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I met THE Mario yesterday!

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Raleigh Supercon is this weekend, and I decided to attend it yesterday. This is the first con I have ever been to, so we didn't know what to expect. I'm glad I decided to go though because I had an absolute blast! I consider it one of the best days I've ever had. I got to see a lot of cool things and I met a few people, Charles Martinet, Charlet Chung, Tara Strong, and a couple of the ladies from RoosterTeeth. It was a great experience and I regret not going to any con before now.




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Awesome dude! Meeting the big names is well worth the hassle of going through a crowd of sweaty people lol. Did you ask him to say a quote in his Mario voice?

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17 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Awesome dude! Meeting the big names is well worth the hassle of going through a crowd of sweaty people lol. Did you ask him to say a quote in his Mario voice?

I didn't ask him to quote anything specifically. But he did do the different voices while he was signing stuff. Unfortunately I didn't learn till after the fact, but Charles Martinet and Charlet Chung did a Q&A panel together, so imagine he was doing his impressions and Charlet doing her Dva voice during most of that

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