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[Solved] Feditor randomly expanding animation array sizes


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I am using an older version of FEditor that sometimes does this, relocating animation arrays and making the size too big. 

The debug output puts this out-
class Model.ClassAnimationArray: FIXING RELOCATED ARRAY
class Model.TextArray: not relocated
class Model.SpellAnimationArray: FIXING RELOCATED ARRAY
MARK FREE SPACE: 013350A4 TO 013350A8
WRITING ARRAY SIZE 00000100 AT 093350B0

It doesn't have an effect on anything in my hack and can be fixed by a simple hex edit, but is there any particular reason this is happening? I haven't made any changes to animations beyond expanding the class animation array to a size of AD and inserting those animations.

Are there any harmful effects of this that I should know about?

Edited by flingleforp
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14 hours ago, flingleforp said:

I haven't made any changes to animations beyond expanding the class animation array to a size of AD and inserting those animations.

In order to do this, FEditor has to relocate the animation array -- there's only so much space for animations in the original place, so it needs to move the array somewhere new (which is why it's being relocated). I'm not sure how you're "fixing it" with a "simple hex edit", but I'd imagine that's more likely to cause problems than what FEditor's doing.


As for why it's suddenly expanding all the way to 0xFF, chances are it's an oddity with the older build of FEditor. You aren't trying to use different versions of FEditor on the same ROM, are you?

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37 minutes ago, CT075 said:

As for why it's suddenly expanding all the way to 0xFF, chances are it's an oddity with the older build of FEditor. You aren't trying to use different versions of FEditor on the same ROM, are you?

Thanks for the answer. I'm not using different versions of FEditor, but I just wanted to check to make sure I wasn't doing anything that would break the ROM entirely.

It's probably an issue with the old version of FEditor like you said

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