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Stuggling with team comps..


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Ive been kinda at a wall lately with FEH

Havent been able to finish up chap 9+ on lunatic

arena can be challenging

the grand hero battles I dont do well with either

trying the tempest trials. mostly hard battle 3

these are all my 5*s. not everyone is 40 yet

ninian, ogma, catria, hinoka, hawkeye, and maria are not 40


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You do have the option to just break the game


Something like Cecilia, Olwen, Ninian, Red or Nino, Ephraim, Ninian, Red literally breaks the game


As for your current set up,Jaffar is a pretty eh unit without Dancer, and Camilla(assuming you did not SI her to death) requires SI to reach her potential.... in which her potential isn't even all that crazy without super expensive resource

Edited by JSND
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1 minute ago, JSND said:

You do have an option to stop playing the game and break it instead since you have Olwen/Nino


I mean something like Cecilia, Olwen, Ninian, Red or Nino, Ephraim, Ninian, Red literally breaks the game

Red as in roy?

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3 minutes ago, zeronatal said:

Red as in roy?

Red as in any Red, because the proposed set up is Green/Blue/Blue so Red is the ideal 4th slot


Obviously the best for the Cecilia Olwen set is Xander, and the best for the later is.... honestly Xander as well, but probably Lucina

Both set up requires you to do some SI to really took off, though with the Cecilia Olwen set up being way better, but also a bit more extensive(and more demanding depending on the route you take)

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Guessing SI is skill investment? I havent done her at all. I'll give lucina a shot with em

welp i guess i gotta level ninian :P

which could be the dancer for jaffar hue

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5 minutes ago, zeronatal said:

Guessing SI is skill investment? I havent done her at all. I'll give lucina a shot with em

Skill Inheritance

Lucina's set up is usually like Fury, Desperation or Life and Death. She mainly want her A slot to be filled with better skills than Defiant. For assist slot, she usually runs Reciprocal Aid/Ardent Sacrifice since Falchion allows her to heal herself which make her able to act as a combat healer, although skills such as Reposition/Draw Back etc still work nicely just because positioning skills are the overpowered thing in the game


The simplest SI you can do right now, without  looking at the rest of your units is probably Ephraim, since to make him stand out all you need is to transfer him Hone Speed. B slot is required to make him "competent" but an Ephraim supported Nino pretty much destroys the game so it shouldn't be too hard to make up for it

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Assuming you have him, Cecilia, Olwen, and a promoted 5* Xander make the game a joke. The fourth unit doesn't even matter most of the time. You'd need to give Cecilia Triangle Adept 3, and everyone else some horse buffs. You should have a free Gunter, and Jagen is a plague on blue orbs for Hone/Fortify. 

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The exact team that I'm using in Tempest Trials to great success is Ephraim, Nino, Lucina, Rehabilitate (more specifically Priscilla) so to me that looks like the easiest team that you can build with a bit of inheritance. 

If you have the correct units to use I'd also inherit positioning skills on the one's you use a lot. It helps immensely with keeping people safe after attacking or moving to a more advantageous position. I run Swap on Ephraim but Reposition is also a popular one.

Jaffar would probably like having units that are fast but not as strong as teammates but needs to be careful with taking damage. Camila and Olwen come to mind. As someone has said a dancer is helpful.

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