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Do Certain Tiles Enhance Attack?

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So, I encountered something... weird.

I was facing a team where all the units had Fury 3 in their A slot. But every time they would attack, they'd act like they had death blow 3, doing exactly six more damage than they did on the defense. This was every time, and exactly six more damage.

Are there tiles that enhance attack? Or is someone hacking?

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Maybe your attacker had armored blow 3? That way, whoever you attacked (provided they dealt physical damage) would do 6 less damage per hit. It's the only explanation I can think of.

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21 minutes ago, Taim Meich said:

Maybe your attacker had armored blow 3? That way, whoever you attacked (provided they dealt physical damage) would do 6 less damage per hit. It's the only explanation I can think of.

No, he didn't.

So, one exact situation (this happened multiple times) was an Ike vs Nowi. Ike moved onto a defense tile. I checked his attack (he had heavy blade, swordbreaker, hone attack) vs nowi (fury, vantage 3, hone attack, attack+1) he would do 7 damage, nowi would do 34. Since she was the only one left, so I just left him on the defense tile to absorb the first hit.

Instead of doing 34, however, she did 40. Did not trigger her special (dragon fury (edit: fang, not fury), still had a 3 countdown left). She had Lightning Breath+ equipped.

I didn't check what tile she was on, whether or not there was anything special about it, but this happened again vs Ryoma. Same damage (he and Ike both had 21 res), same thing happened.

Earlier in the battle, a Spring Lucina (exact same skill set up) did the same thing to reinhardt, although she failed to kill him (he vantage'd her before the damage went through) but again, the number was much higher on the attack than on the defense. Not sure if they were on specific tiles, or if it's possible to hack to give extra skills.

Also both Lucina and Nowi were at least 3 spaces from any other units the opponent had at the start of their turn, so they weren't buffed either.

Normally, I'd write this off as my characters moving to different tiles that gave different bonuses... except, in both cases, neither Reinhardt or Ike moved when I checked damage.

Unless... do some tiles only give defense bonus on attack?

Edited by dragonlordsd
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1 hour ago, dragonlordsd said:

Unless... do some tiles only give defense bonus on attack?


Perhaps there were different Spur/Hone/etc. bonuses from surrounding units?

If you encounter this again, consider recording the exact stats of all the units involved.

Edited by Othin
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14 minutes ago, Othin said:


Perhaps there were different Spur/Hone/etc. bonuses from surrounding units?

If you encounter this again, consider recording the exact stats of all the units involved.

Will do. I should've taken a screen shot. The first time it happened, I assumed I had misread the skills or something, or like you said, missed a buff, so I wasn't expecting it when it happened again. Will do comparison shots if it happens.

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I experienced something similar to this once. I was doing a training stratum, and I remember calculating in my head how much damage an enemy would do to me on the enemy phase to see if I would die or not. There was no WTA involved, or any death blow or armored blow stuff. An easy Atk - Def calculation. My character was supposed to live, but the attack did way more than I calculated. I checked for hones and spurs but I couldn't find any reason whatsoever for why it happened. It wasn't a big deal so I didn't worry about it too much.

It was a while ago so I don't remember all of the exact details.

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The same situation happened to me just a day or two ago.  And I think it was against the last lone character (Lukas).  It didn't make sense.  Maybe I miscalculated but I really thought it was a bug at that moment.  I've written it off as just my mistake but I'm curious to hear if it's happened to more people.

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