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Serenes Presidential Poll


Who will be our president  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Obama or McCain

    • Obama is yo mama
    • McCain is down for pain

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Also Mac, Biden isn't bad at all. Palin is a dumb shit on the other hand

Biden is easily one of the stupidest people ever elected to office.

He is in personal financial ruin. What a great person to have giving advice on how to fix a totaled economy!

He's running for VP and doesn't know where his own powers are located in the constitution!

He went to an Ivy League school (Syracuse University, FYI) and somehow thinks that FDR was president in 1929, and not only that, but that Roosevelt went on television to deliver his fireside chats! (Television wasn't invented yet, and the Fireside Chats were done over the Radio.)

You pay too much attention to the TV, DD. Palin's got a proven track record and is from a pretty small town so I'm not surprised she's not that comfortable in front of the camera.

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Pakistan doesn't want us in there. Obama is gonna force our troops in. Pakistan isn't gonna like that. That means war.

And that thing about the VPs isn't biased at all. <_<

Osama is most likey hiding there so it is our problem

And it isn't biased.

Palin is dumb there is nothing biased about that statement

Lyle hes not friends with terrorist he associated with him once a long time ago, the preist thing is so irreleavnt

The republicans were gasping for breath against the wall and they decided to exploit stupid things, then they said Obama is socialist stfu there just bitter about loseing to a black guy

if you think Phailin is capable of anything your wrong, she is an idiot no questions asked

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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Pakistan doesn't want us in there. Obama is gonna force our troops in. Pakistan isn't gonna like that. That means war.

.... Now I dislike both of the candidates. I simply want the Amercian government to leave other countries in peace...

At moment I want Obama and McCain to focus on their own country.

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Dedication to one's country has nothing to do it? >_>

And there have been many presidents in our history who had served in the military. George Washington and Ulysses S. Grant come to mind.

And Andrew Jackson, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, and William Henry Harrison, and I could go on.

There's a lot of presidents that were war heroes. Most of them were pretty good presidents, too, although some were pretty awful (like Ulysses S. Grant)

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.... Now I dislike both of the candidates. I simply want the Amercian government to leave other countries in peace...

At moment I want Obama and McCain to focus on their own country.

Osama = America's enemy

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.... Now I dislike both of the candidates. I simply want the Amercian government to leave other countries in peace...

At moment I want Obama and McCain to focus on their own country.

And they should

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It's fact. Think about it; if there were never any wars, genocide and other large forms of violence would still run rampant. Ironic as it seems, wars are waged in order to prevent violence.

There will be world peace one day the day everyone has wepons that will destroy the world, even more than nukes

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Osama is most likey hiding there so it is our problem

And it isn't biased.

Palin is dumb there is nothing biased about that statement

Lyle hes not friends with terrorist he associated with him once a long time ago, the preist thing is so irreleavnt

The republicans were gasping for breath against the wall and they decided to exploit stupid things, then they said Obama is socialist stfu there just bitter about loseing to a black guy

if you think Phailin is capable of anything your wrong, she is an idiot no questions asked

-Even if he is, that doesn't mean we can just charge into a country unwillingly. I mean. It's the same FUCKING thing as Iraq. Obama is being so freaking hypocritical.

-It's TOTALLY relevant. At the very least, it's more relevant than a dress that the republican party bought Sarah Palin.


-Palin is NOT going to be the president though. McCain and Obama are running.

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It's fact. Think about it; if there were never any wars, genocide and other large forms of violence would still run rampant. Ironic as it seems, wars are waged in order to prevent violence.

True but when Amercian government gets involved they seem to increase the problems and then all hell breaks loose.

For example the long dispute between Palestine and Israel.

What good America has done? Not much I would say...

Edited by Luxord
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And Andrew Jackson, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, and William Henry Harrison, and I could go on.

There's a lot of presidents that were war heroes. Most of them were pretty good presidents, too, although some were pretty awful (like Ulysses S. Grant)

Aren't you forgetting George Washington?

Edited by Ocelot the Viper
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True but when Amercian government gets involved they seem to increase the problems and then all hell breaks loose.

For example the long dispute between Palestine and Israel.

What good America has done? Not much I would say...

Not much at all. We have done a good job of breaking away though :D

America is like Sparta, we don't give a shit about anyone else, and our army is strong.

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-Even if he is, that doesn't mean we can just charge into a country unwillingly. I mean. It's the same FUCKING thing as Iraq. Obama is being so freaking hypocritical.

-It's TOTALLY relevant. At the very least, it's more relevant than a dress that the republican party bought Sarah Palin.


-Palin is NOT going to be the president though. McCain and Obama are running.

- no it's not iraq had nothing to do with us Osama does

- - He is not socialist his policies are similar to bill Clinton, if bill was socialist then why aren't we socialist, since the clintoon term turn our so well

- She might me, McNancy can barely lift his hand over his head, on most occasions he can't he could bite the dust any minute

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- no it's not iraq had nothing to do with us Osama does

- - He is not socialist his policies are similar to bill Clinton, if bill was socialist then why aren't we socialist, since the clintoon term turn our so well

- She might me, McNancy can barely lift his hand over his head, on most occasions he can't he could bite the dust any minute

-Saddam was just as dangerous to us as Osama.(Irrelevant: Osama is one letter away from Obama.... :mellow: )

-Clinton also lied about tax breaks as well. He started taxing people more. Plus. Just like McCain is not = to Bush, Obama is not = to Clinton.

-His mother is still alive. I think he's gone four years left in him at least. Plus, he can't raise his arms because they were broken so many times when he was in a rathole in Vietnam, being tortured for 5 years. <_<

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-Saddam was just as dangerous to us as Osama.(Irrelevant: Osama is one letter away from Obama.... :mellow: )

-Clinton also lied about tax breaks as well. He started taxing people more. Plus. Just like McCain is not = to Bush, Obama is not = to Clinton.

-His mother is still alive. I think he's gone four years left in him at least. Plus, he can't raise his arms because they were broken so many times when he was in a rathole in Vietnam, being tortured for 5 years. <_<

The man's gone through hell. He's angry, do we want an angry person to rule the country? A man (or woman) who can't hold their head high aren't worthy of such an important position. On the flip-side, I think he'd be a good member of the Cabinet.

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-Saddam was just as dangerous to us as Osama.(Irrelevant: Osama is one letter away from Obama.... :mellow: )

-Clinton also lied about tax breaks as well. He started taxing people more. Plus. Just like McCain is not = to Bush, Obama is not = to Clinton.

-His mother is still alive. I think he's gone four years left in him at least. Plus, he can't raise his arms because they were broken so many times when he was in a rathole in Vietnam, being tortured for 5 years. <_<

- No he wasn't

- Our economy was so stable when we had Clinton so what if he lied I'm sure John is lieing as well

- His mother wasn't a prisoner of war

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The man's gone through hell. He's angry, do we want an angry person to rule the country? A man (or woman) who can't hold their head high aren't worthy of such an important position. On the flip-side, I think he'd be a good member of the Cabinet.

The president doesn't make every descision. It's really the congress. Which currently is democratic.

Even if McCain IS pissed off, (Which he's not. <_<) he won't be able to invade everywhere. Plus, he doesn't want to invade anything. All he wants is to fix shit in Iraq. We're already there, and if we leave now, things will just get worse.

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The president doesn't make every descision. It's really the congress. Which currently is democratic.

Even if McCain IS pissed off, (Which he's not. <_<) he won't be able to invade everywhere. Plus, he doesn't want to invade anything. All he wants is to fix shit in Iraq. We're already there, and if we leave now, things will just get worse.

He wants to invade Venezuela and take Chavez prisoner with no trial :/

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- No he wasn't

- Our economy was so stable when we had Clinton so what if he lied I'm sure John is lieing as well

- His mother wasn't a prisoner of war

-Yeeeaaaahh, he kinda was.

-And so is Obama.

-Right. But if he made it through that for five years, then I think he can make it through a white house for four.

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The president doesn't make every descision. It's really the congress. Which currently is democratic.

Even if McCain IS pissed off, (Which he's not. <_<) he won't be able to invade everywhere. Plus, he doesn't want to invade anything. All he wants is to fix shit in Iraq. We're already there, and if we leave now, things will just get worse.

The wonders of a VETO.

He may not show it, I'm mad too, I do not show it.

He doesn't want to invade yet. Our economic crisis is in the way, if he does want to invade that makes him an automatic retard, no matter how respected he is.

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-Yeeeaaaahh, he kinda was.

-And so is Obama.

-Right. But if he made it through that for five years, then I think he can make it through a white house for four.

Your right we was that was wrong of me

Obama is lieng less

I doubt it

bbl gonna go do HW

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