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Fire Emblem Echoes Global Sales


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I figured we would get some information today due to the shareholders meeting. However, comments on the site suggest this information is a couple days old, so there appears to be no connection to the meeting. Furthermore, the site also cites those numbers being just the Week 1 sales of Europe and USA, no more. And the drop in sales between week 1 and later weeks is always less steep than in Japan's game market. Echoes is just over a month old now so all we can compare to are week 1 of the other 3DS games. Using VG chartz:

Awakening USA Week 1: 99,831

Awakening Europe Week 1, 2, & 3 : 45,994

Fates USA Week 1: 219,736

Fates Europe Week 1: 51,075

Echoes USA Week 1: 61,500

Echoes Europe Week 1: 49,641

Looking at it this way, not terrible, but not impressive. Naturally Echoes won't have the slow burn benefit of being on a hot new system, so don't expect 2018 Echoes purchases to match or surpass 2017's like they did with Awakening and Shadow Dragon's second year sales.

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Didn't Reggie say that Echoes was doing well? Correct me if I'm wrong but I swear I remember hearing that.

Also, I'm pretty sure advertisement for Echoes was quite poor, it didn't get nearly as much exposure as Awakening and Fates, being announced in a Fire Emblem Direct and not appearing anywhere else.

Either way, it's still a great game, and I hope that we get more remakes.

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5 hours ago, Lautsuu said:

Didn't Reggie say that Echoes was doing well? Correct me if I'm wrong but I swear I remember hearing that.

Also, I'm pretty sure advertisement for Echoes was quite poor, it didn't get nearly as much exposure as Awakening and Fates, being announced in a Fire Emblem Direct and not appearing anywhere else.

Not to bring down the man or anything, but don't go entirely off his word until you've got concrete evidence that what he's saying is accurate.  He won't tell you straight up lies, but you can be surprised how much a skilled PR guy can stretch the truth without telling actual lies, even with something simple like "so-and-so is doing well" (it could mean "fantastic" or it could merely mean "okay").  And Reggie is very adept in PR talk.  The guy has his own memes for crying out loud, and he hardly has to try.

Advertising was lackluster for Echoes, but I don't think they were anticipating the game would be nearly as swamped as Awakening or Fates anyway.  Why put forward the extra money and effort when you know it won't do anything?  I mean, you combine the fact that it's a remake, which is already an unpopular idea in general media, with it specifically being a remake of one of the most oddball and controversial entries in the series, and it almost seems like an idea not even worth pursuing if the end goal is money.  In fact, I'm still a little surprised with their decision to remake Gaiden in particular, but I'm also grateful they made it.

Regardless, I wouldn't trust these numbers, either.  I doubt only 70,000 people in America bought this game.  It would make sense for them to be referring to week 1 sales instead of total sales up to today.  But otherwise, it just seems like another pointless set of doomsday figures drawn up with little context or validity.  Like so many other figures and statistics out there, but that's none of my business.

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23 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

Not to bring down the man or anything, but don't go entirely off his word until you've got concrete evidence that what he's saying is accurate.  He won't tell you straight up lies, but you can be surprised how much a skilled PR guy can stretch the truth without telling actual lies, even with something simple like "so-and-so is doing well" (it could mean "fantastic" or it could merely mean "okay").  And Reggie is very adept in PR talk.  The guy has his own memes for crying out loud, and he hardly has to try.

Advertising was lackluster for Echoes, but I don't think they were anticipating the game would be nearly as swamped as Awakening or Fates anyway.  Why put forward the extra money and effort when you know it won't do anything?  I mean, you combine the fact that it's a remake, which is already an unpopular idea in general media, with it specifically being a remake of one of the most oddball and controversial entries in the series, and it almost seems like an idea not even worth pursuing if the end goal is money.  In fact, I'm still a little surprised with their decision to remake Gaiden in particular, but I'm also grateful they made it.

Regardless, I wouldn't trust these numbers, either.  I doubt only 70,000 people in America bought this game.  It would make sense for them to be referring to week 1 sales instead of total sales up to today.  But otherwise, it just seems like another pointless set of doomsday figures drawn up with little context or validity.  Like so many other figures and statistics out there, but that's none of my business.

Believe me, I know very well how some PR people are, but even so, it's nice to try and have a little optimism in this day and age, right? Obviously I won't fully believe him until I see official numbers, but well...what can you do, eh?

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Don't ever trust VGChartz, they are an unreliable source for video game sales. We'll need to wait for official numbers.

Edited by DragonLord
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From my past experiences, VGChartz has been wildly inaccurate. I'm hoping the half-million copies is true because it'd be great to see Fire Emblem as a seller for Nintendo.

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I want to be a cynical curmudgeon and say that the reason this game is not selling as well is due to the lack of a waifu mechanic, but I would say that the reasons already posted are far more likely. Although the reduced amount of customization is probably a turnoff for many people, and the actual numbers may be much higher (as others have suggested).

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are things people are forgetting here.

1 - The 310k only account up to 20th May 2017 (it's July 9th already).

2 - VgChartz doesn't account for Digital sales (Echoes topped the 3ds eshop charts for 3 weeks straight, and 2nd place on the 4th, being listed as a best seller).

3 - Already updated, up to 360k.

The game is already a net profit for Intelligent Systems, so that's one less thing to worry about. And i do think that Digital sales rack up a good percentage of the game's sales.


And Reggie said it was doing well. Trust the man's word for Christ's sake, especially when the evidence that it is doing well (for a remake), is laid out in front of you. 

See ya!

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I hope nintendo is satisfied with the game's sales as fire emblem echoes is my favorite 3ds fire emblem by far!!! As long as we get echoes-styled games alongside the main fire emblems, I don't really care what they do with mainline fire emblem as long as, again, the echoes line continues.

The good news is that despite not selling as much as the other 3ds fire emblems, it seems nintendo is still satisfied with what it has achieved already which is good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Gustavos said:

Echoes remains the top 3DS and Vita seller for the month of June.

Both Fire Emblem and Pokemon topped Ever Oasis in its launch month. Ouch.

I don't know if this are good news to Echoes... or REALLY bad news to the poor Newcomer (Ever Oasis)

Edited by Troykv
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2 hours ago, Gustavos said:

Echoes remains the top 3DS and Vita seller for the month of June.

Both Fire Emblem and Pokemon topped Ever Oasis in its launch month. Ouch.

So two months in and Echoes is doing well. Nice. Poor Ever Oasis though. Had it been on the Switch, it might've sold more. But instead, it's just gonna be one of those games you'll see 5 years later in "Top 10 underrated hidden 3DS gems" videos.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

So two months in and Echoes is doing well. Nice. Poor Ever Oasis though. Had it been on the Switch, it might've sold more. But instead, it's just gonna be one of those games you'll see 5 years later in "Top 10 underrated hidden 3DS gems" videos.

And it definitely is a top gem. I can't say enough good about the game, and I'm genuinely sad to see it's not doing well.

I got it on a whim as it loosely reminded me of Crystal Chronicles, and it way exceeded my expectations and has been a total blast to play. If anyone is on the fence, please cross over to the other side!

Happy about Echoes, however.

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Interesting to see it hold at the top. Might sell better internationally, enough to be in a good position. If they release the information any time soon.


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