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How to Link my FE BR and FE CQ if all three were downloaded together and I beat one already.


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I beat Birthright and have now started Conquest. My question is how the heck do I eventually get the option of having both types of shops and such as I have seen in other people's towns that have beat at least one of the games and are playing one of the other three? As in the Dawn shop and the Dusk shop.

I have been searching everywhere for an answer but most involve cartridges, and all three copies of my games are downloaded. 

Any and all help will be GREATLY appreciated as I don't want to get too far into Conquest only to find out I'm doing it wrong (laugh, because that's my luck). On a positive note, it does register that I beat Birthright when you click on my name/info area. 

Thanks again,


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Wait... you downloaded both Birthright and Conquest as separate games? Or did you do so through the Explore Fates option in the main menu? Either way, you can't have both shops unless you're on Revelation.

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Ohhh... I did so through the explore Fates option. The other two were $19.00 I believe instead of the $40.00 Birthright cost initially. But I see what your saying. Bummer... Uggg... Going to have to visit hundreds and hundreds more castles to get what I want/need. Oh well, I need the points. They weren't kidding when they said Conquest is harder with WAY fewer opportunities to earn any extra money.

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22 minutes ago, RosiePosie said:

Ohhh... I did so through the explore Fates option. The other two were $19.00 I believe instead of the $40.00 Birthright cost initially. But I see what your saying. Bummer... Uggg... Going to have to visit hundreds and hundreds more castles to get what I want/need. Oh well, I need the points. They weren't kidding when they said Conquest is harder with WAY fewer opportunities to earn any extra money.

Okay then. And speaking of points, I'd look to easy seize castles for battle points.

23 minutes ago, RosiePosie said:

What I wouldn't give for an Aptitude or a plus 1 with Corrin. And I have all of the DLC but really can't use it yet as you have to have players to beat the levels. Haha...

If you want Aptitude on your MC that bad, then go to another castle. You're gonna have to buy it, though (though I dunno if you consider that cheating).

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Nope, (laugh) under the circumstances I do not consider purchasing a skill (or two) cheating. I alao found a legitimate and respectable way to earn cash on Conquest. It takes considerably longer than on Birthright, and that I'm of the OLD generation (Nintendo, the 1st one) doesn't help much. I mush a and/or b and something happens. While I do LOVE the drawn out nature of this version of Fates, I do want to finish it before I die from old age... That requires proper weapons. Well heck, who am I kidding, with STR at 9 on some of the Characters all of the most impressive weapons in the world won't matter. It just takes more time with everything. I guess this is good for me. I am not used to playing these types of games, and I'm not a patient person. I have no choice now (Mwahahaha... Evil laugh at self).

I have all of the systems (doubles of most) from Atari on up but never have the time to play. This has been a lot of fun this far.

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1 minute ago, RosiePosie said:

Nope, (laugh) under the circumstances I do not consider purchasing a skill (or two) cheating. I alao found a legitimate and respectable way to earn cash on Conquest. It takes considerably longer than on Birthright, and that I'm of the OLD generation (Nintendo, the 1st one) doesn't help much. I mush a and/or b and something happens. While I do LOVE the drawn out nature of this version of Fates, I do want to finish it before I die from old age... That requires proper weapons. Well heck, who am I kidding, with STR at 9 on some of the Characters all of the most impressive weapons in the world won't matter. It just takes more time with everything. I guess this is good for me. I am not used to playing these types of games, and I'm not a patient person. I have no choice now (Mwahahaha... Evil laugh at self).

I have all of the systems (doubles of most) from Atari on up but never have the time to play. This has been a lot of fun this far.

Just what is this way of earning cash you're talking about?

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