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A Banner Idea I've had for a while

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For Heroes, one thing that keeps me attached is the varying art styles that are throughout all the characters put in this game. What if:

There was a banner/event, that consists of a contest, where we submit our own art of characters not yet in game? I think this would be an awesome idea, giving publicity to smaller artists and to widen the artist pool outside of Japan. You know how awesome that would be for someone here in the forest to help contribute in creating a unit in game? I do realize this might have some cons with it, though. IS most likely has their own schedule of all the banners meant to be released, so some characters would probably off-limits. If anything, we'd be given restrictions on which characters they have to be. It'd likely take a few months between submissions coming in and the banner being released to us. I'm sure unit creation isn't as easy as many would assume.

This is mostly just a dream, as someone who wants to get into concept art, but I think it'd be a very cool opportunity for a lot of us.

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oooh i'd be so hyped for this! as for the thing about conflicting with IS's schedule for unit release, they could set a theme (or just leave it open-ended) and contestants could draw different versions of characters (like with Spring versions and Brides, etc). 
man why did you have to put this idea in my head, it's so unlikely to ever happen -tear-

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 I think this is a very neat concept but to make it work they'd have to put guidelines on it. For example,  rather than letting every artist choose a character have a set four characters and have the artists who are competing drawing the same thing.  That way it is fair and people do not get the false impression the creators/judges are just picking their favorite characters rather than the best submissions.  It would be neat if everyone who tried and submitted their heroes ID in with it got a special reward for participating and the winners got a little bit more of a prize if possible, like perhaps a free copy of the unit they drew.  This would be really neat and I'd love to do something like this.

Edited by Anime27Arts
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9 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

It's a neat idea. But kinda unfair to people whose art skills aren't perfected yet. Like me...

But how is that even remotely unfair? The point of an art contest isn't that everyone has an equal chance, it's that the best artist wins.

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1 minute ago, Astellius said:

But how is that even remotely unfair? The point of an art contest isn't that everyone has an equal chance, it's that the best artist wins.

Because people like me would want to enter, but know we'd have no chance and be sad.

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Just now, Dragoncat said:

Because people like me would want to enter, but know we'd have no chance and be sad.

Sure, but the likelihood of you losing in such a contest doesn't mean the contest is unfair. How is it unfair if you lose an art contest if you're not good at art?

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1 hour ago, Anime27Arts said:

 I think this is a very neat concept but ro make it work they'd have to put guidelines on it. For example,  rather than letting every artist choose a character have a set four characters and have the artists who are competing drawing the same thing.  That way it is fair and people do not get the false impression the creators/judges are just picking their favorite characters rather than the best submissions.

Yeah that'd make sense.

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LF> Stickman Banner, Stickman versions of Fir, Subaki, Barst, and Wrys.

In all seriousness, I kinda wonder why they haven't done a banner featuring the characters done by a certain artist, such as Amagaitaro (Clarine, Catria, Genny, and Nino) or AKIRA (Hector, Lon-qu, Olivia, Raven)

It's completely coincidental I listed artists with powerful units, I just picked the first 4 I saw with 3 or more units under their belt (not including GHB or TT units)

Edited by Xenomata
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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

In all seriousness, I kinda wonder why they haven't done a banner featuring the characters done by a certain artist, such as Amagaitaro (Clarine, Catria, Genny, and Nino) or AKIRA (Hector, Lon-qu, Olivia, Raven)

It's completely coincidental I listed artists with powerful units, I just picked the first 4 I saw with 3 or more units under their belt (not including GHB or TT units)

Give me a Kaya8 banner (Fir, Priscilla, Azura, Maria, Katarina, Tobin).

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3 hours ago, Xenomata said:

In all seriousness, I kinda wonder why they haven't done a banner featuring the characters done by a certain artist, such as Amagaitaro (Clarine, Catria, Genny, and Nino) or AKIRA (Hector, Lon-qu, Olivia, Raven)

Kippu banner with only Linde and Ninian.

Honestly, it would've been cool to have the artist challenge maps come with an artist banner, but we have the problem that none of Kozaki's characters are pullable and only Lyn of Yamada Koutarou's characters is pullable.


But if we're doing those, why not voice actor banners, too. Like a Koyasu banner with Lon'qu, Niles, and Saber or a Sawashiro Miyuki banner with Camilla, Spring Camilla, Robin (F), and Summer Robin (F) or a Tone Kentarou banner with Bartre, Reinhardt, and Wrys.

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Contests like the one proposed in the OP can generate a lot of legal issues and/or bad press.

In general, just *submitting* will require a complete release of all rights to your own artwork. This tends to make artists, especially professionals or aspiring professionals, very angry. It's a steep price to pay just for a *shot* at having a large profitable company use your work for commercial purposes.

So artists get mad and instead of submitting... they rant angrily on public forums and turn the contest into a Pr disaster.

Of course, if the company doesn't demand a blanket release of all rights, they open themselves up to a whole other set of suits and complaints. Most people are fans in it to have fun, but (1) maybe the artists *ought* to be reluctant to give their work away for free, so that it can be sold and (2) some people really are opportunistic jerks

once there's money involved, intellectual property issues can be pretty thorny.

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