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Branched promotions and flying units


How should games with branched promotions handle flying units?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. How should games with branched promotions handle flying units?

    • Have both promotions use the same mount
    • Have both promotions use different mounts
    • Make fliers promoted only
    • Give fliers only one promotion
    • Make it so that fliers have no promotion
    • I don't care
    • I have my own idea what they could do with the fliers

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So is it just me or does anyone else think that flying units always feel a bit awkward when it comes to branched promotions?

I mean they'll either have 2 promotions with different mounts(one keeping the old and one getting a new mount),which feels kinda awkward as it feels like one promotion throws the previous mount away(and flying units usually talk a lot about their bond with their mount) or they keep the mount for both upgrades,which in my opinion feels a bit like both promotions are essentially the same unit,just with slight variations.

So I wondered:
What do you prefer?
Do you like it more if they keep the mount consistent across all the upgrades or do prefer it when both upgrades have different mounts.


Or would you prefer an entirely different approach to the flying units when it comes to branched promotions?
Like making flyers promoted units only,making them promotionless(like for example the manaketes),or giving them only 1 promotion even in a game with branched promotions.


Personally I think giving both promotions the same mount is the best option,but they should try to differentiate the 2 a bit more.I mean when I choose if my cavalier turns into a paladin or an arch knight,I'm basically choosing if I want a light or heavy cavalry unit,which both feel rather different.

But when I choose if my pegasus knight turns into a falcon knight or a dark flier,then it feels less like I am choosing between 2 classes,but more like I am choosing which secondary weapon/skills my upgraded pegasus knight gets.

For example what if instead one pegasus upgrade would be the falcon knight while the other has a flying chariot pulled by a pegasus?


Buut anyway what is your opinion about this topic?

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I didn't like was Wyvern to Griffon, particularly because the two wyvern riders we get in Awakening both have an attachment to their mounts. Pegasus to Kinshi was similarly bad, albeit not as much due to less an attachment by a rider to their mount. Peg-Dragon Knight I'm fine with because it goes back to the original FE. 

I'd say mostly keep within the genus. I can buy a standard wyvern magically turning into a zombie or serpentine version, or a pegasus turning dark, but don't turn a pegasus into a dragon or something else altogether different.

Though I'd be fine with the abolition of branched promotions too.

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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd say mostly keep within the genus. I can buy a standard wyvern magically turning into a zombie or serpentine version, or a pegasus turning dark, but don't turn a pegasus into a dragon or something else altogether different.

I definitely second this. The promotion branch can affect the second weapon gained and still gain a lot of differentiation that way (as seen in Fates), changing the type of mount feels a bit off.

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3rding the "keep it within the genus" sentiment. I'm also okay with non-mounted units promoting into mounted units like Archer to Kinshi Knight, but I don't want mounted units losing or changing their mount species.

Hopefully Falcon Knight/Dark Flier and Wyvern Lord/Malig Knight will be our flier options in the next game.

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Agreed with those above. Genus/species is a-okay with me, unmounted units gaining mounts is a-okay. Just don't let us pull a Jugdral and be able to get off our mounts. Ever.

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I think it's silly when a flying unit's promotion involves completely changing the mount. (FE1 is off the hook because the developers were starting a brand new series and were figuring out what they wanted to do with it). However Cherche's promotion to Griffon rider make's no sense or Subaki's phoenix mount promotion. I think Griffon rider actually could have been a cool unit type but I think it should have been it's own class line. I think the wyvern line was handled fine in Fates as both promotions the rider is on a wyvern and I think the Malig Knight is a cool idea.

What I would like to see for all classes is an integration of both branch promotions and 3rd tiers. Let's use the wyvern/dragon rider class as an example. You have Steve the Dragon Rider (I'm saying dragon rider because the Tellius games have the best dragon models and flying animations). When he promotes he has the choice of either Dragon Master or Magic Dragon (basically Malig Knight) after choosing one he can still choose the other if he wants. His 3rd tier is Dragon lord before training in this 3rd tier he can choose the other branch promotion or go straight to Dragon lord. If he chooses to skip the other branch promotion he cannot go back as that would be tier 2 however if he skips the branch promotion he can still learn the skills of the other class when he becomes Dragon lord. 

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I don't mind the mount-changing promotion options much, in cases where the rider has a bond with their original mount you can always say they keep them off the battlefield. (Or you could be more careful when writing those types of characters.) In fact, I actually prefer having some mounts locked to promotion options since it gives a sense of them requiring some experience to ride. I headcanon Magvel's wyverns as being too vicious for inexperienced riders while griffons are too proud to let a green flier on their backs.

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Yeah, that bothers me too. But really, when you think about it, changing out mounts isn't something that just happens to flying units. Why is it that in the GBA games, all of your cavaliers' brown horses turn white on promotion? I think that the way to fix this would be to give mounts a little more individuality. Characters should be able to choose between their horse/pegasus/wyvern of choice, with each one having its own unique appearance and stats. 

I also think it's kind of weird that FE always has more flying mounts than ground mounts. I mean, in reality, mankind has used a whole bunch of different animals for various purposes on the ground, but there are no historical records of men riding pegasi or wyverns. Come on Intelligent Systems! How long until we get donkey/bull/camel/elephant/dogsled/Panne mounts?

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2 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

I also think it's kind of weird that FE always has more flying mounts than ground mounts. I mean, in reality, mankind has used a whole bunch of different animals for various purposes on the ground, but there are no historical records of men riding pegasi or wyverns. Come on Intelligent Systems! How long until we get donkey/bull/camel/elephant/dogsled/Panne mounts?

FE is usually based on medieval Europe (and European mythology) so it's only natural that we see mostly horses.

You can mount Panne if you S rank her.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Most mounted units stat some sort of attachment to their mounts in their supports and stuff like that(ESPECIALLY wyvern riders), so I'd say keep the mounts the same throughout the promotions.

If not just for visual consistency, then do it so it at least lines up with the character. Most of these people wouldn't swap out their mounts for something else, purely because they like their mounts. Imagine Heath telling somebody about Hyperion in one support, then he promotes and gets like... a griffin or something(If we use Fates as an example, where Percy actually can straight up ditch his wyvern depending on his mother), and he's still talking about how much he likes Hyperion. It'd be weird. "Yeah, Hyperion WAS my friend, and a pretty nice wyvern, but he was a weakling so I got rid of him and picked up this random griffin instead."

Edited by Slumber
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