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Has anyone used Karel in this game?

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But...but...he's the sword saint!

I actually use him, just because characters like Athos and FE6 Karel are awesome. What's the name of that archetype? I know there is one...


If I were to count Sety as a Gato archetype, I'd be able to count Lugh as one too.

Don't fucking get me started.

Edited by Zeldafreak007
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If I were to count Sety as a Gato archetype, I'd be able to count Lugh as one too.

Don't fucking get me started.

Lilina is only better than Lugh in yours and other opinions but Lugh is still better. Request a debate on the debate section if you wanna try that against me. (BB is better at debating than I am so you should have an easier time).

Edited by Boo
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BB debates by flames. And I don't really want to...

Lugh just has never maxed a damn stat for me. Like 18 Magic and 1 point away from damn skill.

I don't flame so like I said, it'll probably be an easier time, specially since I'm not as good as BB.

Just because you have bad luck with Lugh doesn't mean he's inferior to some1 you have better luck with. If that were the case then I'd instantly say every SPD/SKL oriented cavalier of the Abel/Kain Archetype is better than the STR and HP one.

Edited by Boo
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Lilina is only better than Lugh in yours and other opinions but Lugh is still better. Request a debate on the debate section if you wanna try that against me. (BB is better at debating than I am so you should have an easier time).

No, Lilina is better. She grows more mag, Lugh cannot damage. All that he good for is SPEED. But Lilina's great Mag would only have her need even a Fire tome alone to fight better than Lugh.

BB debates by flames. And I don't really want to...

Lugh just has never maxed a damn stat for me. Like 18 Magic and 1 point away from damn skill.

Lugh would have to need Energy Ring stat ups to be any good, he is not worth it.

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Your forgot Julia. <_< If ANY late-joining character (she's under mindcontrol shenanegans, and she re-joins, if that counts) can save even the worst player in the last chapter it's JULIA with NARGA. Hell, even if you didn't level her much she still can kick Julius's ass...

And I don't really consider there to be a "Gato archetype" just sorta powerful late prepromotes. Athos is the only one I can think of that can actually MAYBE solo the last (2) Chapter(s) anyway. (Gato sure as fuck couldn't, XD, he just had a decent spell and ok stats for a game where everyone's stats were shitty...)

Galzus can't save you, Gato couldn't, Sety- nope, and as far as FE6 Karel, FUCK NO! Karel is ok, but most of your characters should have better stats, and he will probably get trounced by all the mamkutes, and Idoun.

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  • 2 weeks later...
No, Lilina is better. She grows more mag, Lugh cannot damage. All that he good for is SPEED. But Lilina's great Mag would only have her need even a Fire tome alone to fight better than Lugh.

He's good for speed. And HP, and defense, and skill, and availability. By the time Lilina joins, Lugh beats her in every stat except maybe resistance. Not sure what you're talking about here.

You also need literally 0 magic to be able to damage enemies in FE6 with Fire. Bartre can smash a rock with a Fire tome and do damage with it. Not to mention: when Lugh is doubling and Lilina isn't (i.e. pretty much the whole game after Lilina joins), he's doing more damage.

Nuff' said. I doubt Lugh could do that...

Yes, because being able to solo Yahn with Fire - excuse me, defeat Yahn with Fire in a little over 3 rounds on average with the help of a healer completely determines a mage's worth in FE6. Stop trying to mask your scrubbiness and walk the walk. The debaters here aren't as trigger happy as BB.

Edited by dondon151
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why should this be moved to fe6 he is in fe7 and I used him in fe7 in fact he is good

Even though Harken is the better character in FE7.

The only difference with this Karel is that high stat growths out of any FE character over 100% in every category. And his starting stats in FE6 are better than his FE7 Lv. 20/20 averages.

That growth is nothing to be excited about. He only grows one friggin level. >__<

He's by no means bad, but he doesn't have any supports while you're quite likely to have a decent swordsman who can use Durandal with supports. I only use him in his own level, though I do him a favor and let him kill Brenya for a level up.

Right. He gains very little EXP from the Mamkutes.

Yep it's the Gato/Gotoh archetype.

Book 1/FE1: Gato

FE5: Galzus

FE6: Karel

FE7: Athos

FE9: Naesala/Tibarn/Giffca

FE10: Do I have to say it?

FEDS: Gato/Gotoh and Nagi.

You forgot Nagi in the DS remake.

I'm not a very good debater but I wanna try anyway.

I'm not either. But most of what I say is by personnel experience anyway. Without averages..debating means absolutely nothing.

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I used Karel in a short lived crazy hack FE6 game I played where Eliwood, Hector, and other random people were part of my party XD It was fun.

Eliwood replaced Marcus with slightly tweaked stats, Karel replaced Rugter, Hector replace Lott or Wade one of them and Barte the other

however in a serious game no

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

On HM he has virtually no worth to speak of. Being a bad choice for the one chapter he's forced in and for the last 1.5 chapters he's not forced in probably forces him to low tier. At gamefaqs he's in bottom, but his stats are a bit too good for that. Bottom is for people who can never do anything, and he can do stuff if he's used with access to crit weapons, wyrmslayers and an innate 30% crit.

EDIT: Oh, and I used him in the chapter he's forced in since he's there anyway.

Edited by Duff Ostrich
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  • 2 weeks later...
But only for the level he joins in and in trial maps

It's not like you have much of an opportunity to use him elsewhere. :rolleyes:

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Considering I dislike all prepromotes (Yes.), then I didn't use him.

I only use him to do backwards stats on him (Which the lowest he can go is a level 6 swordsmaster with 0.70 DEF and 0 RES. <3)

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