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Free-ware Games


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I am curious as to whether any members of this forum play any recommendable free-ware games. Every now and again I quite enjoy playing a game that is short and simple; trying something new without having to make a purchase can lead to some fun or worthy experiences.

- Within a Deep Forest - Within a Deep Forest is a platformer in which the player commands a living bouncy ball. The gameplay is simplistic in itself but as one progresses through the game, the ball can learn the ability to transform into different balls with their own unique properties. The player navigates treacherous terrain from an array of environments, as one would expect from a simple platformer. The creator of Within a Deep Forest, Nicklas Nygren, has developed multiple other free games (and is expected to develop a WiiWare title). I do not have any personal experience with his other games (although I have read only positive comments regarding Knytt), but I would encourage anybody with some free time (and no intention of studying for exams in the immediate future) to give Within a Deep Forest a try.

Relevant Wikipedia article.

- Narcissu - Narcissu is a freeware visual novel available in both Japanese and English (its developer, stage-nana, approved of the game's independent translations into English, Chinese, and Korean). Narcissu follows two terminally ill hospital patients as they seek to determine if their curtate lifespans are of any value. The player makes no storyline decisions, there is only one plot line, but the story is well presented (despite a few negligible medical inconsistencies); I read the game in one sitting. Narcissu is not a dating simulator, nor does it contain any adult oriented material; it is an emotional short story. Lastly, if of any relevance, my first avatar was derived from this game.

The Narcissu Wikipedia article contains spoilers regarding the story, I recommend against reading it if you are interested in the game and wish to enjoy the story in its entirety. - Relevant Wikipedia article.

Is anybody inclined to suggest an enjoyable independent game or two (or more)? Alternatively, if I have managed to spark anybody's interest in one of the above titles, do you believe I justly represented the title of your pick?

EDIT (25.08.2008):

I fixed a grammatical error.

Edited by Wist
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  • 4 months later...
I read/played Narcissu awhile ago and I loved it. The story had me in tears at the end and the music was beautiful. I recommend it to anyone who's interested! =D
I endorse Songbird's post wholeheartedly.
Crayon Physics :D

And Pocket Physics for the DS.

Crayon Physics website (includes a link to the original available version). Wow! That's really neat! I don't have a tablet PC but I'll definitely keep that game in mind. Edited by Wist
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Well, this also lets you make your own games, as well as play everyone else's: MegaZeux

If you read the wikipedia article, this was actually shareware at a time, but now its completely freeware as well as open-source.

I've been using it for a few years, i've learned the programming language in it pretty well, of course i've never really made a full game, though i've made a few things however.


lots of games for MegaZeux there, as well as i forum (which i go to). There's probably at least a few hundred games or so for it, at least thats just my estimate. I've made 3 of them. :P

Oh and this site has their own wiki if you want more detailed info then the wikipedia article: http://www.digitalmzx.net/wiki/

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  • 4 weeks later...

Super mega epic topic bump.

Cave Story is a really fun game. It's a platformer/side scroller, you use your gun thingy to shoot stuff. When you kill stuff it might drop gold triangles! They power up your weapons! But if you get hit your weapon loses power...

I'll stop explaining it like I'm talking to a 5 year old now. It's a fun platform with a pretty good story, good music, multiple endings, other stuff. It's fun. Blah blah blah I suck at explaining things.

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