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Your Best/Most Effective Team Comp?

Big Smoke

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24 different teams in 24 different posts. This made me pause and marvel at the great balance and variety of FE:H.

Back to the topic, my current preferred team is Reinhardt, Cecilia, Titania, Ninian. After getting Reinhardt, I started to use more and more cavalry. I was helped by the fact that arena bonus units have always included a good cavalry unit. On the plus side, deathless streaks are very easy. On the minus side, the payoff is not very big, 4750 points on average. And excessive reliance on long range nukers that can be danced back to safety has made me lazy.

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9 hours ago, Folt said:

My best is currently M!Robin, Julia, Reinhardt, and Ryoma. One physical attacker who can hit ranged opponents and three mages, one of which is mounted to hit the opponents before they hit me (+Robin can comfortably tank melee frontliners due to his defense, even if my current one has -Def).

Once I get Quick Riposte on Xander, I plan to have him replace Ryoma so he and Reinhardt can be a duo.

And now that Xander has been 5-starred and packs Quick Riposte 2, Fury 3, Hone Cavalry, and Siegfried, my team is now M!Robin, Julia, Reinhardt, and Xander.

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I tend to run Ephraim, Erika, Nino, and a Bonus Character (otherwise Ryoma). Depending on what Bonus I use, I'll swap in Ryoma and Sharena if needed.

1. Ephraim is a physical tank, especially against Swords.
2. Erika (does not have Distant Counter, Renewal, or Iceberg yet) provides buffs for Nino and helps against Greens. 
3. Nino nukes everything and and helps deal with Lindes and Reinhardts.

S1. Ryoma is my anti-everything, especially Takumi and Green Mages. // I probably should use a different skill besides Astra, but I haven't bothered with it yet.
S2. Sharena (no Fury or Renewal yet) is more of a "faster, offensive" Ephraim in taking out Reds and Blues.

Ephraim	+DEF, -RES	Siegmund	Moonbow			Rally Resistance*	Defiant DEF*		Swordbreaker*	Threaten DEF
Erika	+SPD, -HP	Sieglinde	Iceberg*		Rally Defense*		Distant Counter*	Renewal*	Hone SPD
Ryoma	+SPD, -ATT	Raikinto	Astra			Swap*			Defiant ATT		Vantage*	Hone SPD
Nino	+SPD, -RES	Gronnblade+	Draconic Aura*		Draw Back		Fury*			Desperation*	Breath of Life*

Sharena	+N/A, -N/A	Fensalir	Luna*			Rally Attack		Fury*			Renewal*	Fortify DEF

* * * * *

Now, my dream team is Ryoma, Takumi, Azura, and a random character (maybe Nino or M!Robin?), but I still do not have a Takumi or an Azura yet...

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My core unit is Ryoma and Julia. The remaining one is bonus unit and a blue unit if the bonus unit is not blue.

For Stratum, I just went with whatever, lol.

Edited by pianime94
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