, when they were suddenly blocked by a strange green bubble that had appeared not only around the Deimos, but the remaining Hyperions as well, the mecha retreating to their battleship... it appeared the battle was over.

"Relax Chrissy, relax. Battle over, completely defeat... last few enemy simply flare emotion, happen when thing look bad." Kim called out to Christina, doing her best to mellow out, away from the adrenaline from battle, give her something calm to focus on.

"Everything fine. Focus me, okay?" Kim reassured Christina, before the call to return to the ship came in. On the off chance that Avery was still snoozing in the second hangar, bringing the Mk.III in there was not the best idea. So instead, she docked her machine in the main hangar, standing in the cockpit before it opened, going around the back to Christina.

"Everything okay, Chrissy. Back in ship." Seung-Min noted, reaching out to give the daunted girl a pat on the head.

"You do good."

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Ship in Silence

It was over... in some way or another. There were more questions now, like that green bubble that surrounded the enemy mech. Potent tech... still, this is baffling. Roxanna had her hands clasped, what was done, was done. People should retreat to the ship now.

"Captain." Roxanna added, in perhaps the most neutral tone she'd ever addressed Jessica yet, even if she wasn't looking at her at all. "They gave away a lot of information as well." She stated, matter-of-factly. Was... was she trying to cheer Jessica up?

"I don't get this woman." Whatever thought was going through Roxanna's mind, she gave up. "I can't tell if she's stupid or... scratch that, I'm sure she's at least a bit stupid... why this?" Roxanna was rubbing her temples, sinking deeper onto her chair. "How are those machines so expendable to her? How much did they cost to make? Way too much to justify this! Just... just what is Apotheosis?"

What was anything at that point?


Action Packed Super Front Seat

"Hwaa, did they do it?" To Makoto, that was a light show and a half. He'd just seen a slew of new mech never captured in a photo or anything, including from their side! So many shiny mechs, and weapons! From the hangar, the only way to catch it was from very obnoxious windows, separated across the whole upper level, but darned if it wasn't worth it. He'd gotten it all filmed!

And best yet, he'd get to catch the hero squad land and drop off of their robots, heroically! In fact, two pilots had already landed, pilots of two of the three surprising new mechs! Where had they been kept, anyways? Those would have been helpful in the Colony!

"Heeey! Nice job!" He waved, trying to make his way down to where the mechs were docked. Provided the ground crew wasn't planning to kick him out for being a tad noisy and annoying...


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Megumi stared at her console while the captain reengaged Vera. It certainly sounded like they were poking and prodding to learn the Riese's, as well as its pilots' capabilities. Probably Jessica's too. Fair enough, Apotheosis had given just enough of a show of force that the Riese crew revealed their full hand, or hopefully what only seemed as such. That new velite had come out of nowhere, though. That combined with Jessica's silence all but confirmed it. Hopefully they would have other allies from the ANF fighting alongside them next time, to help better manage their known weaknesses.

Roxanna was quick to point out that despite their showing, the enemy wasn't without faults as well. Megumi had to agree, Vera had already gotten herself shot, once before. She wasn't competent enough to justify a response like that. Either Apotheosis was miles ahead of the ANF technologically and had more resources at their disposal than tactical sense, or there was something deeper they didn't understand just yet. The doctor wasn't sure which and had other things on her mind, anyway, so she left the matter be for now. The best they could hope for at this point were continued victories.

With the pilots returning one by one, and feeds to the console cutting out with each vacated cockpit, Megumi shut down the console and left her seat. "Well, that was enlightening. I'm going to pay our prisoner a visit and then I'll be in the infirmary if anyone needs anything. That said ..." she forced down the bad taste in her mouth, "could someone send Nikolai to the infirmary sometime in the next hour? He needs to be examined thoroughly based on what I've seen." The boy had joined up with them so recently they hadn't even been able to process him, yet. Megumi wouldn't have any excuses if that became an issue with the administration, though. Best to get this over with. Maybe one of her new helpers would already be in the infirmary when she got back. The doctor could dump the task onto one of them and do something else. At worst she'd have to walk them through the steps.

"Also, Dwight," she added, eyeing the navigator, "if your pain becomes an issue again, you should definitely stop by, as well." She wasn't going to go any further than that on the Dwight issue. It wasn't proper for him to show up so late, but it wasn't proper for Megumi to criticize him for it, either. She simply hoped his priorities would address themselves now that she'd offered him a potential solution.

That just left the captain, whom Megumi was most interesting in figuring out. Unfortunately psychology was Cheryl's territory. Megumi wasn't inept in that area, but she had more important things to be doing than picking the captain's brain. Maybe Jessica would visit Cheryl at some point and Megumi could get the dirty details ... no of course not. Confidentiality and all of that. Maybe a bug in her office?

Well that could have gone better. If not for the brilliant green light beyond the missiles and the explosions they created, Brant would have been hopeful for a kill. Alas, the enemy survived thanks to that shield, and retreated along with her two escorts. "Ugh ... need to ask Avery about those shields. If Apotheosis' suits can do that whenever they want, then we need a countermeasure or a way to catch them completely off guard." Brant sorely missed the age of stealth fighters ...

Brant brought his Accensus back into the hangar shortly after the Ceres and the MK.III, and once the warplane was situated again, he popped the canopy. Emails, he thought. Avery would be asleep for who knew how long, so it wasn't a bad time to look into what he'd missed. There were more messages now than when he'd last checked. Shutting off the console, along with the Accensus, Brant disembarked, gave his machine a pat on the hull, and then made for the changing rooms.

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And Avery was still asleep.

Start The Fixerups

"Oiiiiiiiii! Astin!" Buck rushed over as soon as people started landing, the rest of the mechanic crew rushing over to both Kim's Velite and Brant's Accensus. Buck has a few people behind him, moving past him to start taking in the damage on Astin's Ceres. One of the shoulder plates had been blown clean off by the detonator bit, so that would require replacing. Buck grimaced as he looked past the pilot, shaking his head some. "Inevitable," he muttered, like some great sage of machinery.

"How was it? Did it fly alright? The OS is a bit slow, but everything else should be up to date... Do you want me and Avery to take a look at it again? We could probably getting it working faster, just in case... I've still gotta finish upgrading that Heracles. Elaine didn't blowup, right!? I want that machine back... Did you see how it looked, too? I hope it was alright."

One question after another with Buck, it was. He spotted Makoto coming down, calling over to people, but paid it no mind. As long as he didn't distract any of the mechanics, it wasn't a big deal... But what was, was something else. "Huh, you know, speaking of her, I haven't seen Avery all morning. You know where she is?"

Landing Gear

Hannah couldn't let go of what Thorvald had said. They'd had a similar conversation before about the importance of her "life", and these sort of thoughts managed to gnaw at her. She was a machine, designed to keep people safe, above all else, but her directive was being forcefully pushed aside for her "importance". What importance? Her existence was to be a body for others, did that body truly matter? As the Velite she'd borrowed landed safely in the hangar, she sat motionless, cockpit open, her processors trying to come to a satisfied conclusion to such a question.

They wouldn't be succeeding anytime soon.


Chrissy kept her hands clung to her head, scrunched into the seat, the whole time Kim was flying the Velite back onto the ship. She couldn't get that feeling out of her head; she was terrified that even if she took off the T-Link, it would still linger... None of her testing had put her through anything like that. The anguish of someone's last moments... They'd survived, but it was disgusting to her. Brant and Kim were... Either much stronger people, or jaded to these things. Did they just accept them as a part of war? I don't... I don't know, if I can do that again...

Kim's pat broke her out of her frozen state, flinching away from the contact, wide eyes staring at her for a moment. The calmed down, seeing that it was just her, as Christina took a deep breath. She sat up normally. She tried to calm down. They were back on the ship, they were safe, no one else had to die... It wasn't enough. With a hand slowly clinging onto Kim's suit, she started to cry, other hand hiding her face.

"Th-They were so scared... How do you... H-How, would anyone... Be able to handle something like that...?"

Send The Boy

Jess sighed. They had some takeaway from the fight, they did know a lot about Apotheosis now. They had new ships, their robots were capable of unassisted flight, they apparently had incredibly powerful barriers... But that was the problem. "This only s-scratches the surface of what they might have... Throwing a-away a few small things, to see everything we have... Everything the Riese; the ANF's pride and joy, can do. It was a good move o-on her part. Maybe not the smartest, but... I, I assume that has something to do with her own sense of fairness or pride, t-to have an even fight... As even as sh-she could make it." Vera was probably the best person to run into, all things considered. She seemed to have a near medieval sense of fighting fair. That was probably why she'd riled Jess up in the first place. Unless they were fighting at full, neither side would use everything they had.

Of course, that means she gets to see more, because I'm fighting so hard. What a mistake... I'm so foolish. "Well make sure h-he gets sent, Doctor... XO, Ensign, you're in charge of the bridge, for now. Focus on getting the ships armaments restocked, and contact the base Officer, get him to help repairs on th-the damage we did take... Solar panels on, recharge the engines... I'm... I need to reflect. A-And think."

Picking herself up, and making for the elevator, Jess stood quietly waiting for Megumi. A good swim... We do have a pool on this monster, don't we? I could use a swim... It's been a while. Attempting to smile at the good doctor, she paused a moment, before speaking. "Going down?"

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His last action had taken a lot of thought, as well as given him a lot to go over later. His shot had landed and he's avoided taking return fire - it would have been hard to ask for better results. The assault against the Deimos was almost impressive, their coordination would have bested the unit if it hadn't been for its sudden retreat. Was this the teamwork he'd been so dearly lacking during his training? Working with everyone, even Elaine to some extent, seemed far more natural and fluid than before. It hadn't been entirely clear what Apotheosis had hoped to achieve at the base, but they'd at least prevented it from falling.

Returning to the Riese, Tarquin's Velite had remained in prestine condition. It had been a shame that he hadn't been able to test his rifle, but the situation hadn't called for it - no point using new toys just for the sake of it, that would be far too childish. Stepping out into the hangar, Tarquin was curious to the presence of Makoto - he couldn't place at all who he could be, unless the insane janitor had taken an apprentice. He couldn't be that much older than Tarquin himself, but it had tickled his curiosity. Approaching Makoto, Tarquin remained as neutral as possible - his experience with teenagers up until now had been limited to Nikolai, an atypical individual by all accounts.

"You, state your name and designation. I don't recognise you as a member of the support staff." he requested firmly. He knew the boy wasn't a threat, but he wasn't going to get chummy just yet.


The battle hadn't dissuaded Bill, his cleaning was completely unhindered within the core of the Riese. "I'd be more interested in the grotty ankle biter, looks like a dingo took him to the cleaners and back. Funny seeing so many kids about here, wonder if they all get along like peas in a pod." Bill commented, having completed his goals in the office. He would have to do battle with the Ash Agony Aunt the next time he faced off against her smoking habits and vulnerable carpet, but for now balance had been restored.

Leaving the office, Bill leaned back through the doorframe, giving Cheryl a mock salute. "Until next time, hopefully by then you'll have kicked the cancer sticks and be fresher than a blow in the bag." he added, departing for his detergent related adventure.

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The Heracles slowly landed and walked back into place aboard the Riese, as Elaine kept quiet, mulling over everything that happened in the battle. Or at least, everything she caught. And it didn't make her feel better about her performance. She hadn't really done anything useful, besides severely damaging that one Cressida that got close to the base. Hell, it didn't feel like she had been needed beyond that one moment. Everything else had gone by so quickly. Or maybe...Maybe she wasn't focusing on it at all. Maybe she was still distracted about other things.

Elaine stepped out of the Heracles and climbed down the steps before taking off her helmet. While she appreciated that it kept her head safe, it definitely felt better to take it off than to put it on. Holding it under her arm like a ball, she looked walked over the new Velite that stood out among the other standard ANF robots. "Hey, Kim!" She yelled at the open cockpit. "You gonna stay in there all day?"

Edited by Dandragon
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"Am sorry, Chrissy." Kim replied, biting her lip as she say down next to Christina in the cramped back seat, wrapping an arm around the frightened girl and pulling her close, gently petting her hair. The rush of emotion from the Deimos' pilot had been intense, far greater than what she was used to... she had managed to deal with it through experience, but Christina wasn't used to using a T-Link in battle... such a strong emotional response from an over-tuned T-Link could definitely have this kind of effect. 

"Get used to... military extra harsh, training TK pilot... consider value asset, can't have anything bad happen. But that not normal, Chrissy. Mk.III T-Link over sensitive, remember? Never feel emotion that strong in battle before... only manage avoid end up like that because train to deal with stuff like that." Kim replied, trying to soothe the distressed girl next to her. She had heard Elaine's yelling from below, but couldn't very well yell back at her at the moment. reaching over to the controls, Kim set the glowing headlight in the Mk.III's eye to blink towards where she felt the voice and impatient emotions coming from. Hopefully Elaine would recognize the signal enough to realize she had heard her, even if she couldn't respond right away.

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