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Which modded version of Fates should I play?


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I was wondering of the different versions out there which one should I play to get the best experience. I just finished Awakening English version with Japanese voices. I enjoyed the Japanese voice acting a lot more and it felt weird with anything English dub tbh.

For Fates, I am thinking about the English special edition (playing Birthright -> Conquest -> Revelation order) with Japanese voice (undub) and uncensored mods. I also noticed that there's a fan translation available by TeamIF as well but I don't know how complete the project is with DLC and all and if it's easy to patch to special edition. Also, since the fan translation patch applies to the Japanese version of the game, will I run into trouble with regions during online play (like only be able to connect to the Japan server instead of the NorAmerica one)? Do people still play this game online for it to matter?


Additionally, without any spoilers, I was wondering if I could get some tips to get the best out of this game. I am not new to the genre but pretty new to FE as a series. I started Awakening on Hard and accidentally 'grinded' by playing a couple risen maps. Halfway through the campaign my MU became untouchable. So I ended up restarting the game on lunatic mode. This decision caused a lot of misery and frustration in it's own rights. I ended up having to cheese through most of the stages since I didn't want to grind as much. And after the final chapter, I couldn't play the future past DLCs because my units are way underpowered and I am not a big fan of grinding. What can I do for this iteration to minimize the risks?

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If you want to avoid grinding just avoid doing the extra battles and DLC and your units will be at exactly the level that was intended.

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The Japanese and North American versions of the game have separate online servers.

I'm not 100% sure but I believe fan translation patches can be used with North American versions of the game too.

There shouldn't be problems patching the special edition of the game.

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