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Hardest boss in the game (Spoilers, duh)


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I'd say Dheginsea. He has 100 HP and recovers, like 50 or 30 or something each turn. Also, he has an attack that hits a large range not to mention his Attack and Defense are huge, along with the fact that there's reinforcements practically every turn to make it worse. Also, he's not weak against weapons that are good against dragons. So yeah, your turn.

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I'd say Dheginsea. He has 100 HP and recovers, like 50 or 30 or something each turn. Also, he has an attack that hits a large range not to mention his Attack and Defense are huge, along with the fact that there's reinforcements practically every turn to make it worse. Also, he's not weak against weapons that are good against dragons. So yeah, your turn.

That description fits Ashera better, since reinforcements stop for Dheginsea. Ashera is my choice.

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Uwee Hee Hee! That guy/girl is a pain in the ass, but I usually just attack it 3 spaces away with Leo and then kill with someone else

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Uwee Hee Hee! That guy/girl is a pain in the ass, but I usually just attack it 3 spaces away with Leo and then kill with someone else

I see what you did thar.

But Leo doesn't have enough speed.

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I see what you did thar.

But Leo doesn't have enough speed.

Lughnasadh and "A" support with Eddie ftw

plus, valtome doesnt have much defense

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A support with Edward doesn't raise speed a bit.

i know. I meant it for the boost in Attack, Defense, and Hit

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Ashera is turned to cheese if you give your big-hitters nihill/parity. And that IS on normal. Dheginsea is easy if you put almost everyone 3 spaces away from him then attack him into a Fire Emblem Grand Slam. Valtome... low defense. Need I say more?

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Is it me, or does Ashera always attack the Dragons when she attacks just one unit? Cuz Gareth ALWAYS gets killed and then she attacks the other dragons after

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Is it me, or does Ashera always attack the Dragons when she attacks just one unit? Cuz Gareth ALWAYS gets killed and then she attacks the other dragons after

Maybe Ashera's just smart that way?

Also, in the RD page of this side, in the character introductions page, it described Valtome as a 'he'. Not sure if he really is a 'he' though.

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Deghinsea's sorta average. Just get Kurth to mop up most of the dragons, then hit him with the royals/Ike. Soren/Shinon help as well.

Ashera had that annoying sheild. That's the only reason she's a problem at all.

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The Dragon is Easy, Ashera takes a few turns because of the shields, but she is also easy. Neither move and have very predictable attacks.

I would say... idk they are all easy really.

On hard mode, that sword master gave me a little surprise since he moved off the gate, but I still killed him. I can't really think of anything else.

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I think it might have been ashera but maybe it was someone else they were all the same kill every other enemy on the screen then kill the boss. the dragon boss was easy send tibarn to attack retreat heal and he world take like 6 damage and it accumulated for a while then I gave up and killed him with Ike, Cagines, Tibarn and Shinion.

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