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Just for fun, I calculated Arvis's growth rates


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As you may know, growth rates of second gen characters are equal to the base growth rate of the same-gendered parent + half the growth rate of the opposite-gendered parent + holy blood bonuses. Julia, the child of Deirdre and Arvis, has known growth rates, as does her mother, while Arvis doesn't, but we can use this formula to figure out Arvis's apparent growths.

For reference, here's Deirdre's growths:

HP 40(70 with HB factored in) Str 10 Mag 10(70 with HB factored in) Skl 20 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 10 Res 10(70 with HB factored in)

And here are Julia's:

HP 50(90 with HB factored in) Str 10 Mag 30(100 with HB factored in) Skl 20 Spd 30 Lck 30 Def 10 Res 10(50 with HB factored in)

If we take Julia's base growths, subtract Deirdre's base growths from them, and then double the result, we'll get Arvis's base growth, after which we just factor his holy blood bonuses(major Vala, minor Loptyr) to get the full growths. So here they are:

HP 20(70 with HB factored in) Str 0 Mag 40(120 with HB factored in) Skl 0 Spd 40 Lck 40 Def 0 Res 0(20 with HB factored in)

They're quite interesting to say the least. He's got 3 0s and a hella magic growth. Granted, these probably shouldn't be taken too seriously, as I doubt they had growths for Arvis in mind when they made the game, but it was a neat little thing to calculate.

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I did this before here (In the spoilered section), cool to see someone else interested.

Yeah, Alvis is a dodgy guy indeed.

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2 hours ago, Dayni said:

I did this before here (In the spoilered section), cool to see someone else interested.

Yeah, Alvis is a dodgy guy indeed.

Oh nice. You even calculated Julius's growths.

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You can also calculate the growths for any character with two playable children of opisate genders, by treating the growth formula for the male and female children as a system of two linear equations for each stat.

I actualy calculated growths for the the hypothetical parents of substitutes once. several such rates are actualy negative (which happens if one shild has a much higher growth rate than the other one.

I also calculated Vylon's growths and got messy results, like 10 and one third percent.

Given all this (and the fact that growths approach zero the more generateions back you go, and increase to infinity the more generations forward you go), I can say pretty catagoricaly that you were NOT supposed to do this. The formula exists for gameplay purposes only.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So factoring in the five levels he gained during that 20 year period you see him in gameplay we can conclude that

He increased HP by 20 in five levels...

Gained a whopping 13 times at a 0% growth. Very impressive.

Some how didn't proc magic despite having over 100% growth.

Managed to increase skill by three despite having a 0% growth

Failed to proc speed five times with a 40% growth.

Proced luck four times with a 40% growth, which is actually possible, not likely but possible which is a lot more than everything else so far.

Even more impressive than his strength, getting 22 defens gains at 0%

And also 8 res at 0%

Of course he also changed class during that time but it's still only five levels worth of growth given how levels work in Holy War. Those promotion gains for Emperor are insane. Either that or he got into a lot of stat gaining conversations.


Anyway of figuring out Julius' growths using all this mathematics?

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On 6/24/2017 at 3:40 PM, Jotari said:

Cool. Those are actually pretty reasonable. Like good, but not ridiculously good.

They (and Alvis's growth) are the reason I (jokingly) think the scrolls in FE5 were in Velthomer at some point.

Have to get those stats somehow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, while we're at it, I onvr simulated my very own, 12 round death match for Sigurd vs. Alvis; assuming that both were at LVL 30, and fighting on equal terrain and HP.  Alvis was in his Sage class, but didn't have the Recover Ring he had in the Prologue (obviously).  And...I think the results are quite interesting!  Check it out!



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