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Fire Emblem Games Recently Played/Finished


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I'm fairly new to Fire Emblem (by that I mean a couple years but some of you have been playing for way longer), but not to strategy/RPG games, and I started off by playing Awakening and then Fates (always on highest difficulty). Recently my friend who is a die hard FE fan told me that I needed to play the "good" Fire Emblem games like Binding Blade and Blazing Sword so I was like sure why not. Either way I started playing Blazing Sword and Thracia 776 and I love both of them! I have played some of the original Fire Emblem games in the past but not very seriously like I do now, so it's definitely a fun experience. Anyways, to get to the point, which Fire Emblem games have you played or completed recently?

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Birthright- beat it again 2 weeks ago exclusively to get a new opinion for the "make a tier list" thread.

Fates: Revelation and Fates: Birthright for the first time 4 months ago.

Sacred Stones, sometime within the last 8 months, but it's such a short game I don't really know when.

I played  Thracia and Fates: Conquest without any special motivation mid 2016. Probably watching the then-current LTC's got me excited.

Path of Radiance, beat it last year one last time before scalping it on amazon

I made a post March 2016 on speed demos archive about an all character speedrun of Awakening, but i don't remember the experience at all.

Played Mystery of Emblem and New Mystery at the time of some old thread. I think I wanted to defend New mystery's story at the time? definitely 2015.. 

I played the entire series in a whirlwind marathon 3 years ago, before that started  I had only really played 8-11+13. Not sure why I had never found the English Binding Blade before then. Ended up getting Fates like 8 months after release due to the preoccupation.

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Heroes- Of course.

Conquest- Finished for first time, Corrin OP plox nerf.

Revelations- to... Chapter 12 I believe. Cast inflation is gonna suck.

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Currently playing Conquest on Lunatic.

Also currently playing Sacred Stones, but I'm on the final chapter.

Awakening's ambush spawns put me off playing but I'm in the middle of that, too. The chapter with the Mire dudes from the stairs. 

And technically I'm on chapter 3 of Fire Emblem 6 but I'm not really playing that right now. 

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Decided to do a EHM run. I'm up to New Resolve now.

So far, Raven and Sain aren't gaining the Str I want them to have, nor the Def. Lowen is actually my best Cav. this time around. Florina got the good old Robe and Ring, but her the Ring appears only to be offsetting RNG Str screwage at the moment. Eliwood appears to be blessed, Hector is also good, and Lucius, my favorite of the early magic trio, is holding up nicely.

Fairly easy, HHM appears to be the only challenge in FE7. Not to say I haven't had to reset a few times.

New Resolve has too few deployment slots, particularly because I want to arena Lyn to level 15 because I always aim for Linus FFO, even on Eliwood Mode where Lloyd doesn't move and carry a Light Brand in foggy weather. Also, have to field Legault to steal the boss's crest- I'm not doing ranked- my EXP is far too low to say I am, but I want to maintain a semblance of it.

I commend anyone able to do a perfect 5-star run.

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Only fire emblem games i replayed to completion this year were FE7 and Conquest (on HHM and lunatic/classic) back in january, which are my favorites in the series. I've beaten both of these games several times by now (fe7 20+ times and conquest about 8 times)

too many great game releasing this year for me to replay fire emblem more often =\

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Yeah there's has been to many great games this year for me to really be be replaying FE, that and I have a massive backlog. So I haven't done much other than replay a map or two of FE 7 and FE 14: Conquest. That being said after I complete Shadows of Valentina if I'm not sick of FE I'll go play Tearing saga and Thracia 776. But all things considered I'll probably be too busy to do that ...

But if FE heroes counts I have been playing way l too much of that...  not sure why I just can't stop, still haven't given the thing a cent though and I am never going to...

Edit:  Also I forgot I did start up and play a little bit of Shadow Dragon this year to see if I still hate it as much as I used to,  and yeah it's better than I remember it being that said it still my least favorite...

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Games I've played: Pretty much all the main-series games released in the USA save for Ike's games... geez those are expensive. So Heroes, Awakening, Fates (all routes), Blazing Sword/Rekka no Ken, Sacred Stones, and Shadow Dragon.

I'm currently playing: Heroes of course haha, Lunatic/Classic + Apotheosis Secret Set as end-goal Awakening replay, and an Eliwood Hard Mode RnK replay in hopes of getting a 5 star ranking. Don't have much time to continue them but I hope to soon!

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Currently playing Lunatic BR, Lunatic CQ and Hard PoR.

Finished Lunatic RV at the beginning of this year.

Been playing NMotE on and off again for several months. Started SD; not gonna finish it.

Been several years since I last played through RD (can't find a cheap copy; mine is damaged T~T) and FE7.

Planning to play through FE8 again after a couple years.

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I've picked up Shadow Dragon again after a looong time. I've just finished chapter 11 on H1, ignoring anything about the gaiden chapters and going for full recruitment/no casualties as usual instead. It still kinda bugs me that I miss out on some content, but I guess I'm less of a perfectionist than I was when I first played the game. Other than that, it's actually quite fun. I wouldn't mind more writing, as in Actual Characters instead of a bunch of portraits with some numbers attached, but the writing the game has is still pretty good.

And in terms of gameplay, I'm finding some new appreciation for good ol' Jeigan :D I'm well into the midgame, but he's still doing good work as a draco knight with Silver Lance and Ridersbane access despite his increasingly subpar stats. Not as ridiculous as Shiida with her forged Wing Spear, of course, but still pretty good.

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Man, I haven't played Fire Emblem in a while...

But IIRC the last FE game I played was Gaiden on my phone

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