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Axe excess = more success?: Elibian axes playthrough


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So while I don't have Echoes (or the 3DS for that matter) and I've not got much going on, I've come to the conclusion that I'm too used to playing Blazing Sword the same way, and Binding Blade has had the same issue.

So I decided that I should try something different with the GBA titles. Eventually I came to the conclusion that trying to complete the Elibe games with just one weapon type might be a good idea, but I wasn't sure how strict I should be or if people think it's viable.

So, I've put up polls pretty much asking how strict I should be about it (Multiple choices in the difficulty are to allow a decision on both campaigns). The plan is to start on Sunday, build up a log of parts and then start uploading from the Sunday after. I know, slow start but I want to try to keep a safe buffer.

I'll be starting with Blazing Sword, and then move onto Binding Blade with the same rules (though I'll probably ask about Fae when that happens).

Edit: I seem to be having issues adding the fifth question again after deleting it, so I'm going have to ask about if I can use staves in the topic.

Edit 2: The polls will be deleted soon, just clarifying something based off these results first.

Edit 3: That old title sucked. Also, bumping to add the rules soon. Polls are now down.

-Fine, the other lords can ignore it because I can't tolerate lords being dead weight
-Alright, until I can sort axes in Chapter 12/2 (For BS/BB), Marcus can get away with it: Besides, he can use axes
-As for those who can promote to axes, I'll go for promotion as soon as possible
-Healers and dancers can tag along because it's not like they have weapons :P
-Thieves have to run unarmed
-Fae will be up for review later
-I usually don't, so I think it'll be worth it. If it ends up nigh impossible, screw it
-If it weren't for allowing units to promote to axes, this wouldn't be on. And I'd likely go madder from BBD
-I might be a masochist

Edited by Dayni
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You call yourself an FE fan and don't have a 3DS by this point? :KnollRoll:

While all magic sounds fun. I'll say go the way of the Axes- consider permitting yourself an exception for Henning if you choose to do this though. And be sure to hit Ilia instead of Sacae for sanity's sake.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You call yourself an FE fan and don't have a 3DS by this point? :KnollRoll:

Actually, the issue is that my 3DS is currently not in my hands: in what is surely a childish thing, it was essentially confiscated. (What, you'd think I'd rant about Anankos or my odd preference for box-based level design and not have played Revelations?)

Also, I think that Ilia makes sense for that too: bows only would be concerning for that same reason!

Edited by Dayni
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So, it's Sunday, and I probably should get round to starting. It'll be in LHM, HHM and BBHM, with Axes (joy when BB rolls around) and..... I think allowing myself to use both lords and, while there's no certain majority for it, it could be argued that using units who can promote to using axes and the lords is acceptable, but I'd like to confirm that first.

Might as well get on with it from Lyn mode though! I'll be playing through as much as I can over the next week, and from next week I'll start uploading.

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Well, I have to bump to say some things.

Here's the rules for this duology (Also will be in the first post):
-Fine, the other lords can ignore it because I can't tolerate lords being dead weight
-Alright, until I can sort axes in Chapter 12/2 (For BS/BB), Marcus can get away with it: Besides, he can use axes
-As for those who can promote to axes, I'll go for promotion as soon as possible
-Healers and dancers can tag along because it's not like they have weapons :P
-Thieves have to run unarmed
-Fae will be up for review later
-I usually don't, so I think it'll be worth it. If it ends up nigh impossible, screw it
-If it weren't for allowing units to promote to axes, this wouldn't be on. And I'd likely go madder from BBD
-I might be a masochist

Also, I have a bit of bad news, I got a date for something I need to do on Monday, so the uploading of this LP will be delayed to Wednesday. Sorry.

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It's Thursday. I'm behind, aren't I?

In all honesty, I have been distracted from it by everything going on, and I'm just back home yesterday. Also, I must confess I have since purchased Echoes. But it's not here yet and my 3DS wasn't returned, so it won't be a distraction.

I'll try to have something ready for Sunday. I'll have people asking me to do stuff, so it might be a while.

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