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FE4 - Address for children and inheritance


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I'm working on this hack to allow same-sex couples in FE4 (I've posted about this elsewhere) and I'm experimenting around with it, and I'm trying to find more addresses for children and inheritance and that sort of thing. I was wondering what other people know so I know where to start (or where not to look, rather) or if there's a better, more complete rom map out there.

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Have you tried opening up the Nightmare modules in a text editor? It would probably also help of you were more specific about what you wanted rather than "children and inheritance and that sort of thing". What are you trying to mod? Growth rate inheritance? Inventory inheritance?

Edited by Agro
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Well, the problem I don't know, really, what I'm looking for.

Okay, I guess I'll start with what I do know. so I'm doing in order to allow same-sex couples is to effectively switch the gender of the character. For example, I take Finn and Ayra, switch their character numbers on the gender list the game keeps, switch their unit numbers, switch their genders and the game does effectively treat them as the opposite sex. Finn will gain points with men like Ayra would, would have any growths or bases Ayra would, and will gain a lover, and vice-versa. It works, although certain conversations that give love points will crash the game, and some of them won't, which I'm not sure why that would be (although I'm not concerned with editing the text at the very moment. That's a much later goal)

Problem I'm having, the second gen. What's odd is that while it doesn't seem to matter who I would pair Finn with in this example, any women I paired up with Ayra would have their kids... with Finn as their dad. Ayra's kids here are just lost in the ether. I want to know if it would be even possible to have the game read Finn as a mom and Ayra as a dad here, but I have no idea where I'd start to look. I'm just wondering if there's something obvious I'm over looking.

EDIT: By the way, I did test this, and if I switch their character number, and then pair them off, Ayra's kids will be born but as Finn's kids (that is, they get the skills and growths of Finn and whomever I paired him with. This is a... bad trade-off actually but anyway) and the kids of the lady will have Ayra as a dad, basically. Although the augury will say that the parents of the former are Ayra and Finn's lover, and the later will be listed as Ayra's lover and Finn. 


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Oh, and, uh, weird question to add on to that, but there aren't any female characters that use the Emperor class in the game, right? (...are there female barons? I wanted to say there were, but I could be wrong...)

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